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Exactly, and if you read that article I posted you'd know that every one of Palpatine's advisers was loyal to him due to various reasons personal to Palpatine and Palpatine alone. This is why the system is defunct because without him everything falls to pots, and the advisers have no reason to be loyal anymore, to Vader or anyone.


Simply put, they would not follow Vader, and more likely attempt to kill him, or assist others in doing so.


This is the reality of the Galactic Empire's deplorable political system.


Why would they just stop, just because Palps died? Sure they were loyal to him, but that doesn't mean that they can't go to Vader, if Palps died.


I don't think they would want a galaxy without a government, it would all go to **** without any form of structure. You'd have mass chaos and the like, they wouldn't benefit from not helping Vader and watching the Empire collapse.

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Why would they just stop, just because Palps died? Sure they were loyal to him, but that doesn't mean that they can't go to Vader, if Palps died.


I don't think they would want a galaxy without a government, it would all go to **** without any form of structure. You'd have mass chaos and the like, they wouldn't benefit from not helping Vader and watching the Empire collapse.

Its a question of control, Palpatine was in a position to control his advisers to do his bidding, Vader is not, and there is nothing Vader can give them. They'll look to someone more agreeable, and more capable, and the infighting will begin.


Sure, but who wants to work for Vader? Not me. See post-Endor for what ensues.

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Its a question of control, Palpatine was in a position to control his advisers to do his bidding, Vader is not, and there is nothing Vader can give them. They'll look to someone more agreeable, and more capable, and the infighting will begin.


Sure, but who wants to work for Vader? Not me. See post-Endor for what ensues.


So why can't Vader control them? Vader could give them their lives....and the infighting doesn't really have to happen, Vader could also appoint someone to take care of his political stuff and have the advisers under him.


So you'd rather have a chaotic galaxy...and there have been plenty under Vader who has worked for him, just as long as they didn't do anything stupid.


But let's just agree to disagree on this.

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I finally got around to watching the first two episodes, which were strung together as a televised movie, and while it surpassed the low bar I set for myself I sort of doubt I'll enjoy watching the whole series for long when I feel actively disappointed every time the Imperials fail to kill or capture the so-called heroes.
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So...this episode just single handily destroyed the Empire worse than the Rebellion did, thanks Dave. I won't be watching anymore Rebels, that is the straw that broke the camels back.


I'll stick to the TRUE Galactic Empire, not this butchered one Dave just threw together at the last minute.


I probably will still watch, but I won't like it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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So...this episode just single handily destroyed the Empire worse than the Rebellion did, thanks Dave. I won't be watching anymore Rebels, that is the straw that broke the camels back.


I'll stick to the TRUE Galactic Empire, not this butchered one Dave just threw together at the last minute.


I probably will still watch, but I won't like it.


Sounds bad. I'll watch it tomorrow morning. See what's up.

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Ya know I just thought of something....but doesn't this show kinda lessen the impact of "A New Hope" ?


I mean here we have a Jedi and a Jedi in training and apparently said group with them is gonna form the Rebel Alliance but....if the Alliance at the start is going to have Jedi involved with them, doesn't it kind of make Luke being a Jedi within the Alliance kind of....a 2nd fiddle?


Thus making the "New Hope" not so....well new?


I mean unless at the end, the whole Ghost crew is gonna just die.


Or break away from the Alliance or separate.....but then that kinda doesn't make sense.


There are actually a few Jedi in the ranks of the Rebellion that are never heard from again for some reason. One of the reasons I hate it when these new stories include Jedi characters is it creates "well Why didnt this guy train Luke?"


The immediate example that comes to mine is the Force Unleashed well the General Kota is a member of the Rebel Alliance. Its even worse if you consider TFU 2 (which I ignored for good reason I discovered) has both the General AND Starkiller in the Rebellion.


I think there are a few other Jedi that fought with the Rebellion that mysteriously cease to ever be mention by the time A New Hope occurs. The only thing I can assume is that before ANH the Jedi all are killed by the Empire. This is because of a very throw away line Wedge Antilles says in Galactic Battlegrounds. He makes a comment that seems to imply that anytime a Jedi joins the Rebellion, they are almost always instantly killed by Vader while trying to buy time for the Rebels to escape. I always took that line to heart. I dont remember the exact wording as its been years sense I played that game

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So...this episode just single handily destroyed the Empire worse than the Rebellion did, thanks Dave. I won't be watching anymore Rebels, that is the straw that broke the camels back.


I'll stick to the TRUE Galactic Empire, not this butchered one Dave just threw together at the last minute.


I probably will still watch, but I won't like it.



are you refering to the child stromtrooper cadets? I actually thought that made the empire even more creepy, when you realize that stormtroopers are basicly "Hitler youth"

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Good grief, did the Inquisitor slip on a banana peel and yell "Curses!" or something?


No but I wouldn't be surprised if he did at some point...


are you refering to the child stromtrooper cadets? I actually thought that made the empire even more creepy, when you realize that stormtroopers are basicly "Hitler youth"


Yes and it's terrible. The whole episode was just...bad.


What kind of piss poor training was that?


The base literally has 0 security measures.


Also Stormtrooper crewed Walkers...NO! THEY ARE A STRICT INFANTRY FORCE ONLY!


Sorry but I'm sticking to the real Stormtroopers, ones that were chosen from top Army Troop cadets after their 1 year of grueling training and then put into a 2/3 year long Stormtrooper training program that was brutal and legendary.


Not a 'training program'(by The Force that was terrible 'training') where the cadets are kids and it only lasts a few weeks.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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No but I wouldn't be surprised if he did at some point...




Yes and it's terrible. The whole episode was just...bad.


What kind of piss poor training was that?


The base literally has 0 security measures.


Also Stormtrooper crewed Walkers...NO! THEY ARE A STRICT INFANTRY FORCE ONLY!


Sorry but I'm sticking to the real Stormtroopers, ones that were chosen from top Army Troop cadets after their 1 year of grueling training and then put into a 2/3 year long Stormtrooper training program that was brutal and legendary.


Not a 'training program'(by The Force that was terrible 'training') where the cadets are kids and it only lasts a few weeks.


I will say this in defense, First we never see "Kid Stormtroopers" also the line in A New Hope "arent you a little short for a stormtrooper" They seemed to have come from another training something or another (note Ezra talking about beating his "freind" the day before (by the way dont know if any one caught that was Dante Bosco, AkA Rufio from hook, AkA Zuko ATLA) that and the one before that, suggesting another "training camp" from what I could tell training wise here, it tested Agility, a little bit of aim (the platform that moved is the one that you shot) and most assuredly started your indoctrination. The idea "No one is your friend".



What this means is, this is just PART of the training they will be shipped someplace else for MORE training after this, also I dont recall it really being called "storm trooper" training anywhere besides the ads, Or I took that as more Propaganda to get people to join, the promise of becoming a storm trooper, when really they are just army cadets and only the best get chosen. Obviously if during training some one shows Sensitivity The Inquisitor is called, to turn or kill them.


Also there is always my EARLY theory about how the "people" they are recruiting are basically getting garbage training as the REAL armed forces at this time are still the Clones. This is an outer rim back water area, at this time "Storm Trooper" might be glorified security, until the empire realizes it REALLY needs to up its efficiency THEN the training we all know and love begins.



Edit: Didnt note this, but to me this was one of the weakest episodes.... except for the fact that I was geeking out about Dante Basko.

Edited by tunewalker
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From what I gathered those cadets were not actually being trained to become fully fledged Stormtroopers, in fact one of the officers said they were actually being trained to be ensigns. To me it appeared to be the Star Wars equivalent of the Hitler youth, a paramilitary organisation that trained children to fight, but not to actually join the army, just to teach them discipline, how to be a loyal citizen and perhaps prepare them for eventual enrollment in an academy.


But none of these kids would have become Stormtroopers after those few weeks, otherwise the ranks of the Imperial military would be full of children wouldn't they? I'm sure actual military training is much much longer.

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No but I wouldn't be surprised if he did at some point...




Yes and it's terrible. The whole episode was just...bad.


What kind of piss poor training was that?


The base literally has 0 security measures.


Also Stormtrooper crewed Walkers...NO! THEY ARE A STRICT INFANTRY FORCE ONLY!


Sorry but I'm sticking to the real Stormtroopers, ones that were chosen from top Army Troop cadets after their 1 year of grueling training and then put into a 2/3 year long Stormtrooper training program that was brutal and legendary.


Not a 'training program'(by The Force that was terrible 'training') where the cadets are kids and it only lasts a few weeks.


Hmm, at this point I'm a bit curious what you actually do like about Star Wars, I mean the full metal documentary about Storm trooper life and training probably isn't in the making yet, and by the sound of it, the only guy who would get it right is you, right!?


And you have declared the lightsaber wielding and handwaving guys don't appeal to you . . .


So what kind are you, star Wars fan that is . . . I mean the Stormtroopers are bound to be on the losing end most of the time, or is it some kind of weird self inflicting underdog identification you got going on . . . or are you just one of those who jumped on the bandwagon of whiners and doesn't know how to get off !?


I don't mean to pick a fight but could you just for the sheer fun of it state your 10, ahh well, 1 or 2 Star Wars highlights of your choice ??

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I will say this in defense, First we never see "Kid Stormtroopers" also the line in A New Hope "arent you a little short for a stormtrooper" They seemed to have come from another training something or another (note Ezra talking about beating his "freind" the day before (by the way dont know if any one caught that was Dante Bosco, AkA Rufio from hook, AkA Zuko ATLA) that and the one before that, suggesting another "training camp" from what I could tell training wise here, it tested Agility, a little bit of aim (the platform that moved is the one that you shot) and most assuredly started your indoctrination. The idea "No one is your friend".



What this means is, this is just PART of the training they will be shipped someplace else for MORE training after this, also I dont recall it really being called "storm trooper" training anywhere besides the ads, Or I took that as more Propaganda to get people to join, the promise of becoming a storm trooper, when really they are just army cadets and only the best get chosen. Obviously if during training some one shows Sensitivity The Inquisitor is called, to turn or kill them.


Also there is always my EARLY theory about how the "people" they are recruiting are basically getting garbage training as the REAL armed forces at this time are still the Clones. This is an outer rim back water area, at this time "Storm Trooper" might be glorified security, until the empire realizes it REALLY needs to up its efficiency THEN the training we all know and love begins.


I know we don't see kid Stormtroopers, but the Officer said by the end of the next few weeks they would be Stormtroopers or something along those lines....and yeah, I guess they were also trained in other sorts that we didn't see, but what we did see was just......


They could get more training but....I doubt it at this point....guess we shall see. I hope other sources expand and do it right.


But this is the 1st impression of training that is gonna be known to the general public and it's....a bad 1st impression. The kids involved just....make it seem worse and I don't see how they could be Army cadets, seeing as Ezra just seemed to walk in and start training.


More to that again...the base had ZERO security whatsoever....so much so, that Zeb and Sabine were literally able to hangout about 100 feet away from where the training was...that...no...and more to that, the cadets seem awfully easily swayed to turn against the Empire, if they were Army cadets, I don't think they would be that easily swayed by a few words.....aside from that one kid who wants to find his sister.


Eh...maybe I did jump the gun, but 1st impressions are usually the ones that last. I hope it picks up for the Empire, cause right now it's terrible.

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From what I gathered those cadets were not actually being trained to become fully fledged Stormtroopers, in fact one of the officers said they were actually being trained to be ensigns. To me it appeared to be the Star Wars equivalent of the Hitler youth, a paramilitary organisation that trained children to fight, but not to actually join the army, just to teach them discipline, how to be a loyal citizen and perhaps prepare them for eventual enrollment in an academy.


But none of these kids would have become Stormtroopers after those few weeks, otherwise the ranks of the Imperial military would be full of children wouldn't they? I'm sure actual military training is much much longer.


Well the Officer did state that they were and those that passed the test they were doing, become aids and the others go along with that other big dude.


I probably did jump the gun though, for that I apologize...but 1st impressions and all of the new Star Wars canon just...leave a bad taste.

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Hmm, at this point I'm a bit curious what you actually do like about Star Wars, I mean the full metal documentary about Storm trooper life and training probably isn't in the making yet, and by the sound of it, the only guy who would get it right is you, right!?


And you have declared the lightsaber wielding and handwaving guys don't appeal to you . . .


So what kind are you, star Wars fan that is . . . I mean the Stormtroopers are bound to be on the losing end most of the time, or is it some kind of weird self inflicting underdog identification you got going on . . . or are you just one of those who jumped on the bandwagon of whiners and doesn't know how to get off !?


I don't mean to pick a fight but could you just for the sheer fun of it state your 10, ahh well, 1 or 2 Star Wars highlights of your choice ??


1st impressions are usually the ones that stick out the most and the ones that leave behind memories, they probably do have more training later but what we actually see is just bad.


I never said that I would be the only one to get it right.


When did I say this? I'm a fan of lightsabers and Force Users, I'm just more into the Non-Force side of things really, not many people really get into it and so it's interesting to read upon.


I realize that Stormtroopers are gonna be on the losing end most of the time, that's fine with me...but don't make their training into a complete joke and reinforce that stupid stereotype of them which is based on a lie.


I don't really need a top 10 list of anything, because really? I generally like everything that I have read about Star Wars or played, there are some things that bother me...but for the most part I like it all.

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I know we don't see kid Stormtroopers, but the Officer said by the end of the next few weeks they would be Stormtroopers or something along those lines....and yeah, I guess they were also trained in other sorts that we didn't see, but what we did see was just......


They could get more training but....I doubt it at this point....guess we shall see. I hope other sources expand and do it right.


But this is the 1st impression of training that is gonna be known to the general public and it's....a bad 1st impression. The kids involved just....make it seem worse and I don't see how they could be Army cadets, seeing as Ezra just seemed to walk in and start training.


More to that again...the base had ZERO security whatsoever....so much so, that Zeb and Sabine were literally able to hangout about 100 feet away from where the training was...that...no...and more to that, the cadets seem awfully easily swayed to turn against the Empire, if they were Army cadets, I don't think they would be that easily swayed by a few words.....aside from that one kid who wants to find his sister.


Eh...maybe I did jump the gun, but 1st impressions are usually the ones that last. I hope it picks up for the Empire, cause right now it's terrible.


The exact line is you walked in here boys, but in the next two weeks, you will leave us AS MEN. Not as a Soldier of any kind, but from "boy" to "man". They were no where near done with "trooper" training as far as I could tell.



But ya this was easily the weakest episode thus far, and I doubt it will get TO much better for the Empire. This is a family show, and as such most of the time you want to have a "feel good" ending, though things like season finale's, or half way points, are usually the best spot and most likely spot to put the whole "oh no what are we going to do" feel into things. Overall I agree this was one of the weakest episodes, but clearly this is not ALL the training, nor even close to the end of the training. I think what Beni said is probably the most accurate to all this. After all the Empire does take a lot of inspiration from Nazi Germany.



Edit: Also a side note, I generally prefer the everyday guy as well. I Think thats why I like the Early NJO so much, they were normal people becoming extrodinary. Its the "Rags to riches" tale. But rather being litteral Monetary, its Philisophical, and symbolic. I think that's why I like Luke so much. But other then that, I like my Force users Rare, and my troopers strong and intelligent ( I include Rebel Troopers in this obviously). I want my Imperials well armed and threatening, and my rebels cunning and crafty.

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The exact line is you walked in here boys, but in the next two weeks, you will leave us AS MEN. Not as a Soldier of any kind, but from "boy" to "man". They were no where near done with "trooper" training as far as I could tell.



But ya this was easily the weakest episode thus far, and I doubt it will get TO much better for the Empire. This is a family show, and as such most of the time you want to have a "feel good" ending, though things like season finale's, or half way points, are usually the best spot and most likely spot to put the whole "oh no what are we going to do" feel into things. Overall I agree this was one of the weakest episodes, but clearly this is not ALL the training, nor even close to the end of the training. I think what Beni said is probably the most accurate to all this. After all the Empire does take a lot of inspiration from Nazi Germany.


I recall hearing the word Stormtrooper but..../shrug, guess i'll have to rewatch it.

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I recall hearing the word Stormtrooper but..../shrug, guess i'll have to rewatch it.


I just watched it again here it is


You enter this facility as Children, but in 2 weeks when you leave you will do so as Soldiers (was wrong there). You will leave here ready to Serve your emperor. and he DOES finish with "are you ready to become storm troopers", but again, we see no FULL FLEDGED storm troopers their size, unless they do amazing growth serum stuff to kids some how. There is more to it then that.

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I just watched it again here it is


You enter this facility as Children, but in 2 weeks when you leave you will do so as Soldiers (was wrong there). You will leave here ready to Serve your emperor. and he DOES finish with "are you ready to become storm troopers", but again, we see no FULL FLEDGED storm troopers their size, unless they do amazing growth serum stuff to kids some how. There is more to it then that.


And that is when I facepalmed and shook my head, that line ontop of seeing kids just ruined the whole episode after that.


But they could be given more training, till they are grown to adult or...yeah given a growth serum but that just doesn't seem right...wouldn't put it past the show now though.

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And that is when I facepalmed and shook my head, that line ontop of seeing kids just ruined the whole episode after that.


But they could be given more training, till they are grown to adult or...yeah given a growth serum but that just doesn't seem right...wouldn't put it past the show now though.


If that's the thing, I will face ---------> DESK. Because that will be utterly stupid, and to me kind of undermine everything about Empire vs Rebels. I will imidiately be like "why didnt the rebels win faster, what took people so long to beat up a bunch of kids in grown mens bodies" Life experience is important.

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They did say they would become Stromtroopers, but then they said they'd just be an aide so I think they were just using the term to stir them up a bit and get them a bit excited. Again think Hitler Youth.


What confused me though is why everything is centered around Lothal, I mean Agent Kallus has his office on Lothal now? Since when? And the Inquisitor just shows up on Lothal too? Really? Who isn't on Lothal?


I mean what's so important about this world? Answer: Nothing. Its just some backwater planet in the Outer Rim. Though I know the real answer, they can't afford to animate more planets, infact this whole episode stinks of cheap.


Notice how the kid antagonist never takes his mask off? Notice how the Imperial officers protecting the Kyber crystal have their caps pulled right over their faces? Yeah, those were the faces they couldn't afford to animate /sigh.


I miss TCW, where every episode would introduce new characters, new worlds and a new adventure.

Edited by Beniboybling
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They did say they would become Stromtroopers, but then they said they'd just be an aide so I think they were just using the term to stir them up a bit and get them a bit excited. Again think Hitler Youth.


What confused me though is why everything is centered around Lothal, I mean Agent Kallus has his office on Lothal now? Since when? And the Inquisitor just shows up on Lothal too? Really? Who isn't on Lothal?


I mean what's so important about this world? Answer: Nothing. Its just some backwater planet in the Outer Rim. Though I know the real answer, they can't afford to animate more planets, infact this whole episode stinks of cheap.


Notice how the kid antagonist never takes his mask off? Notice how the Imperial officers protecting the Kyber crystal have their caps pulled right over their faces? Yeah, those were the faces they couldn't afford to animate /sigh.


I miss TCW, where every episode would introduce new characters, new worlds and a new adventure.


The next episode looks pretty interesting with Hera and Sabine though.

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Agreed that this is meant to be about indoctrination, not actually spitting them out as full-fledged stormtroopers. The line about "are you ready to become stormtroopers" definitely sounded like a means of getting them psyched up (plus a line to use in a trailer).


Even the "when you leave, you will do so as soldiers" line sounded like rhetoric rather than saying they'd be soldiers in any official capacity. Kind of the dark side when of a coming of age story has a dad telling his son "you're a man now Timmy, take care of your mom and sister for me" or a "we're not kids anymore, we have to start thinking like soldiers" line from a Red Dawn/Tomorrow When the War Began style plot - it's all about shaping how they think, in this case getting them to think of themselves as a loyal part of the Empire.

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