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We need a way to make any moddable armor or weapon Legacy bound.


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Here is what I suggest. First make a faction for it, like Relic Hunters or whatever. But instead of getting tokens for shells, you get tokens to make a particular piece of armor legacy. For example, it would take 3 tokens to make a head, chest, legs, boots, or hands armor bound to legacy. 2 or 1 for bracers, 4 for weapons and offhand. Make each level of gear tied to a particular faction level, IE weapons can only be unlocked at champion level. This will keep the grind, but allow for much more diversity in looks for legacy armor and weapons.


The other alternative, is to put those tokens for sale in the Cartel market, or make each armor piece legacy bound via cartel coins. So you have those who want to spend cash to make it having a quicker easier option. While allowing those who are free to play, or those who dont want to spend money the ability to get them. Its win win.

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