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Gaming Marathon


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The Orange Parallel on the Bastion is part of a world-wide, 24 hour gaming marathon on October 25th to raise money for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. It would be awesome to see many SWTOR guilds participating in this event.


Go to extra-life.org to start your own fundraising group, or search for The Orange Parallel and donate. Even $5 helps!

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I've got little free time, but I'll make time for that.


Wish I'd seen this sooner but I'll alert guild members to the fundraiser.

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals has done a great job with micro-fundraising; your money stays local if you choose as well. ++ since most of the funds raised helps offset uncompensated treatment and necessary equipment.


Thanks Liz

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I'm so late to this party, but I set up an account at extra-life_dot_org, set up the team account, and I'm going to post something in guild forums today. Should be able to visit the page and search "Wook Guild" if you want to lend support. Hastily thrown together.


Might be late for the event tomorrow, but can still meet set goals over time.

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I'll try to stay up and do this simply to prevent certain guilds from win trading.


You know who you are


Hey whatever the reason - the cause is worthwhile.

Kinda doubt I could *actually* pull off a 24 hr bender any more though.


Registration and set up is fairly painless.

And Extra Life states that all funds raised are donated, 100%. No mention of the word "proceeds" have I found, which is important in my opinion.

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