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Noob question: What is the strongest PvP class at top level as of 2.10?


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But that's not because operative healers are overpowered, but because the the other two healers need to be buffed up to the level of operative healers. Kind of like how DPS mercs need to be buffed up to the level of snipers.


I don't get why people say that about dps mercs. I do exceeding well on my merc.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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Average rating in season #3 goes in this order (as of saturday which was the last time I checked):


1) vg/pt

2) sage/sorc

3) op/scound

4) guard/jugg

5) sin/shad

6) mara/sent


vg/pt are a bit above everyone on that list with over 1200 avg rating. But most of the others are within 10pts or so of the ac above/below them. And some acs vary by 10-20 pts by faction (juggs have a higher avg than guardians).


As far as server activity, most servers heavily favor imps. But while the number of different imps outnumber the pubs on pot5 leaderboards, pubs have a much higher avg number of wins per character. I can give specific /updated numbers tonight when I'm at my pc...

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I remember playing Marauder in early SWTOR stage and I obliterated everyone while barely killed killed once in 3~4 warzones. When I played other characters, it was not the same despite putting the same effort. Good players will make anything work, but there will be a different at the top level just like any other games.


It's exactly like this way.


So, when measuring the amount of effort needed "to make a class work", from this standpoint on all of this call "no class is better than the other one" is complete BS.


If you take the effort needed to "make it work", then some classes are clearly superior.

And Sorcs / Sages are at the bottom of that list, imho, following this measure. Because they require a LOT more skill than some other classes.


Interesting thing is that the amount of effort required "to make it work" is often downplayed - mostly by superior players, I assume, who can get ANYTHING into work - even a fully rusted through car ...

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It's exactly like this way.


So, when measuring the amount of effort needed "to make a class work", from this standpoint on all of this call "no class is better than the other one" is complete BS.


If you take the effort needed to "make it work", then some classes are clearly superior.

And Sorcs / Sages are at the bottom of that list, imho, following this measure. Because they require a LOT more skill than some other classes.


Interesting thing is that the amount of effort required "to make it work" is often downplayed - mostly by superior players, I assume, who can get ANYTHING into work - even a fully rusted through car ...


uh madness sorcs are one of the easier classes to put up high numbers currently. I main one...

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If you take the effort needed to "make it work", then some classes are clearly superior.

And Sorcs / Sages are at the bottom of that list, imho, following this measure. Because they require a LOT more skill than some other classes.


Interesting thing is that the amount of effort required "to make it work" is often downplayed - mostly by superior players, I assume, who can get ANYTHING into work - even a fully rusted through car ...





I main a sorc and they are the most ezmode class in the game.

Edited by Tellenn
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1. One on one fight - shadow / assassin, scoundrel / operative, guardian / jugg


2. Survivability - scoundrel / operative heals (slippery as a fish), any tank, guardian / jugg


3. Overall (dps specs only) - shadow / assassin, guardian / jugg, VG / PT


4. Burst damage - shadow / assassin, commando / merc, sentinel / marauder


5. Usefulness in Huttball - guardian / jugg, scoundrel / operative, tanks and heals


6. Best Node Guards - any stealth class, VG / PT


7. Kiting - sage / sorc, VG / PT


8. More...


And Slinger/Sniper is nowhere in sight.

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And Guardians have by far the most front line survivability.



Aside from that.. to answer your last question:


A good player can still make anything work.

A bad player still can't make anything work.


Nothing changed there.


Yeah guardians are a b*tch to kill and they do decent DPS if played correctly... Which a lot of people can't


I wouldn't say they are the best or the most fun... It all comes down to your preferred type of game play and skill lvl...

Do you prefer ranged or melee

Can you defend yourself on a more squishy class or do you need the extra survivability to escape/kill

What do you get the most enjoyment playing


"A good player can still make anything work.

A bad player still can't make anything work"..... This is so true

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Yeah well.. marauders were just silly back then. It's much better now.


You're not going to lose to any worse player because they play a "better" class.

If that is what you're telling yourself then you need to level the f up. (that wasn't to you specifically, just in general)


I beg to differ thats why 75 off the leaderboard on ranked are counselor or inquistor class but hey its just me, it couldnt be unbalanced SMH

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