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Who is "honey boo-boo"?


honey booboo player = a gutter rat, complete and utter trash.


honey booboo gear = going in to PVP with end-game PVE gear that doesn't get bolster or any combination of gear that doesn't give you full bolster or close to full bolster regardless of what bracket you're playing in.


honey booboo status = pvping lowbie, hitting 55, re-rolling another character and pvping lowbie again...


been drinking too much honey booboo = says things like "i've never done 4v4 arena, but 4v4 arena < 8v8 war zone when it comes to developing your individual skills with your class."


I could keep going, but I think you're catching my drift. ;)

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honey booboo player = a gutter rat, complete and utter trash.


honey booboo gear = going in to PVP with end-game PVE gear that doesn't get bolster or any combination of gear that doesn't give you full bolster or close to full bolster regardless of what bracket you're playing in.


honey booboo status = pvping lowbie, hitting 55, re-rolling another character and pvping lowbie again...


been drinking too much honey booboo = says things like "i've never done 4v4 arena, but 4v4 arena < 8v8 war zone when it comes to developing your individual skills with your class."


I could keep going, but I think you're catching my drift. ;)



Preach it my brotha!!! Preach it!!

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honey booboo player = a gutter rat, complete and utter trash.


honey booboo gear = going in to PVP with end-game PVE gear that doesn't get bolster or any combination of gear that doesn't give you full bolster or close to full bolster regardless of what bracket you're playing in.


I never did that.

honey booboo status = pvping lowbie, hitting 55, re-rolling another character and pvping lowbie again...


most people make alts, and pvp on them. Not sure how this is insultive if someone makes an alt and pvps in other tiers.


been drinking too much honey booboo = says things like "i've never done 4v4 arena, but 4v4 arena < 8v8 war zone when it comes to developing your individual skills with your class."


I never said this either. I have done tons of 4 vs 4 matches. And, the fact of the matter is that 4 vs 4 matches require different strategies than an 8 vs 8... I personally like 8 vs 8 matches better. Doesn't mean I have lesser skills.


I could keep going, but I think you're catching my drift. ;)


So basically your entire diatribe that is supposed to define "honey boo-boo" actually has nothing in common with me? Well, that settles that then! Glad you explained what "honey boo-boo" means. :rolleyes:

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So basically your entire diatribe that is supposed to define "honey boo-boo" actually has nothing in common with me? Well, that settles that then! Glad you explained what "honey boo-boo" means. :rolleyes:


I never said you had honey booboo gear...


I never said you were honey booboo status, but to be honest that is mostly "TBD". As far as making alts, that's not what I'm referring to and you know it, but if that's what you like to do, so be it. It's just weaksauce. This isn't a game that you can twink in and quite frankly PVPing lowbie all the time is just lame. It's the equivalent of playing every video game in the history of man-kind on easy mode and saying that you beat the game. You can't claim to beat a game that you only played on easy mode and you can't claim to be good at PVP when you don't PVP in 55s. That is all. <3


And I'm pretty sure you were sippin' on some honey booboo in one of these threads, you just didn't finish the glass, you pored the rest out..


Don't worry homie, I'll be here all day. :cool:

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I never said you had honey booboo gear...


I never said you were honey booboo status, but to be honest that is mostly "TBD". As far as making alts, that's not what I'm referring to and you know it, but if that's what you like to do, so be it. It's just weaksauce. This isn't a game that you can twink in and quite frankly PVPing lowbie all the time is just lame. It's the equivalent of playing every video game in the history of man-kind on easy mode and saying that you beat the game. You can't claim to beat a game that you only played on easy mode and you can't claim to be good at PVP when you don't PVP in 55s. That is all. <3


And I'm pretty sure you were sippin' on some honey booboo in one of these threads, you just didn't finish the glass, you poUred the rest out..


Don't worry homie, I'll be here all day. :cool:


I like you Sindol, even if you take the game a little more seriously than you should. Especially when you say things like, "pvping in lowbies is lame" and "lvl 55 pvp is serious business". When you say these things, well, I can't help but chuckle inside a little bit.


With that being said, at least you don't take anything personal and you actually can look at the bigger picture of things and go with the flow, having fun along the way.


Also, I corrected ANOTHER part of your post. Maybe you should hire me as your proofreader? If you keep making these errors your message could be misconstrued, and you see what happens when THAT occurs. Just look at my fun-filled threads!

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I like you Sindol, even if you take the game a little more seriously than you should. Especially when you say things like, "pvping in lowbies is lame" and "lvl 55 pvp is serious business". When you say these things, well, I can't help but chuckle inside a little bit.


With that being said, at least you don't take anything personal and you actually can look at the bigger picture of things and go with the flow, having fun along the way.


Also, I corrected ANOTHER part of your post. Maybe you should hire me as your proofreader? If you keep making these errors your message could be misconstrued, and you see what happens when THAT occurs. Just look at my fun-filled threads!






I said 55 PVP was super cereal? God dangit I'm getting see-nile. (message misconstrued?!)


See what I did there? Hehe. But yo, it doesn't really matter if my messages are misconstrued though, because the people that matter to me, my friends, which oddly enough is probably like 90% of the people that I would consider to be a part of the PVP community on this server. I'm well acquainted and on good standing with the majority of the members of TEH PVP community that have stuck it out and don't think any of them would take my words the wrong whey (errrr WAY), they would just make a point to correct any typos or misspelling, like you did, and tell me I'm a scrubby roleplayer that needs to go back to grade school!




Which is true, that Mississippi education ain't too stronk, ya know?


Anyways, what were we talking about again? Ah yes, lowbie PVP, c'mon maaaaaaaaaan, you're the one that takes lowbie PVP WAY too seriously. I could sit here and clown you all day and make jokes about how -you- think lowbie PVP is serious business. The same kind of silly comments you throw at people about 55 PVP. It's a moot point though, because there's no sense in me smothering you with bantha poodoo over a topic that I know, that everyone else knows is just silly.


But hey, like I said, if lowbie is where you want to PVP that's cool. Just prepare to be forever trolled by yours truly and probably the rest of the community if you spend the majority of your time PVPing in the lowbie bracket. Because you, my friend, are most definitely the black sheep or the ugly duckling when it comes to your preferences with PVP if you truly prefer lowbie over end-game PVP. 90% of the 'good' PVPers in this game, not just on this server, will lol @ people that talk a big game in lowbies and aren't ever seen in 55s. You can say they're raging or they're super serious because they want you to bring your smack talk to 55s, but that's really not the case. The truth of the matter is, they're probably cool people with a competitive edge and are eager to PVP with another competitive young man that is grinding his way through lowbies. So, you can see how disappointing it is for them if they spend all this time waiting for you to get to 55 PVP because you talked so much smack along the way only to see you get there and disappear. It's a sad thing, PVP types actually enjoy a little bit of light-hearted chirp about PVP here and there. It keeps things interesting and urges us to push the fight a little bit harder when we're in-game. There's nothing wrong with this. This doesn't mean people are taking themselves way to serious because this is, afterall, a video game. It just means they're trying to maximized their potential for fun!






Where did that wall-o-text come from? Am I too super cereal about this game now because I took the time to type out some super cereal post on these trollolololololol forums?!



Edited by Sindol
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Sindol... You have a selective memory though. Perhaps, you never said 55 pvp is SERIOUS, but you know as well as I do, that this has been repeated by many of your forumpals. I for one, never, ever, ever, said that lowbie pvp was serious. I pretty much put all the tiers in the same not-so-serious basket. I can honestly admit that the different tiers have different apsects which are enjoyable. Shame on me? Fine. I like lowbie, mids, and 55 pvp. Shame on me.
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Sindol... You have a selective memory though. Perhaps, you never said 55 pvp is SERIOUS, but you know as well as I do, that this has been repeated by many of your forumpals. I for one, never, ever, ever, said that lowbie pvp was serious. I pretty much put all the tiers in the same not-so-serious basket. I can honestly admit that the different tiers have different apsects which are enjoyable. Shame on me? Fine. I like lowbie, mids, and 55 pvp. Shame on me.


Nah, not shame on you. I enjoy all tiers as well. I just spend more time in 55 than the others as most people who enjoy PVP do. Because honestly, it's super easy to beat them lowbie f2pers, but that doesn't mean it's not fun. Just means if I actually want some competition I usually have to go to 55s for that. And, for you, saying that you enjoy all tiers is cool and all, but until today, you hadn't even experienced 55 PVP. So, that meant that nobody could provide you with any merit in that regard. Here's to the future though, hopefully you get your 55 PVP game as stronk as your lowbie PVP game.


And I'm not saying that you -actually- stated that lowbie PVP was serious. I'm just poking at the fact that I could hammer you with all kinds of punches that insinuate this, just like you've done to my "forum pals". I think, initially, you just took everyone loling at you and telling you to get on that 55 game for them being 'serious' about 55 pvp. When in reality, they're just beckoning you to hurry up so they can bask in your competitive PVP spirit in the 55 bracket where the rest of the committed PVPers are. Hate to rain on your parade, but lowbie PVP is faceroll easy, and never will I ever lose a lowbie PVP game with a premade of my PVP buddies. It will be the same result every time. 6-0 huttball. triple cap novare/civil war, lol voidstar, and double cap pylon in hypergates. LOL GG every single time with that lowbie pre-made, ya heard?

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Sindol what is your erection for this guy about? Literally all of these threads are just you and the Anima guy displaying world class dutch rudder




lol @ this young man gettin' at me...


Don't be jelly, baby. I'm just trying to show this fella the ways of the light side of the Force?

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Hah, that's a little better. All your other posts really just make you look mad, feels like I'm watching a soap opera and I don't understand why the one guy is mad at the other guy, but then I find out that the other guy screwed the one guy's girl and now it all makes sense, y'know?
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