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Class story


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After so long with everyone saying class stories weren't going to make a comeback why is it that there aren't any large threads filled with frothing excitement that they are returning or the implications of what that could mean for the story of swtor as a whole? I'm curious as to how it is going to fit into what has happened since the end of our class stories way back when? Any thoughts?
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Your 'story' of TOR ended at Chapter 3.

What you are getting now is the equivalent of the EU fan fiction which only exists to part the rabid fans of their money.

Your characters are irrelevant, always were and any power you think you have acquired has been relegated to nothing.


Do you see Darth Marr or Satele Shan running on the front lines being ordered around ?

Every single player character in this game might as well be a red shirt for all the influence we ACTUALLY have.

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Your 'story' of TOR ended at Chapter 3.

What you are getting now is the equivalent of the EU fan fiction which only exists to part the rabid fans of their money.

Your characters are irrelevant, always were and any power you think you have acquired has been relegated to nothing.


Do you see Darth Marr or Satele Shan running on the front lines being ordered around ?

Every single player character in this game might as well be a red shirt for all the influence we ACTUALLY have.


Star Trek reference here?

I love you. :D


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Star Trek reference here?

I love you. :D


There's also a book called Red Shirts about, y'guessed it, red shirting. Great book.


Honestly, I don't care if Shan and them all get ordered to all the fun stuff like us, but I would rather be on the front lines than sitting, standing and talking.

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