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Is it me or mando actually?


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Hello, fellow soldiers!


I've just finished my commando medic storyline (lvl 52 atm) and I'm a bit confused with it. I used Dulfy's guide in order to compare scoundrel and commando healing and it seems some mistake is in there


Single Target Healing: 9

AoE Healing: 7

Group Utility: 7

Rotation Difficulty: 7

RNG Dependant: No

Burst Heals: 8

Dps Capability: 10

Signature Ability: Kolto Probe



Single Target Healing: 9

AoE Healing: 8

Group Utility: 10

Rotation Difficulty: 10

RNG Dependant: No

Burst Heals: 10

Dps Capability: 9

Signature Ability: Kolto Bomb


It looks like mando outperforms op in almost every healing situation. But hell, I disegree. Even taken PVE I struggle on my mando(he's geared lvl 50 blues) if ppl take a lot of dmg and don't stand close enough. I just burn all my ammo on direct heals and KB. On my poorly geared Scound(lvl 35 blues due to th 12x xp boost) I managed to keep all party taking heavy dmg quite easily since it has awfully effective energy management - I could burn all the bar and regen it in several seconds. Again it might just be me but along with that resource management I didn't find it's heals being weaker or harder to use - quite the reverse main heals are instant and energy neutral! I can say "Yes, mando burst is smth!" But hell. He has to cast 2 heals and use 1 instant heal on 21 sec CD(crazy cd for a medicore healing skill). On Op u can cast 4! instants one after another while you run around!

I even don't mention PvP where op tears mando apart since it's a faceroll getting 800-900k healing while on mado u have to die where u stand when you get focused. My pal told me that mando has better survivabilty. I couldn't figure out if a 2 min CD +25% dmr and 3 min CD laughable heal (snice at 30% everyone uses those finishers that overkill it's healing) are those that save my ***? While scoundrell has a 45 sec shield that absorbs nice amounts and awesome "hit me if u can!" that purges all dots and resets CD when u are hit so it has a 20-25 sec CD in worst situations. I even don't mention that roll ability. Mandos's sprint looses again! Yes, I guess mando can deal great healing but again - u need an awesome team and ideal situations when no one is LOS or spread out. And again I would gladly trade those extra 100k for being able to avoid that irritant gameplay - u are focused - u are dead if u are on CD's!


So what is the reason of all those complaints? I want damn class be fixed to be effective at what it is supposed to do. Why do we have to suffer if we choose a noble role of healer?! The last nail in my coffin was a gunslinger saying "I don't need your freaking heals, noob pve-healer! Go roll a scoundrel for PVP!"

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Hello, fellow soldiers!


So what is the reason of all those complaints? I want damn class be fixed to be effective at what it is supposed to do. Why do we have to suffer if we choose a noble role of healer?! The last nail in my coffin was a gunslinger saying "I don't need your freaking heals, noob pve-healer! Go roll a scoundrel for PVP!"


You won´t like the answer.


But first things first. You demand fixes because the guide written by a gamer doesn´t fit you experience of the class? That actually made me smile. Thanks for that.


Dulfy stated that the rotation of the Commando is 10/10. This means it cant get more difficult than that in her opinion. You wrote you were not able to manage the resource so I would say you agree there. From here on you got two options. Practice or roll scoundrel. The class is fine just a tad more difficult to play.

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I can only speak for PvE so I have to ignore PvP in here.


There is a good reason why I choose to ignore Dulfy's grading (no offence to her). You can not give an accurate grading since you don't know what is the minimum or the maximum unles you directly compare the involved classes.

And even with comparison it is still affected by the person using the class.


The grading on Dulfy's site is more like a guide-line. It gives you an idea of class' performance.


Now to the Mando vs Scoundrel healing.

Both are viable healers in PvE content. You have to keep your eye a bit more on your cells with Mando, but Scoundrel can waste energy quick if you forget to keep an eye on it.

Mando's Trauma probe is just awesome and less prone to overhealing. besides that it has a good possible burst compared to Scoundrel. Added to that it can keep 2 defensive buffs active at all times compared to none on the Scoundrel.


Now I will not lie, Scoundrel is in a very good position. It's mobility is incredible with being able to heal for a lot without needing to cast anything. Casts can be necessary every now and again, but Scoundrels rely less on casts than Commando.

Besides they have instant decent heals, being able to heal in an instant compared to mando's casting and one instant heal every 21 (18 with set bonus) seconds. These instants and healing on the move make Scoundrel a very good healer.


What I am trying to say is, both healers are fine for PvE. PvP I would not know except that Scoundrel's mobility is awesome for PvP.

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well these small differences are simply explained:



Single Target Healing: 9

they are the at the same level since their casted skill have the same cast time and same weight.


AoE Healing: 8

the 1 point gap is gained by trauma probe being more precise and effective, DR on kolto bomb and if you want, heal on knockback.


Group Utility: 10

again DR on kolto bomb and armor buff on AMP, which both lack from scouprative tools, not all the fights are prone to stealth res, also because at least from my experience we have dps ressing on nim content or it's kinda wipe


Rotation Difficulty: 10

i'd say not really, but mando has a more strict priority system and the only free heal is bacta, while UA/TA system is really forgiving


RNG Dependant: No

well maybe scouprative should have ''yes'' watching at TA/UA system relying on crits partially


Burst Heals: 10

a trauma probe tick+tech overrided MP+bacta+ KB is real good burst


Dps Capability: 9 i'd argue on this..i do more dps on my mando than on my scoundrel


i'd like to add that hammershots is way superior to diagnostic scan, both fun side and effectiveness, and i feel like in general, mando heals are more keen, almost zero overhealing and that ''classic'' feeling on casts and heal buff on supercharged cells.


about pvp: from dps point of view, scouprative seem to be better, as you can see from ranked arenas too, but honestly i don't have so much fun and i feel like i'm rolling around all the time..

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You won´t like the answer.


But first things first. You demand fixes because the guide written by a gamer doesn´t fit you experience of the class? That actually made me smile. Thanks for that.


Dulfy stated that the rotation of the Commando is 10/10. This means it cant get more difficult than that in her opinion. You wrote you were not able to manage the resource so I would say you agree there. From here on you got two options. Practice or roll scoundrel. The class is fine just a tad more difficult to play.


Nope, I request fixes since Op outperforms a commando in PVP significantly. They might be close in PvE, but if they are equal why chose 1 that is weaker in PvP? I mentioned Dulfy's guide since my mates reccomended it and I used to trust that article. I think I do well on my commando since I can keep pretty same numbers on the score. The fact is how I have to sweat with blood for that. While I can support a team with heals I also don't have to run away or simply die anytime I'm focused down. I mean it's just frustrating when you pop ur cd's, heal urself like crazy but yet you die due you have to stand in one place for casts. While on the other class you simply pop cd's or roll away and return to fight in no time.

Don't get me wrong, I love trooper class and I want to play healing commando. But when I'm told "Oh God, we have **** commando healer on our team...." I feel I'm doing it all wrong

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Don't get me wrong, I love trooper class and I want to play healing commando. But when I'm told "Oh God, we have **** commando healer on our team...." I feel I'm doing it all wrong


Totally depends on when the say it. Before or after the match. If it is before a match just don´t listen.


You claim you are doing your job right. No doubt you do - no doubt you are having a tough time doing it. Scoundrel just has to play his class while the Commando has to play his class well (which is harder by Default) and he has to play his enemy.


e.g. You can break line of sight of melees. Or most ppl playing wasd strafe left while fighting (you can combine more buttons while Holding A than you can while holding D) Those and much more minor things making your enemies gameplay uncomfortable are the spitseconds you need to finish your casts.

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Operatives do pull ahead of mando but you're not at that level. For right now, just assume that you can do more and work towards it. Combat medic is the most difficult spec to heal well with (imo), but it can be and is done by a few. If you're on harbinger there's a couple of mando/merc healers that prove it and I'm sure other servers each have their own. Just ask them what they're doing.


- Jolly

Edited by Sowwy
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in the situations and level where the op is having healing problems all of the classes have the same problems. you are dealing with undergeared or no-geared 12x levelers. the scoundrel will have to burn a lot of energy using cast-time abilities to deal with oh-crap moments.
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