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The concept art on main page for Class story event


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basiclly I love how these hardcore jobless people(or part timers to give them some slack) they have more time to play then anybody and complain about ppl that do not have more then 1-2 hours a day(maybe) to spend in-game but they`d pay for vanity instead of going the free route but time consuming. Do such ppl suggest I quit my job for a freaking game?

They want it only their way, time-consuming(which they have loads) and free(not keen on spending money) and complain about a 2nd option of simply buying a vanity item just because they would not pay for them themselves.


Again talking strictly about VANITY no pay2win BS


I can understand how you might feel but stating all the hardcore people are jobless is not really helping. I know two individuals who raid but they work at a full time job and one of them also attends college, so you are not really being fair on this.


No they were not being fair to you as well , but two wrongs don't make a right. As far as the armor it doesn't matter to me (honestly I don't like them lol).

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I can understand how you might feel but stating all the hardcore people are jobless is not really helping. I know two individuals who raid but they work at a full time job and one of them also attends college, so you are not really being fair on this.


No they were not being fair to you as well , but two wrongs don't make a right. As far as the armor it doesn't matter to me (honestly I don't like them lol).


these hardcore jobless people
I didn`t say all + i ment the "gamers" who all portrate themselves(on the forums) hardcore and PRO in anything concerning the game.


I am partly sorry for it but the other guy stated the having a job is not excuse and I beg to differ with 12 hour shifts I can`t squeaze more then 2 hours a day. He makes me think the have job and still raid ppl are part-time workers or max 8 hour job a day. I have no interest in PvE progression as I have no interest in PvE stats, It`s just eye-candy i want everybody should be ok with time consuming and free of charge path or alternatively simply buying vanity; instead I keep getting bombarded with hate and forced to swallow "Raids" which I do not care for.


Thx for imposing your OWN will on others guys.

Edited by iDraxter
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More like people want it now and don't want it then. It's the self entitled unicorn effect, the lofty ideals that they believe they should reach a goal much sooner than they are currently capable of.


They want the looks not the stats why would it bother you? You can buy those armor too and put NiM mods to show as achievement.

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