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Dev's: GSF is a GEM - And a $ Generator - Additions that Drastically add Value!

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I doubt the Dev's read anything with "Dev" in the title but it is my hope that this does not fall on deaf ears.


Where GSF is concerned there is a GREAT potential for cash generation (through player retention and cartel sales) This is currently unrealized due to 1 major thing: You undervalue this "mini" game that you have developed.


Don't sell this game short, im not sure who told you that this is a non competitive mini game attachment to SWTOR but they are flatly wrong. Even if it was not your intention, you have crafted a very fun and competitive game that stands alone all by itself and has its own draw for players, even beyond the scope of traditional SWTOR players (touching into shooter / twitch PvP crowds)


That being said, the direction you have headed IE: pulling most if not all development and saying "GSF is in a good place." is very surprising, someone is covering their eyes so as not to see the potential of this game in order to say that.


I agree in part that GSF is in a good place, the game is fun and it is "mostly" balanced. With some slight tweaks it could be as close to perfect as anything gets. Even if balance is addressed though, there are several core things where GSF could be vastly improved.


Generating Revenue Through Cartel Market:


There is an abysmal shortage of Cartel Market items available for GSF fans which is in part why it generates so little cash IMO. Development of additional Cartel Market content would be easy / quick. I have been itching for a t3 scout CMV, but sadly my wallet strings are getting depressed waiting. Many people will pay for new cosmetic options: more / better paintjobs / colors (the kind with faces as have been suggested + others) , More CM ships, Ship / Fleet req bonus powerups + other cosmetic options.


Match Quality


Match quality can be very poor in GSF, due to several well known issues. Player bases for GSF can be small on some servers leading to the matchmaker not working properly. Second, new players are largely thrown into the game with no training whatsoever. This is due to a really bad tutorial.


The fix?: (I know you will love this one) Cross server queues - with an appropriate player base matchmaking would work properly and problems of low pop servers and gsf would be solved. Many would be GSF players don't play due to player base and queue times - this would solve that and begin to grow the population exponentially (expanding its cash earning potential vastly)




A better tutorial is also required for this to work, it might be a lot to ask for but moving targets even just something on a repeating path where people can test their accuracy / shooting. Id say go to the community and see if some of us can help you come up with a better tutorial, currently you might as well not even have one. It does little to nothing to prepare people for GSF PvP.


Player Retention - Giving People a Reason to Play More than 2 Matches a Day


Currently there is absolutely no incentive to play GSF beyond the daily / weekly / conquest - this is due to the rewards system being largely segregated from the rest of the game. I had hope when you introduced fleet comms and the vendor, but you don't earn enough for it to be meaningful. If fleet comms were rewarded each game on a continuing basis AND the vendor was updated with new items related to the rest of the game IE: Mounts, Deco, Armor, ETC then people would be able to "grind" gsf like they do other parts of the game, people would want to play many more matches.


A harder option would be to add some sort of a new incentive, as long as it is directed toward earning exclusive vanity items or $$ earning potential then it is the right direction. Currently there is not enough incentive, a little love here could go a LONG way toward player retention / player base and subsequently queue times and quality.


Development Resources


Many GSF players feel abandoned by development. We have been largely ignored in lieu of the housing expansion and with 3.0 on the horizon the potential for new content is dwindling (in our minds at least) for those of us that sub solely for GSF this is a daunting line of thought.


GSF needs badly a little development resources: New maps, New Ships, Potential New Game Modes, Leader Board. Any one of those (or more) could breathe substantial life back into the game breaking some of the monotony that we have grown accustomed to. A statement that GSF is even being looked at for further development would go a long way, many of us are losing hope.


To end all this I will first say thank you to anyone that actually read this. Secondly I want to say that GSF is a great game with wordclass potential in both cash generation / complexity / fun. Up until this point you have believed this to be a very minor game not worthy of things like scoreboards, new classes, additional development etc but I am here to tell you, intended or not GSF is a GEM and with a little polish / love + some of the things addressed above it could be truly epic. Something to get subs and sell cartel coins, but as it stands its undervalued and underutilized. Please change this! :D

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Cross-server queues I doubt are going to happen, although if it IS feasible it's probably easier to accomplish with GSF moreso than WZs (all players being "equal", less to load etc). We already get fleet comms in abundance, but I agree that the vendor can be improved. Asking for more maps/modes is probably a long shot considering how few additions ground PvP has seen in that department, but that's no excuse of course. A new map from time to time would go a long way in both types of PvP.


Other than that, I give it a thumbs up.

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that was kinda why I put this up, they have been quiet for a long time and with the 3.0 announcement containing nothing about GSF I started to lose hope. BW has a track record of walking away from things and its my hope that if we bring enough attention to GSF that it will not be the next thing to fall by the wayside.


Would be a real shame too since this game really does have something special ;)

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Maybe you should post this somewhere where it's more likely to be read by someone who matters (aka devs/Eric), like the Suggestion Box or even the General Discussion section itself. As we've seen, we can debate and draw conclusions here all we want, but lately, it falls on no ears from up above. Edited by Asbetos
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I think if they made GSF queue-able from a third party app (to which you could subscribe for cheaper, and have limited F2P) and regionalised the queues, they'd make a lot of money.


I do, however, have no idea how feasible the cross-server queues are, let alone making GSF even more independent.

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IMO cross server for just GSF = not feasible. An overhaul with cross server for all PvP though, this would have enough reason to be doable.


As far as independent, GSF does not need to be any more independent than it already is. Some increased rewards though outside of daily / weekly missions would help a lot. Just the ability to earn a small amount of fleet comms each match would go a long way to keeping people in the queues, especially if the vendor had worthwhile things to sell.


As far as the other things, cartel items are a given. They have a team for that and could easily add them. The tutorial would not be easy but it really is required. The current one is terrible, and needs to be replaced for the game to be successful.


My post is a little drawn out since I try to explain to them why each thing is worth adding, but in the end most of those things would be easy to give us, the ones that are harder benefit a wide range of the game or fix problems GSF has had from the start (things they really should be working on but are not)

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Agreed! But you forgot the idea of a GSF reputation! Even if it just integrated with the Heroic PVE space missions. I have *never* touched that reputation source, but I would getLegend with it if there was a GSF option.


Or it could be part of KDY's reputation. Which makes sense from a lore point of view.


Or a completely new one. Could name it something like "Republic/Imperial special forces." Made up of warzone dailies, GSF dailies, and killing Conquest Commanders. And to make it even better- Make TWO reputation sources, one for each faction to advance (not like Kuat and Makeb that just have different names). That way you really feel like you're fighting the war.


Oooh, and Legacy titles given with EVERY rank, displaying an actual rank like "Republic Private" or "Imperial Lieutenant."


Ideas ideas!

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Agreed! But you forgot the idea of a GSF reputation! Even if it just integrated with the Heroic PVE space missions. I have *never* touched that reputation source, but I would getLegend with it if there was a GSF option.


Or it could be part of KDY's reputation. Which makes sense from a lore point of view.


Or a completely new one. Could name it something like "Republic/Imperial special forces." Made up of warzone dailies, GSF dailies, and killing Conquest Commanders. And to make it even better- Make TWO reputation sources, one for each faction to advance (not like Kuat and Makeb that just have different names). That way you really feel like you're fighting the war.


Oooh, and Legacy titles given with EVERY rank, displaying an actual rank like "Republic Private" or "Imperial Lieutenant."


Ideas ideas!


I used to dream of a rep for GSF, then they put in the FC vendor and.... meh. Still love the idea, GSF deserves a rep and there are many ways they can do this varying from very easy to mildly difficult. Really no excuse here :cool:

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