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Commando/Merc Healers: Which adrenal do you use?


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I recently switched from Scoundrel heals to Commando heals for my Ops group that is doing NiM content. My Commando has re-usable Efficacy and Triage adrenals. My question is: when is it better to use one over the other?


My current thinking is that I use Triage adrenals when it is a heavy healing phase or there is a large spike in damage and I have supercharged gas cylinder at 30 stacks. I blow SCG and pop my adrenal and let fly. I tend to use Efficacy if/when I am low on resources and I don't have any resource cooldowns available with the think that the extra alacrity boosts energy regen and I can Hammershot more rapidly and thus not completely drop off the face of the earth, healing wise.


How do you vets do it?


As a bonus question: I like to spec for Concussion Charge heals + cost reduction to have a free AoE heal. I have heard from multiple people that they hate doing this and put the points elsewhere. The only point that makes sense for me to re-allocate is the point to add a heal to the cleanse. How do you guys feel about Concussion Charge/Jet Boost heals? If you don't use them, what do you take instead?

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I recently switched from Scoundrel heals to Commando heals for my Ops group that is doing NiM content. My Commando has re-usable Efficacy and Triage adrenals. My question is: when is it better to use one over the other?


My current thinking is that I use Triage adrenals when it is a heavy healing phase or there is a large spike in damage and I have supercharged gas cylinder at 30 stacks. I blow SCG and pop my adrenal and let fly. I tend to use Efficacy if/when I am low on resources and I don't have any resource cooldowns available with the think that the extra alacrity boosts energy regen and I can Hammershot more rapidly and thus not completely drop off the face of the earth, healing wise.


How do you vets do it?


Triage adrenals all the way. I don't ever put myself in a position where I'm out of resources without cooldowns and without time to pick my nose and get them back (e.g. after the Raptus healing challenge). Efficiency adrenals look sexy, but honestly they're not worth it.


As a bonus question: I like to spec for Concussion Charge heals + cost reduction to have a free AoE heal. I have heard from multiple people that they hate doing this and put the points elsewhere. The only point that makes sense for me to re-allocate is the point to add a heal to the cleanse. How do you guys feel about Concussion Charge/Jet Boost heals? If you don't use them, what do you take instead?


The Concussion Charge heal is fantastic, particularly in 16 man content but even in 8 man. I rely on it quite heavily. The biggest problem is that it still isn't affected by the healing surge talent, which sucks, but maybe they'll fix that in 3.0.


The spec I use is as follows: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfMRRdcdzcGzZMccZb.3 You could take one point out of First Responder and put it into Field Triage, but I wouldn't do that unless you're very AoE-heavy on your healing. Most of the time, I'm healing with relatively AoE-heavy healers, which means that I spend a lot more time doing the single-target heavy lifting and thus end up with fewer random healing ticks and fewer chances to refresh my alacrity buff.

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My dad is one of the best merc healers in my guild and, he uses Alacrity Adrenals, he stacks alacrity for the resource regen and the cast time reduction, when he has all of his cooldowns for Alacrity + Critical Reaction up, he has about 32% Alacrity, making him the best burst healer in our guild, his healing will be through the blasted roof with 3.0's Alacrity changes to CD's and HoT/DoT ticks. his average EHPS is 80% to 95% with about 3.4k HPS.


Edit: To Elaborate more, i also play a merc healer, and dont entirely agree with his gear, his Surge is VERY low only in the 68% Range at full 180 (with 162 Set Bonus gear). And, i'm of the opinion you should use Surge or Triage adrenals, Efficiancy can be useful if you need to dissapate heat quicker or a tank is in the 45% range of HP and you NEED fast healing, Also, I've heared tell that Bounty Hunters are getting a buff that works like Bloodthirst, but is 10% Alacrity for 10 Seconds, so this may change the general theory about Alacrity along with the 3.0 changes to it like Reducing Cooldowns and speeding up HoT/DoT ticks.

Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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The spec I use is as follows: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfMRRdcdzcGzZMccZb.3 You could take one point out of First Responder and put it into Field Triage, but I wouldn't do that unless you're very AoE-heavy on your healing. Most of the time, I'm healing with relatively AoE-heavy healers, which means that I spend a lot more time doing the single-target heavy lifting and thus end up with fewer random healing ticks and fewer chances to refresh my alacrity buff.


I'm confused, the spec you linked already has 3/3 points in Field Triage.

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Triage all the way. Why? It got me through NiM council pre nerf. So yeah. Triage.


On that basis, Attack adrenal ;)


Why? It got me through NiM council 16m pre nerf. So yeah. Attack.







*may have been a very specific offspec role involving dps gear :p

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I'm not a fan of bespoke "I did this and this so my opinion >> all" arguments, but Rambeezy knows what he's talking about. He has been demonstrably one of the best merc healers in the game for as at least far back as I knew of him.


Thank you, its about time someone recognized me.


Btw, I sold-out and leveled an operative to heal with in pvp.


Edit: my merc/mando gear will always remain the same. Half alacrit half surge, 35% crit. No matter what they do with the stats, I will always shoot for this.

Edited by Rambeezy
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Edit: my merc/mando gear will always remain the same. Half alacrit half surge, 35% crit. No matter what they do with the stats, I will always shoot for this.


I go a bit less crit, but yeah basically. You can take pride in the fact that the above is pretty close to the mathematically optimal. More importantly, if it feels right to you, honestly it is right. Healing is about control and knowing what your class can do under all circumstances. Maximum output doesn't matter, which is basically a long way of saying that you mostly want to gear healers to taste and there's no "one right way" to do it (unlike DPS or tanks).

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