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Guide for SM Taral V?

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Thank you, folks.


My experience with solo'ing did not go well. 7 levels over Mandolorian Raiders, I was killed multiple times by the final boss and the turrets (tank Van with Elara, moving Elara along by passive-aggressive stance change, LoSing the first two OKay, but once he moves to the far corner of the room... dead, dead... dead again), even though every other fight was a breeze. So I was going to abandon the idea to repeat the FPs on solo mode, as I am obviously not good enough.


I did not try TV yesterday because of the local connection problems. I could not stay connected in a WZ< let alone an FP. Fingers crossed for next weekend, unless I overlevel. I will read Maelstorm just in case + get the guide for KYD for all the final fights.


Ohnoto, good idea on building a SM guide specifically :) Fingers crossed you will have enough enthusiasm to get through the entire collection!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, well, the good news, I managed to get in a run where we did Lord Hasper! I was trying to interrupt the last cast, before the Big Bad Force Storm, but the guys did not run away to break LoS, so I res'd the party. The group was awesome, no speed-running, no cutscene skipping, did bonus, a total luxury run.


The bad news is that before the final battle my connection went down, and I did not get to kill PD44/finish the FP. I tried to relog-in, but he came up without interface, and I am not good enough to fight w/o interface, so I logged back out, and that was it. Back on the ship after.


My husband was moving furniture in his Stronghold and said he braced himself for the storm of tears when he saw the tell-tale red dotting down. I am now on the cut off for the FP, on L37, so I *was*unhappy :(


Husband thinks we need a second provider so we have redundancy in the system to transfer data. I am not sure we really should seeing it's just a game, not a critical business or anything. :eek:


Maybe I will just settle for partial completion and move on to Malestorm!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, well, the good news, I managed to get in a run where we did Lord Hasper! I was trying to interrupt the last cast, before the Big Bad Force Storm, but the guys did not run away to break LoS, so I res'd the party. The group was awesome, no speed-running, no cutscene skipping, did bonus, a total luxury run.


The bad news is that before the final battle my connection went down, and I did not get to kill PD44/finish the FP. I tried to relog-in, but he came up without interface, and I am not good enough to fight w/o interface, so I logged back out, and that was it. Back on the ship after.


My husband was moving furniture in his Stronghold and said he braced himself for the storm of tears when he saw the tell-tale red dotting down. I am now on the cut off for the FP, on L37, so I *was*unhappy :(


Husband thinks we need a second provider so we have redundancy in the system to transfer data. I am not sure we really should seeing it's just a game, not a critical business or anything. :eek:


Maybe I will just settle for partial completion and move on to Malestorm!


:( Sorry for this ending... If you are either on Jung'Ma (I think I still have one toon able to run TV there) or The Ebon Hawk, I would gladly run you through the fp.. No fee ;)

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I am on Harbinger, but thank you for the thought :) Heh, I think I am close enough to mediocre now to be able to use GF without being profusely apologetic. Upon reflection, I will give it another shot tomorrow. It does feel more familiar with each run, so it’s all for the best, really.


I have the Maelstorm prepped just in case as well, if the cruel GF decides that L37 is good enough to tank Daksh and Kilran, and will toggle off the KDY after that inevitable first run through (should at least give me my tactical weekly/daily). Heh, yesterday I won a KDY construction kit roll on the Elite, so I rolled Greed on the second one on the boss (we had a super lucky run), and someone was like: “Why Greed? We all Need it.” Well, I thought it was fair. I hope that’s Okay.


I am taking a day off, so I won’t have to hold the second, home front while dealing with the likes of Shivanek and Kilran at the same time (yay!). And I will just keep queueing till I get a full run.

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I am on Harbinger, but thank you for the thought :) Heh, I think I am close enough to mediocre now to be able to use GF without being profusely apologetic. Upon reflection, I will give it another shot tomorrow. It does feel more familiar with each run, so it’s all for the best, really.


I have the Maelstorm prepped just in case as well, if the cruel GF decides that L37 is good enough to tank Daksh and Kilran, and will toggle off the KDY after that inevitable first run through (should at least give me my tactical weekly/daily). Heh, yesterday I won a KDY construction kit roll on the Elite, so I rolled Greed on the second one on the boss (we had a super lucky run), and someone was like: “Why Greed? We all Need it.” Well, I thought it was fair. I hope that’s Okay.


I am taking a day off, so I won’t have to hold the second, home front while dealing with the likes of Shivanek and Kilran at the same time (yay!). And I will just keep queueing till I get a full run.


Well good luck... And about construction kit.. many time you'll see one dropping from an Elite Defender, you will also see one dropping from the boss... And greeding it was nice... But you could have needed and no one would have said a thing..

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Well, I'll go with nice :) And, yay, got my Taral V finally. Immediate pug, full run, on speeders, skipping the trash mobs, but with the bonus boss. Had a level 39 sage healer (assume grouped with one of the other guys?), a sentinel and a slinger in mid-thirties. Basically can't remember anyone dropping below 50% HPs. No wipes on Hasper. V. cool. Gonna play story and wz's now till I reach 39, re-equip, then start working on Maelstorm.
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Well, my last healer was 31, and I generally see the trend for a tank and a healer to be the lowest level players, and it was super-nice to have it reversed for once! Heh, that's why I will be waiting before queuing again - not enough brawl to go into Malstrom for the first time on the lower cut-off. Technically, it will be a second time, but first time it was a good 6 months ago, and I only remember being killed by Kilran Phase II because I had no idea what LoS was and that one has to hide in the columns. :o Edited by DomiSotto
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Well, my last healer was 31, and I generally see the trend for a tank and a healer to be the lowest level players, and it was super-nice to have it reversed for once! Heh, that's why I will be waiting before queuing again - not enough brawl to go into Malstrom for the first time on the lower cut-off. Technically, it will be a second time, but first time it was a good 6 months ago, and I only remember being killed by Kilran Phase II because I had no idea what LoS was and that one has to hide in the columns. :o

Back in the day I have seen many unsuspecting people getting wrecked by Kilran in hard mode. Those were the days!

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Back in the day I have seen many unsuspecting people getting wrecked by Kilran in hard mode. Those were the days!


I remember my first time. We tried 12 times, my guildie and me stayed after the group fell apart and called our GM to just plow it off.... The team couldn't understand how to LoS. My heals could barely keep up when following the mechanics (Sage lvl 38 without Innervate) and my guildie DPS was rather weak...

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Ha, you have nothing on me. It was SM, *and* the ops lead said to hide in the columns. I had no idea a fight can have a 'mechanics' and the concept of LoS... even less so; it all flew over my head. The only games I played before SWTOR were all turn-based SP. At the time, spacebar making the character jump rather than pausing the game was a novelty. :o
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Ha, you have nothing on me. It was SM, *and* the ops lead said to hide in the columns. I had no idea a fight can have a 'mechanics' and the concept of LoS... even less so; it all flew over my head. The only games I played before SWTOR were all turn-based SP. At the time, spacebar making the character jump rather than pausing the game was a novelty. :o


lol.. It happens ;) The second time is always much easier.. And the third time is normally farm :p

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