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Hunter's Planning Table Holo Projector Bugged in 2.10.2:(


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Hello, so I just bought the hunter's planning table the other day on the GTN & think it's an amazing decoration, every time I was in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold I would turn it on and hangout in my command room:D but now with the 2.10.2 patch update when you click the holoprojector it turns on for a quick second then simple turns off right away by itself. Can this bug please be fixed, thank you:) Edited by illestKING
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Hello, so I just bought the hunter's planning table the other day on the GTN & think it's an amazing decoration, every time I was in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold I would turn it on and hangout in my command room:D but now with the 2.10.2 patch update when you click the holoprojector it turns on for a quick second then simple turns off right away by itself. Can this bug please be fixed, thank you:)


I'll second this.


I've tried placing the table in multiple rooms in multiple strongholds and it does indeed click on for a brief second then it turns itself off.


Would be great if the bug could be addressed as it is, as stated above me, an amazing decoration. :)

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I own both the Slicer's and the Hunter's planning table. I expect that there will be an entire series of these tables. It would be nice if the holo-projection device worked the exact same way on all of them.


Currently, the Slicer's table's holo is always on with no toggle option. The Hunter's table's holo always starts off, but can be toggled on (though that is currently bugged now too.)


My ideal preference would be that the tables all have a toggle option that remembers what it's last state was when you left your stronghold. If that is not possible, I would prefer that they all have a toggle option that starts off when you load into your stronghold so the player can decide which ones they would like to turn on when they are present.

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Further ditto on the request for a fix of the Hunter Table.


I too would like the option on the holo tables to be able to toggle them on and off, with that setting remaining valid for at least as long as I am in the stronghold.

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