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It's Official. Shadow Of Revan Is Here. ;)


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If you disagree, show your discontent by NOT buying it and waiting for it to be available for FREE.

Well, count me in there, too. The whole storyline "empire & republic together against a greater evil" just sucks, from my point of view. For me, Star Wars is "Empire vs. Republic". I wish they'd come up with more storylines dealing with that theme. And, certainly, continuation of the individual class stories, not more of those "one generic story for all classes"-stuff.

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Well, count me in there, too. The whole storyline "empire & republic together against a greater evil" just sucks, from my point of view. For me, Star Wars is "Empire vs. Republic". I wish they'd come up with more storylines dealing with that theme. And, certainly, continuation of the individual class stories, not more of those "one generic story for all classes"-stuff.


Agreed. The whole "empire and republic against a common enemy" is simply a flimsy way of saving in production costs by not having to make two different types of content. There is no way I can ever be behind that. The "content" that we have gotten is railroaded enough as it is. If I wanted to watch a single story without any branching, there is the *********** netflix or whatever.

Edited by Karkais
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Agreed. The whole "empire and republic against a common enemy" is simply a flimsy way of saving in production costs by not having to make two different types of content. There is no way I can ever be behind that. The "content" that we have gotten is railroaded enough as it is. If I wanted to watch a single story without any branching, there is the *********** netflix or whatever.


We have no way of knowing, that it won't be a two sided storyline. We have only just been told about it and they haven't said anything about it being one sided. Just because the two sides are joining forces, it doesn't mean it will be the same all around.

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Just because the two sides are joining forces, it doesn't mean it will be the same all around.

Sure, it might be possible that we still get different missions/flashpoints/operations for each side - actually I'm pretty sure there will be faction based missions. It even might be possible that we get class specific stories (although the odds are against it, I'd say). But that doesn't change the fact that this "the two sides joining forces" is a big turnoff for me. And since the odds are bigger that there are no class stories but just faction stories, the missing class stories are a second turnoff. And if they do some "joint operations" where players from both factions might actually play together (what could be expected), that would be no "cool gimmick" for me, but the third turnoff.


To sum it up: from the current announcements, there's nothing that makes me think paying for this expansion is worth it.

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I miss the class separate stories too. Believe me, I love the class stories and wish there would be more of them. But for me, the faction storylines (actually all the storylines of the game), is one of the things I like most about the game.


I can see that you have your opinion about Revan, and you are at liberty to have that. But for me, who has read the Revan novel, played the KOTOR games and played this game as well, believe it is a perfect opportunity to give him that final story he deserves. Yes, he has changed and he has been given a God like status. But he was both former Jedi and Sith, and then Jedi again, which very few has been through (off the top of my head, I can only remember Ulic Qel-Droma from that era, and he wasn't even a full Jedi in the end, because he had been stripped off his powers), there's bound to be some admirers (the Revanites) in that galaxy. And of course Revan wishes for revenge, because obviously something has happened to him, after the Foundry Flashpoint. He was abandoned by both sides and he probably only sees the only way out of the war, is destroying both the opposing sides.


THAT'S a fantastic background for a new storyline, in my opinion. And it should be interesting to see how the writers will conduct it and finish it of. And finally give the long waited ending story for Revan.

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I can see that you have your opinion about Revan[...]THAT'S a fantastic background for a new storyline, in my opinion. And it should be interesting to see how the writers will conduct it and finish it of. And finally give the long waited ending story for Revan.

Don't get me wrong - I have no problem with Revan and him being in the focus of the expansion. What I don't like is this "republic & empire join forces to fight him"-stuff. There are dozend of possibilities to make it different. Revan could have taken the lead of the empire to crush the republic... or revan cold have returned to the jedi, joining them to fight the empire... they even could have made him a third faction battling both sides, but without them joining forces... and there are even more ideas. What I hate, really, really hate about this new storyline is the "the two factions joining forces"-BS. It doesn't matter agains whom they join forces, wether it's Revan, the Borg or Emperor Ming - the fact that thy do join froces is the one thing that I dislike.

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I'm probably going to sound like a broken record here, but when I first read that one of the new planets would be Yavin 4, my Expanded Universe/Legends loving heart, got really, really disappointed. I had hoped it wouldn't come into this game, because there basically hadn't in the EU been any kind of activity like that on Yavin 4, from the arrival of Exar Kun, up until the Rebel Alliance held base there.


HOWEVER!!!! As I am trying to look at this development with neutral eyes as well, I can see that there is opportunities for some fantastic storylines in that place, and I am excited about seeing what the writers have come up with :D


Criticism far far far aside (I usually don't criticize the game, because I love it):


I AM REALLY REALLY excited about this news and have of course pre-ordered it as well. Can't wait. And maybe now I'll finally get my Bounty Hunter finished, as the last class in my legacy. She's been at level 40 for almost a year now :p




I think it was "role neutral flashpoints". I didn't read anywhere that there would be neutral faction.


You apparently missed the timeline videos Bioware posted before launch. Yavin 4 has direct ties to the with emperor of SWTORs time

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You're doing it wrong. ;)


After the "Final stand", there will be...


Which will be bigger, better and more bad*ss indeed.



Pinhead and his adorable friends.


LOL, hope you're right. I don't like to hear the word 'final' when it comes to my favorite game. :)

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We have no way of knowing, that it won't be a two sided storyline.


Please define what you mean by "two sided storyline". That there are two different starting points/bases on the planets? :rolleyes:

Edited by Karkais
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Please define what you mean by "two sided storyline". That there are two different starting points/bases on the planets? :rolleyes:


*ahem* well, I was talking about seperat story missions for the two factions, but with tied to each other. In my oppinon that is still not totally clear, after Musco told us the latest news. But, I am entitled to be wrong here , basically because I'm guessing ;)

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*ahem* well, I was talking about seperat story missions for the two factions, but with tied to each other. In my oppinon that is still not totally clear, after Musco told us the latest news. But, I am entitled to be wrong here , basically because I'm guessing ;)




Darth_Wicked, with respect, here is your answer (I am not sure why we are being so formal, but this is good fun).


For the most part, yes, what you will play is one singular storyline which is being told from two different sides, as player-characters of both factions have the same goals in the storyline (as in Forged Alliances). Additionally, each player class will be given one unique Class Story Mission as part of the storyline; these are entirely different from one another.






In other words, same as Forged Alliances or even Oricon. Concerning the latter, the only difference was the quest giver and some minor cutscene variations.

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