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Survival of the Nerdiest: Fatalities Match 1 Preparation Thread!


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OK so this is just general information with a little back story who every wins will get the full treatment


Character Name: Jaryan Dawar


Class-Bounty Hunter former Deathwatch Mandolorian commando

Species-Mandalorian -former Death watch commando (rebel against Darth Maul after he killed Pre Vizsla )

Skill(s)- Anti-Jedi combative techniques,Hand to hand combat, Marksmen,speaks Huttese, Mando'a and basic

Clothing- Black/Red Mandolorian death watch armor (Jetpack ,Helmet HUD system )


Quick question since i am assuming he will be working for the empire would he be able to get Beskar armor its possible he could have also came across a small amount enough to build him some armor but that's about it


this is my first character i will post the next one in a few also i will add there items after the vote

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Character Name: Julius Brash


Class- Jedi knight


Skill(s)- skilled in Hand to hand combat ,speaks huttese and basic ,charming and very persuasive , a quick thinker and a born leader

Clothing-Jedi smuggler hybrid hooded armor



1. Lightsaber wrist hilt focus crystal and electric blue color crystal

2. S-5 Heavy blaster



Psychological Profile:





Historical Background:

Born on Coruscant he grow up in the Works surround by old factories ,smugglers and gangs. His father a charm and charismatic smuggler and his mother a brilliant engineer who were part of his crew. When he was born the decide to give up their criminal life style and rise their son together on Coruscant.their son Julius had a strong connection in the force and had a inherit ability in force cloak he would appear and disappear with ease


refused to participated in the War as a General in the GRA he lead a small jedi/clone strike team that focus on infiltrating and destroying separatist outposts inside of Hutt space and other outer rim systems when order 66 was implemented the clone trooper under his command turned on each other the ones who were still loyal to the republic fought back against the traitors three of the jedi under His command were killed and all but one of the clones still loyal to the true republic survived the onslaught we were able to steal a ship and disappeared into the outer rim and for the past few years living in space and doing odd jobs in and around hutts space



Lightsaber Forms



Form I - Shii Cho (Moderate) Free

Form II- Makashi (Basic)Free

Form III- Soresu (basic) Free

Form IV- Ataru (mastered) 28 points

Form V- Shien / Djem (mastered)28 points

Form VI- Niman (expert) 5 points









Force speed (moderate)2 points

Force cloak (mastered)5 points

Force stealth* (mastered) 5 points

Force sight (basic) free

Farseeing (basic) free

Force empathy (basic) free

Telepathy (moderate)2 points

Telekinesis (moderate) 2 points

Force Jump/Leap (moderate)2 points

Force Pull/Push (moderate)2 points






Force Sense(moderate) 3 points

Force Listening (moderate) 3 points

Force Throw* (moderate)2 points

Force Wave* (moderate) 2 points

Force Whisper* (basic) free

Detoxify poison (basic) 1 point

Projected Telepathy* (basic)free

Precognition (moderate) 3 points

Tutaminis*(moderate) 2 points


Force Deflection (basic)free

Force Suppression (moderate) 6 points

Alter image (Basic)2

Pyrokinesis (moderate) 6points

Mechu-deru* (moderate) 5 points


Shatterpoint (moderate) 9 points

Phase (moderate)8 points

lightsaber throw (basic) free






Force Persuasion(mastered) 5 points

Mind Trick* (moderate) 2 points

Force Calm* (moderate) 2 points

Malacia (moderate) 8 points




Edit just editing my character with his force abilities he isn't finished yet i want to add to his history and his Psychological Profile then i am done

Edited by Jarons
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Merely trying to say use that video, been trying to fit it somewhere for ages... Though I think the Jedi might be slightly more interesting.


I also have a dark jedi who who fall after his wife and and Daughter were raped and killed in front of him and he went and told the council what happen and they told him not to get revenged and follow the jedi teaching he wouldn't listen and he after them and then it turned out the Jedi protected the men who he was going after so he wouldn't kill them so he killed the jedi their and the men who killed his family and swear he will kill every Jedi he comes across


that was a good movie


side note:so i guess am ruling Jedi knight/master

Edited by Jarons
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So I updated my player character, I think it is time people start choosing and posting their characters.


Quite an impressive Blade Master if I may say so! Though, :Dem So is unknown to me. Perhaps you could tell me the lore behind it sometime? :p


Still working out the details with my own, but I know the basics and personality is down stat right now, he is going to annoy so many people on accident. :D I swear, if he some how survives, be it his own troops not putting him in irons, or the Rebels some how not killing him... I will be amazed. You all shall love him in despair!

Edited by Silenceo
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Character Name: Romen Aternus

Faction: Rebels

Class: Jedi Master

Species- Human

Gender- Male

Age: 102

Height: 5’9”

Skill(s) - Master of over two dozen forms of communication, exceptional knowledge of the sciences, very good tactical understanding, acting and looking like a harmless old man

Clothing- All black Jedi like robes




1. A rather plain lightsaber.




Short Bio:

Romen Aternus was born into the last great house of Jedi Lords, hailing all the way back to the New Sith Wars. Destined to be a Jedi since birth Romen fulfilled his duty to the fullest. His service to the Order and the Republic has lasted for practically nine decades. It would be difficult to tell of everything that he has done.


Within the last decade he pulled out of participating in most galactic affairs, choosing instead to retire to a hermitage on the fringes of known space. Romen, who had always loved learning, began to focus on expanding his knowledge on the topics he loved. It was in his hermitage that he heard of the outbreak of the Clone Wars. A war that saw him return, briefly to galactic affairs.


His participation in the war was minimal, but when he was present he met with success. Nearly a hundred years of experience and study—both Force and otherwise—gave him an edge that saw him achieve a couple of minor victories for the Republic. But for the most part he was relegated to areas far from the frontlines.


Luckily, when Order 66 went out he was far from any clones who would carry it out. Suspicion arose when he got a message telling all Jedi to return to the temple. Being a stubborn old man he didn’t go. Then he got a message saying the exact opposite, and that made things more interesting. He slipped into obscurity, vanishing without a trace to figure out what was going on. (Being old made some things a bit easier.) He only recently decided to come out of hiding to help a fledgling Rebel cell in its fight against the new Galactic Empire.






Master Aternus has a keen and nimble mind. He only got better in anything with age and experience. A true prodigy only in the study of military tactics, he developed Force skills to match. All he wants in this turbulent galaxy is peace. Most of his life the Republic, despite its failings, kept the galaxy in a relatively peaceful state and that is what he would like it to return to





Lightsaber Forms:



Shii Cho (moderate) (Free)

Niman (master) (14-first lvl is free?)

Makashi (minor) (Free)

Soresu (Master) (28-first lvl is free?)

Ataru (Minor) (Free)

Shien (Master) (28-first lvl is free?)

Djem So (Moderate) (Free-2 lvls in Shien give 1 in Djem So)






Force Speed (mastery) (5)

Force Cloak (minor) (free)

Force stealth (minor) (free)

Force sight* (minor) (free)

Farseeing (moderate) (2)

Force empathy (minor) (free)

Telepathy (minor) (free)

Telekinesis (mastery) (5)

Force Jump/Leap (minor) (free)

Force Pull/Push (mastery) (5)



With Saber


Lightsaber throw (minor) (free)

Saber barrier (minor) (free)





Tutanimis (mastery) (5)

Force Throw (master) (5)

Force Wave (master) (5)

Battle Meditation (master) (12)




Light Side



Force Persuasion (Minor) (free)

Precognition (Master) (12)

Battlemind (Master) (24)


Edited by karadron
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