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Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match...


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I'm not actually in the screenie, as I was solo queued next to everyone and didn't get pop.



But look at this:


One of the teams on the left is made of Stasie/Drako/Stabzap/Zen. The other is Myeesha, Perceptive, and Pincer. The other team- and remember, this is a wargame- is a bunch of solo qs.


The matchmaker could EASILY have done something logical for this WARGAME. The two premades should NOT have been paired together, and there were PLENTY of solo queue to make this happen. In fact, if you were matching ENTIRELY AT RANDOM, you would almost NEVER make the game like this!






Anyway, this is one of those really awful matchmaking moments. The rest of the night we've been on repside, so it was premade versus premade, but logging over for the daily it somehow came up with this?






What on Earth?

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This is the weight of groups overriding the solo queued players. I said this a while back and you pretty much said I was crazy.




No, that's pretty much the same stuff as now.


Quotes from my post in there:


"This, plus the slightly random behavior of the matchmaker, leads players to say that "there's no matchmaking". Which, I actually repeat. Not because I don't believe they wrote the software, or that they ninja-disabled it, but because in practice, on live servers, the matchmaking is not something you need to consider as a force."



"Anyway, that's my honest guess, based on performance of the system as seen from outside, as to about how it must work internally. The one thing I'm pretty much certain of is that a few players sitting in queue for a long time is something that essentially disables the skill based seeking of the matchmaker"

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Bioware's internal match algorithm is terrible.


To save time, it makes combinations of players regardless of grouping. It uses the "shortest path" method of creating sides to a match. It continually looks for easy combinations to make one side. For example, it will create a side of 8 with two premades (of 4) instead of splitting them apart.


Its ridiculous and it creates wild imbalances in the name of "speedy matchmaking." I have seen GSF matches go 50-2 before. I have been on the winning side and losing side.


What needs to happen is that the system EVENLY balances creation of teams unless there are no other choices.


Team 1 gets players,

Team 2 gets the same amount of players

Team 1 gets players,

Team 2 gets the same amount of players,



**DISCLAIMER** I do not have the technical details to prove this. I am doing this from observation and speculation.

Edited by Arkerus
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You have succeeded in breaking my expectations: I was now just disgusted twice in the same thread. :o


I tried to just quote it, but it told me that was too short, because it doesn't count the quoted characters.


But totes totes fulfills the 5 character description. I also spent an exclamation point, because I was feeling generous.

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