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Could a jedi opposed to mind tricks make sense?


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Ok, so due to the 12x XP I've made a jedi knight, i noticed pretty early on that you have the option to use mind tricks quite often. So i decided i'd do something interesting with his character and make him totally opposed to meddling with anyones mind regardless of the circumstances. Do the jedi frown upon this, or could him having such a sentiment make sense?
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I have a Jedi Consular who chose to NEVER use mind tricks on anyone.


Also -- and I could be remembering it wrong -- I remember receiving DS points during the KoTOR series when I used some mind tricks.


One I remember particularly well was trying to read Atton's mind, after he deflected my Exile's questions about his mysterious past.


It's up to you regardless.

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Ditto. My Consular also refrains from using the mind trick because she finds it unethical, and because she gets more satisfaction from outwitting people on her own.


Honestly, I'm surprised the Jedi even see this as a viable method, considering it undermines a person's free will. And they better not use the "only if you're weak-minded" excuse, because that's just textbook victim blaming.

Edited by Sanguiluna
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It seems like mind tricks tend to be considered a darker ability. I would agree with that if you're using them to scam innocent people or something more sinister, but if you're using them to make a hostile villain stand down, and have to kill the person if they don't stand down anyway, I see no problem with them.
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See, I have turned off the light/dark side markers in conversations so I'm not tempted to choose one side or the other for the points. However in almost all scenarios using a mind trick is light side, as it prevents conflict. this has led to my knight making a lot of dark side decisions as not using a mind trick in the knight story usually ends with someone dying. His logic is just regardless of the circumstances, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to be able to fight for freedom if he had the power to violate someone's freedom on a mental level, even if it meant saving lives.
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See, I have turned off the light/dark side markers in conversations so I'm not tempted to choose one side or the other for the points. However in almost all scenarios using a mind trick is light side, as it prevents conflict. this has led to my knight making a lot of dark side decisions as not using a mind trick in the knight story usually ends with someone dying. His logic is just regardless of the circumstances, he wouldn't be able to bring himself to be able to fight for freedom if he had the power to violate someone's freedom on a mental level, even if it meant saving lives.


I'm resorting to a similar logic with my new Sentinel on the Progenitor. ;)


Have no qualms about using mind tricks on Sith however; I find the irony delightful.

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Having made a jedi knight for the first time I've been slowly regretting every choice I've had to make. Didn't kill bengel, made a dark lightsaber with his knowledge. I agreed with what he said about making the jedi stronger, but now I'm getting holomesages from him about feeding jedi to monsters and decapitating mandalorians. This wasn't what I wanted! I gave praven an honorable death, but finding out i could have made him a jedi is bumming me out. And looking back on all the people who didn't have to die if I'd played my cards differently, I think regret is gonna be my sentinels primary character trait.
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