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Pot5 Oct, 11th, 2014, 2:00pm - 2:47pm PST, NO MATCHES


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I didn't know you were from Pot5, it's one the servers I haven't visited yet mostly because the forums and some friends that have been there tell me the queue's are very long and not a whole lot of people play it. Keep in mind this is only what I've heard, but from what you're saying it sounds accurate. Might be time to shop for a new server if all you do is GSF.
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I didn't know you were from Pot5, it's one the servers I haven't visited yet mostly because the forums and some friends that have been there tell me the queue's are very long and not a whole lot of people play it. Keep in mind this is only what I've heard, but from what you're saying it sounds accurate. Might be time to shop for a new server if all you do is GSF.


I do more PVE than GSF and my guild is here, we play more than SWTOR so, ya.

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I do more PVE than GSF and my guild is here, we play more than SWTOR so, ya.


Ah that sucks then, maybe make an alt on another server just for playing GSF, I'm not sure if you q up while doing other things or what not, but most servers I play on you don't really have time as the q's pop in 2-5 minutes.

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I should fly the bastion more I guess. I have stock pilots there but thats it. Which side has less players of substance?


It's quickly becoming more and more balanced as new and old players join the server, but I'd say republic still needs some help. My team has been playing more republic lately to help that side, so if you really want to fight us then pick empire though.

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I would agree that the games are a bit edged to empire right now. Not as bad as at some times and some places, but overall, yea. A decent number of us have both factions, which really helps in that situation, but a couple of times in the last week we would switch to empire for daily and fight a wargame. So I concur with Drako.
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Is Pot5 just low on pilots or do the rest of you guys see these kinds of queues?


I'll also add this- in an MMO, a lot of what players do is dictated by what is incentivized by the devs. If, for instance, GSF made quadruple credits, you would see a lot of queues. When GSF delivers something something conquest, we see faster queues.


But the flipside is that when GSF is not being incentivized, something else is. If GSF isn't giving great conquest, some other aspect of the game- maybe a raid, or a warzone, or like a dollhouse. I don't really know. So when this happens, the queues can become sparse.



Right now, there is duodectuple XP for playing class missions. This means many players who would, in a neutral environment be queued for GSF, are instead playing an alt.




I don't think that there is anything wrong with that, but if GSF was 12x XP I bet queues would be popping quickly!

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