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Who had the Tougher Training, IA or Trooper?


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Right, I'm curious what people think about this.


Shall we assume the Agent was sent to the Imperial Officer Corps followed by special training from Imperial Intelligence, while the Trooper went to the Republic military academy followed by special forces training?



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IA I think.


Agents have special forces training and in addition to that they receive training in slicing, investigation, piloting, languages, demolitions, assassination techniques, interrogation, and more. In addition they are trained to do all of this while often operating solo.

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I think the Imperial Agent states at one point: "I am trained to kill Jedi," or something along those lines. I'm not sure Spec-Ops would be trained to face off against Sith Lords.


On the subject of Seduction, I guess the accent helps hugely...


Well the one trailer has a previous version of havok squad mowing down Sith like there a bunch of chumps

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Well the one trailer has a previous version of havok squad mowing down Sith like there a bunch of chumps


There were a bunch of chumps... they're called Havoc Squad. :p


But seriously, you don't need training to shoot at someone. IA training is more like how to get them to come out of hiding, to show you their weak spots, and so forth.

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Well the one trailer has a previous version of havok squad mowing down Sith like there a bunch of chumps


umm no..


go re-watch Hope. and actually WATCH it carefully

Havok squad starts off strong, mostly killing droids, we don't see any sith get "mowed down" when the Sith actually engage in force, Havok squad is getting it's rear end handed to them until Satele shan shows up.

they MAY have gotten a few sith, but "mowing down sith like they where chumps?" nope.

Edited by BrianDavion
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It's a bit of an aside, but the timeline of republic special forces is kind of a mess. They were supposedly founded after the sacking of Coruscant and the departure of the Jedi from galactic affairs just before the end of the war, primarily to fill the gap in leadership and morale symbols they left, but they're also referred to as having an active part in that war several times. I don't even know if the guys in the Hope trailer are meant to be them or not.


Anyway. Since there's no actual information about what training for each involves or, for the most part, what they're even trained to do, it's kind of hard to say. According to their codex entry, Republic special forces are trained for versatility and able to perform a wide variety of missions from recon and infiltration to full on assault. It's entirely plausible that they'd be trained and equipped to fight force users, but that doesn't really tell us anything as to what that actually involves. And if we look to the Trooper story, whilst your various companions are (mostly) extraordinary soldiers and the best in their fields, they don't really seem to go through any supplementary training before beginning active duty.


Random guess, I'd have to assume agent training is harsher, especially if we're talking Cipher agents. With the amount of things they seemingly need to master, the psychological stress of it all and, I can only assume, the expectation that they do master them on pain of death (because either way, agents that fail their missions are apparently executed) I'd be surprised if many of them even survive.

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I would say it depends in what field you would put them, if its standard combat the the trooper however the more covert stuff would have to be IA.

Lets not forget that just saying Imperial Agent adds weight to the role they're carrying out whilst trooper is a standard grunt (just like sith troops).


If however you'd want to compare a HAVOC squad member to the IA that would be for me personally an even fight between these two as both have specialist training and know their stuff.

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It's a bit of an aside, but the timeline of republic special forces is kind of a mess. They were supposedly founded after the sacking of Coruscant and the departure of the Jedi from galactic affairs just before the end of the war, primarily to fill the gap in leadership and morale symbols they left, but they're also referred to as having an active part in that war several times. I don't even know if the guys in the Hope trailer are meant to be them or not.


Anyway. Since there's no actual information about what training for each involves or, for the most part, what they're even trained to do, it's kind of hard to say. According to their codex entry, Republic special forces are trained for versatility and able to perform a wide variety of missions from recon and infiltration to full on assault. It's entirely plausible that they'd be trained and equipped to fight force users, but that doesn't really tell us anything as to what that actually involves. And if we look to the Trooper story, whilst your various companions are (mostly) extraordinary soldiers and the best in their fields, they don't really seem to go through any supplementary training before beginning active duty.


Random guess, I'd have to assume agent training is harsher, especially if we're talking Cipher agents. With the amount of things they seemingly need to master, the psychological stress of it all and, I can only assume, the expectation that they do master them on pain of death (because either way, agents that fail their missions are apparently executed) I'd be surprised if many of them even survive.


the way I read it, special forces as an individual command is a new thing. but they existed before then. think of it as the differance between the RFC and the RAF

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