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Marauder Companion issue


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Hey guys, been playing my marauder lately and ive been having a lot of fun, there is only one issue i really dislike and i want to know if its different for any of you: I really like Quinn as a companion, but the main reason i use him is because of his heals, now i really like a lot more using Jaesa as a companion but the fact that i have to channel hatred every time after a single fight thanks to the lack of heals is truly a turn off, so does anyone have the same problem?
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Hey guys, been playing my marauder lately and ive been having a lot of fun, there is only one issue i really dislike and i want to know if its different for any of you: I really like Quinn as a companion, but the main reason i use him is because of his heals, now i really like a lot more using Jaesa as a companion but the fact that i have to channel hatred every time after a single fight thanks to the lack of heals is truly a turn off, so does anyone have the same problem?


any roll not taken by a companion will be filled by you. This will be 2 sometimes all 3 roles depending on how you play.


When running with DPS companions it is a race to see who kills who first quite literally as you have no healer and will probably be playing the role of tank as well meaning you will have all the aggro. You will kill mobs extremely quickly, but will take more time regaining health between fights.


When running with a tank companion it is a race to kill it before your tank dies at which point you will be last man standing and drawing all the aggro.


with healer you are the DPS and Tank and will survive more but fights will take longer as you only have one person doing damage and you need to make sure healer is protected from adds.


Everyone has these issues, as a DPS. When you heal or tank the dynamics change slightly but not much. If you want a change you can try treek as a healing tank which make things some what easier in certain fights.


I usually ran a dps companion just to burn through things faster, if there were hard fights i would swap to healer to keep me up.

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Wait... what... Quinn heals??


Lol yeah as far as i know thats the only healer i got beside the robot (forgot his name sorry). And yeah DOHboy you are completely right thats exactly the situations ive faced, wish we could have more self heals in combat, or at least, you know, not get downed to half our health in a droid battle, we ARE siths right?

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Step 1: Send Jaeesa in first against strongest mob in the group.

Step 2: Jump in after she grabs aggro.

Step 3: Finish off small fry in the pack.

Step 4: Dps like mad and get aggro from the mobs Jaeesa has on her or the mob dies.

Step 5: Against elites and up, pop camo when at 30% hp or so and let Jaeesa take aggro again and finish the fight.


Normal groups besides bosses and the like should be finished by step 4 and only Jaeesa should be hurt in any substantial way. Mount up or resummon her for insta full health. You yourself shouldn't be hurt enough that max two/three ticks of hp regen can't fix.


I barely have ANY downtime with her this way except against elite or better mobs. But that comes with the territory of being awesome. You are simply not awesome if you use Quinn. Nothing against you, but Quinn is a douche. I do make sure she is as geared as I am, though :)

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Step 1: Send Jaeesa in first against strongest mob in the group.

Step 2: Jump in after she grabs aggro.

Step 3: Finish off small fry in the pack.

Step 4: Dps like mad and get aggro from the mobs Jaeesa has on her or the mob dies.

Step 5: Against elites and up, pop camo when at 30% hp or so and let Jaeesa take aggro again and finish the fight.


Normal groups besides bosses and the like should be finished by step 4 and only Jaeesa should be hurt in any substantial way. Mount up or resummon her for insta full health. You yourself shouldn't be hurt enough that max two/three ticks of hp regen can't fix.


I barely have ANY downtime with her this way except against elite or better mobs. But that comes with the territory of being awesome. You are simply not awesome if you use Quinn. Nothing against you, but Quinn is a douche. I do make sure she is as geared as I am, though :)


Imma try that, seems like a good plan. Altho imma really miss Quinn throwing that kolto explosion at me :(:(:(

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Lol yeah as far as i know thats the only healer i got beside the robot (forgot his name sorry). And yeah DOHboy you are completely right thats exactly the situations ive faced, wish we could have more self heals in combat, or at least, you know, not get downed to half our health in a droid battle, we ARE siths right?


Sorry by my comment I meant that he is the weakest healing companion (atleast Imp side). Oftern I've sat from 50% life to dead as Quinn just fired off his gun. I recommend getting Treek.


IMO having a heal companion is the best option as you have limited downtime and it provides more mobs to practice dps against.

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Sorry by my comment I meant that he is the weakest healing companion (atleast Imp side). Oftern I've sat from 50% life to dead as Quinn just fired off his gun. I recommend getting Treek.


IMO having a heal companion is the best option as you have limited downtime and it provides more mobs to practice dps against.


Yeah he is weak haha but isnt Treek like very expensive to get?!

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DOHboy is right. With what ever companion you run with your gonna have to fill roles that are not your own.

I personally on my sentinel run with Doc and take all the aggro. Big thing Im wondering is if on Quinn if you turned off their DPS attacks and they made them full on healing mode. I had to do that on mine to make him heal more rather then trying to cast a DPS attack when I really need a heal XD.


And while Treek is not cheap she is the best companion over all. I just dont use her on my sent cause I got use to Doc and just holding all the aggro XD.

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DOHboy is right. With what ever companion you run with your gonna have to fill roles that are not your own.

Why do people insist that that is the way it 'has to be'? It only 'has to be' that way if you want lazy/ez-mode or if you're soloing content not meant to be solo'd. Hell, I solo'd the two cave bosses on Oricon on my fresh 55 Marauder in barely 140 gear with Jaeesa (similarly geared). And it was a cr*pton more fun and rewarding compared to my pyro PT + Mako (which made the bosses about as hard as a regular elites). Yeah, I ended with about ~600hp left on the Bothrium boss, but it was a challenge and fun. :)


If you want an easier time, by all means take a tank or healer as a dps class. But don't come and say you 'have to fill roles that are not your own'. Thats bull. Just expect to use all your tools, cooldowns, stuns, threat drops/taunts, etc at your disposal instead of your default and boring dps rotation.

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Why do people insist that that is the way it 'has to be'? It only 'has to be' that way if you want lazy/ez-mode or if you're soloing content not meant to be solo'd. Hell, I solo'd the two cave bosses on Oricon on my fresh 55 Marauder in barely 140 gear with Jaeesa (similarly geared). And it was a cr*pton more fun and rewarding compared to my pyro PT + Mako (which made the bosses about as hard as a regular elites). Yeah, I ended with about ~600hp left on the Bothrium boss, but it was a challenge and fun. :)


If you want an easier time, by all means take a tank or healer as a dps class. But don't come and say you 'have to fill roles that are not your own'. Thats bull. Just expect to use all your tools, cooldowns, stuns, threat drops/taunts, etc at your disposal instead of your default and boring dps rotation.


completely agree, killed all the boss's in Oricon during the quest line with my guardian and Kira, was in adaptable gear with Makeb mods (146?) the hardest one was in the Tower, they are all the same mostly, just interrupt all skills you can ! it was really fun

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