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The capital of Alderaan?


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I read on Wookieepedia that the capital of Alderaan is Aldera. However it also says that Aldera was constructed in 719 BBY, way after the era we are currently playing in this game. But once you read through the history section of the article, it actually says "The royal city of Aldera already existed as early as 719 BBY..." it doesn't explicitly state that the city was founded during that time, only that it definitly existed. It may thus be older.


So my question is: Is Aldera the capital of Alderaan in the era of The Old Republic? And if it's not, do we know which city is the current capital?



Link to Wookieepedia article for those interested: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Aldera

Edited by TheCruxis
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It's a fairly good question.


Do consider the following though: Alderaan seceded from the Republic following the Treaty of Coruscant and shortly after, the heir to the throne was killed. Further down the road, Queen Pantheer died in a transport crash, leaving the planet leaderless. In the process, House Thul returned from exile, now backed by the Empire and in the ensuing chaos, Boris Ulgo self-proclaimed himself King, and tried to kill every living member of House Panteer, the ruling leaders of Alderaan.


It's civil war.


In addition to this, every single territory is obviously named but key points with a taxi ride, a sizable population number, commerce and the like are identified with "House < name of the house >".


In other words, I guess it's fair to assume that each major House sees its palace or territory as a capital of sorts.


I could be wrong though. ;)

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Well, wherever House Panteer is, I guess. It seems like they have a feudal system (which is odd, considering that the Republic is a Democracy and yet has a Monarchy in it's midst.


But I guess each of the Houses have their own territorial capitals, and seeing as it uses a system where the Territorial Capitals are pretty much autonomous, like a Greek Polis, then the Capital will not necessarily be that big, since industry is spread out... my guess is House Panteer.

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Well, wherever House Panteer is, I guess. It seems like they have a feudal system (which is odd, considering that the Republic is a Democracy and yet has a Monarchy in it's midst.


But I guess each of the Houses have their own territorial capitals, and seeing as it uses a system where the Territorial Capitals are pretty much autonomous, like a Greek Polis, then the Capital will not necessarily be that big, since industry is spread out... my guess is House Panteer.


I like this example. ;)

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Well, wherever House Panteer is, I guess. It seems like they have a feudal system (which is odd, considering that the Republic is a Democracy and yet has a Monarchy in it's midst.


But I guess each of the Houses have their own territorial capitals, and seeing as it uses a system where the Territorial Capitals are pretty much autonomous, like a Greek Polis, then the Capital will not necessarily be that big, since industry is spread out... my guess is House Panteer.


It's not a feudal system really, it's a constitutional, electable monarchy. The aristocratic parliament chooses the regent (although it does seem they seem to chose to let the crown pass from parent to child most of the time). It still is not a democracy though, you are right about that, because parliament consists soley of nobles, no commoners have any hand in ruling Alderaan.


My question was perhaps poorly phrased though. While I am interested in knowing whether Alderaan has a capital or not, and which it is, I am mostly curious to simply know "Does the city of Aldera exist yet or not?" But I guess we have no sources who can verify that.

Edited by TheCruxis
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It's not a feudal system really, it's a constitutional, electable monarchy. The aristocratic parliament chooses the regent (although it does seem they seem to chose to let the crown pass from parent to child most of the time). It still is not a democracy though, you are right about that, because parliament consists soley of nobles, no commoners have any hand in ruling Alderaan.


My question was perhaps poorly phrased though. While I am interested in knowing whether Alderaan has a capital or not, and which it is, I am mostly curious to simply know "Does the city of Aldera exist yet or not?" But I guess we have no sources who can verify that.


Ooooooh! Sorta like the Sith with less obvious backstabbing! :p


I stand corrected either way. Apparently it does turn into a Constitutional Monarchy... sorta like what we have here in the UK.


But I think Aldera's not a thing yet, I don't think.

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Ooooooh! Sorta like the Sith with less obvious backstabbing! :p


I stand corrected either way. Apparently it does turn into a Constitutional Monarchy... sorta like what we have here in the UK.


But I think Aldera's not a thing yet, I don't think.


I recommend the [Heroic 4] Red-Handed on Alderaan, Republic side. :D

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It seems I may have been mistaken regarding the monarchy of Alderaan. I read this on Wookieepedia:


The monarch of Alderaan was the king or queen reigning over the planet of Alderaan. He or she was chosen by and among the Great Houses of Alderaan. Years before the capital city of Aldera was founded, the monarch was officially elected and anointed in the Elysium, a stone hall located in the Glarus Valley



From that I assumed the monarch was elected among the nobles. But then I read this in another article on Wookieepedia:


Although a democratic society, Alderaan was headed by a hereditary constitutional monarchy, with the House of Organa presiding over the High Court and legislative High Council of Alderaan. Its monarchs have variously borne the titles "Prince," "First Chairman," "Queen," "King," and "Viceroy." Traditionally, the heir of the Alderaan throne also served in the High Council of Alderaan and a term as Senator of Alderaan. A vizier helped the monarch rule, and many different Noble Houses each had considerable influence in government.




Granted that concerns mainly the era of the original trilogy, but stil. So I am a bit confused now as to whether the monarchy is hereditary or not. :confused:

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It seems I may have been mistaken regarding the monarchy of Alderaan. I read this on Wookieepedia:


The monarch of Alderaan was the king or queen reigning over the planet of Alderaan. He or she was chosen by and among the Great Houses of Alderaan. Years before the capital city of Aldera was founded, the monarch was officially elected and anointed in the Elysium, a stone hall located in the Glarus Valley



From that I assumed the monarch was elected among the nobles. But then I read this in another article on Wookieepedia:


Although a democratic society, Alderaan was headed by a hereditary constitutional monarchy, with the House of Organa presiding over the High Court and legislative High Council of Alderaan. Its monarchs have variously borne the titles "Prince," "First Chairman," "Queen," "King," and "Viceroy." Traditionally, the heir of the Alderaan throne also served in the High Council of Alderaan and a term as Senator of Alderaan. A vizier helped the monarch rule, and many different Noble Houses each had considerable influence in government.




Granted that concerns mainly the era of the original trilogy, but stil. So I am a bit confused now as to whether the monarchy is hereditary or not. :confused:

It could be both.

Its possible that when a current ruler dies, their child could take the throne but only if a majority of Alderann nobles support it.


So for Example Princess Liea may had been able to become Queen if she had the support of the other houses and that of course the planet didnt blow up. :D

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It could be both.

Its possible that when a current ruler dies, their child could take the throne but only if a majority of Alderann nobles support it.


So for Example Princess Liea may had been able to become Queen if she had the support of the other houses and that of course the planet didnt blow up. :D


That's what electable monarchy is. It's not hereditary as long as there is any form of election to it, even if the choice falls upon the offspring of the former regent. So it can't be both, it's contradictory.

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There is no one capitol on Alderaan as it is currently in a state of civil war, with the Republic backing House Organa and the Empire backing House Thul. House Panteer had no heir and thus a power vacuum exists. While the state of the civil war on Alderaan is pretty much in a cold war state, at this time with Hourse Organa having gain a significant foothold in the political power play, things are still in a state of flux and I seriously doubt a central capitol of Alderaan will be named anytime soon.


Furthermore, capitols can be moved. Several states in the US have had their capitol moved, as well as the US's own capitol of Washington DC was not the original capitol of the US. So, it's quite possible that as time goes on and new governments come to power, they move the capitol and rename places constantly. Who knows, the Panteer palace could very well be Aldera of the future, just renamed as governments often do.

Edited by Silverspar
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