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Happy Belated Birthday Dread Fortress and Dread Palace.


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So many people so very ignorant of how the expansion thing actually works.


They expect new content right up to the release day of the new expansion because of course they do.


Rage more, boys and girls. Your foam-at-the-mouth ranting amuses me.

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Just because you're refusing to see my point doesn't make it non existent. ;)


Will say it again: You're only trying to deflect the point, seeing you have nothing else to rely on.


The list below is both FACTUAL and OBJECTIVE:


New operations released by October 2012: Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict & Terror From Beyond

New operations released by October 2013: Scum & Villainy, Dread Fortress & Dread Palace

New operations released by October 2014: ZILCH


And I'm being generous truth be told, especially considering I could point out in that list the many daily areas and flashpoints -- outside tactical ones - we got over the years.


2014, as far as actual, meaningful content is concerned, has been the WORSE year in the history of this game. Period.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Will say it again: You're only trying to deflect the point, seeing you have nothing else to rely on.


The list below is both FACTUAL and OBJECTIVE:


New operations released by October 2012: Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict & Terror From Beyond

New operations released by October 2013: Scum & Villainy, Dread Fortress & Dread Palace

New operations released by October 2014: ZILCH


And I'm being generous truth be told, especially considering I could point out in that list the many daily areas and flashpoints -- outside tactical ones - we got over the years.


2014, as far as actual, meaningful content is concerned, has been the WORSE year in the history of this game. Period.


Opinionated, considering we also got the rest of GSF and GSH and that's actual meaningful content.

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Opinionated, considering we also got the rest of GSF and GSH and that's actual meaningful content.


GSF, GSH and tactical flashpoint were done at the expense of everything else that many see as the core of the game.

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Do explain how it "opinionated". :o


Do explain how releasing three operations by October 2012 and 2013 and ZILCH by October 2014 is "opinionated".


Do explain how releasing ZERO new flashpoints -- outside tactical ones -- and daily areas is "opinionated".


considering we also got the rest of GSF and GSH and that's actual meaningful content.


GSF is not the focus of the game. Never was, which is why this came to pass. Has it even been updated in the last few months? New maps or new ships? Like the one that was "delayed indefinitely"?


As for GSH, I fail to see how it caters for people who crave for story-driven content or operations. I really do.

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Do explain how it "opinionated". :o


Do explain how releasing three operations by October 2012 and 2013 and ZILCH by October 2014 is "opinionated".


Do explain how releasing ZERO new flashpoints -- outside tactical ones -- and daily areas is "opinionated".


You are choosing only to focus on OPs and ignoring the rest of the content added in the game classifying it as Meaningful content. That's opinionated.


GSF is not the focus of the game. Never was, which is why this came to pass. Has it even been updated in the last few months? New maps or new ships? Like the one that was "delayed indefinitely"?


As for GSH, I fail to see how it caters for people who crave for story-driven content or operations. I really do.


People asked for it. Not everything in this game has to be story driven. But if you want a story, here it is. You're popular enough to buy a house. There.

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People asked for it. Not everything in this game has to be story driven. But if you want a story, here it is. You're popular enough to buy a house. There.


Most of the posts I saw were asking for free flight space PVE and PVP not space PVP Arenas.

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You are choosing only to focus on OPs and ignoring the rest of the content added in the game classifying it as Meaningful content. That's opinionated.


Incorrect and you keep deflecting the issue. No harm, considering it's not going anywhere. :p


Also, this is the name of the thread...

Happy Belated Birthday Dread Fortress and Dread Palace.

As such, it is logical to focus on the topic at hand, namely going over a full year without new operations, unlike what happened in 2012 and 2013.


People asked for it. Not everything in this game has to be story driven. But if you want a story, here it is. You're popular enough to buy a house. There.


That's not an argument but more of what you've been doing this whole thread: Deflecting it. :o

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Fairly sure that's not the aim of the thread but more so how UTTERLY PATHETIC the current situation is. :o


Right now. not only we won't get a new operation before 3.0 -- something people suspected for a while now -- but we don't even know when that will be.


Sometime this year I guess. :rolleyes:


and they havent decided exactly ( or even vaguely) what they are going to release, much less if it will be this year.

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Most of the posts I saw were asking for free flight space PVE and PVP not space PVP Arenas.


It is free flight, not railed, but I wish there was a PVE version.


Incorrect and you keep deflecting the issue. No harm, considering it's not going anywhere. :p


I agree this isn't going anywhere


Also, this is the name of the thread...


As such, it is logical to focus on the topic at hand, namely going over a full year without new operations, unlike what happened in 2012 and 2013.


Which my point was that you keep choosing to ignore is we are in better shape right now than WoW, because unlike WoW, SWTOR kept releasing new content where as WoW has done nothing at all after both released their operations.


That's not an argument but more of what you've been doing this whole thread: Deflecting it. :o


You asked if GSH had any story driven behind it and I gave one to you. Sounds like a solid argument to me.

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It actually does have a point as around the same time we got DF and DP, WoW released Siege of Orgrimmar, their final raid for MOP. And they haven't had any new content updates since then, where as SWTOR has. Both have expansions coming this year.


Blizzard can tell you months in advance what will be in their expansion and what it will cost and when it will be released, Bioware cannot.


Blizzards will release their exactly when they said it would, bioware has a history of delays. we will see if it is released this year or if you will have to scramble to figure out an excuse for bioware. no rage, just truth.


Blizzard already wears the crown, they dont have anything to prove.

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Which my point was that you keep choosing to ignore is we are in better shape right now than WoW, because unlike WoW, SWTOR kept releasing new content where as WoW has done nothing at all after both released their operations.


Will say it once more: Don't play WoW. Don't care about WoW.


I play this game. This is the one that matters. :D


Wanna compare something? Compare every single year thus far and you get the following picture:


October 2012: Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict and Terror From Beyond

October 2012: Scum & Villainy, Dread Fortress and Dread Palace

October 2014: ZILCH


Also, consider the topic title:

Happy Belated Birthday Dread Fortress and Dread Palace.

- - - -

You asked if GSH had any story driven behind it and I gave one to you. Sounds like a solid argument to me.

Claiming that GSH is somehow supposed to be story-driven or cater to people who enjoy a story-driven experience or operations is just... I don't even have words for it.


My hope is that you're actually joking; Seriously. :o

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Blizzard can tell you months in advance what will be in their expansion and what it will cost and when it will be released, Bioware cannot.


Blizzards will release their exactly when they said it would, bioware has a history of delays. we will see if it is released this year or if you will have to scramble to figure out an excuse for bioware. no rage, just truth.


Blizzard already wears the crown, they dont have anything to prove.


I don't make excuses for Bioware, I'm just realistic and understanding. Delays happen, at least they told us.


It could be a lot worse. :)

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Will say it once more: Don't play WoW. Don't care about WoW.


I play this game. This is the one that matters. :D


Wanna compare something? Compare every single year thus far and you get the following picture:


October 2012: Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict and Terror From Beyond

October 2012: Scum & Villainy, Dread Fortress and Dread Palace

October 2014: ZILCH


Also, consider the topic title:




- - - -

Claiming that GSH is somehow supposed to be story-driven or cater to people who enjoy a story-driven experience or operations is just... I don't even have words for it.


My hope is that you're actually joking; Seriously. :o


The GSH part was just being funny, but is the actual story if you listen to the cut scene.

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The GSH part was just being funny, but is the actual story if you listen to the cut scene.


I found both adverts terrible. :p


Cringe-worthy, on par with this report by the Shroud, when all over the sudden he mentions the new Huttball arena on Quesh or whatever. I was like...

Where did that come from?

Both felt forced and Spaceballs- or Christmas Special-worthy, NOT SW. At least to me. :o

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I don't make excuses for Bioware, I'm just realistic and understanding. Delays happen, at least they told us.


It could be a lot worse. :)


that doesnt excuse why blizzard(which you brought up) can actually make a plan and actually execute that plan. they can communicate in actual words(english ones) what is in that plan. the use change management to keep things in order. they beta test their software to keep quality standards up. bioware seems to fail at this.


you keep telling us that the supposedly massive update will be released this year. so far all they have released about it is delays.


It could be worse, bw could be making another game...ohoh.......more of the same

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that doesnt excuse why blizzard(which you brought up) can actually make a plan and actually execute that plan. they can communicate in actual words(english ones) what is in that plan. the use change management to keep things in order. they beta test their software to keep quality standards up. bioware seems to fail at this.


you keep telling us that the supposedly massive update will be released this year. so far all they have released about it is delays.


It could be worse, bw could be making another game...ohoh.......more of the same


Difference between PR being delayed and stuff they've actually been working on being delayed.


So it's still coming this year unless said otherwise.

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that doesnt excuse why blizzard(which you brought up) can actually make a plan and actually execute that plan. they can communicate in actual words(english ones) what is in that plan. the use change management to keep things in order. they beta test their software to keep quality standards up. bioware seems to fail at this.


you keep telling us that the supposedly massive update will be released this year. so far all they have released about it is delays.


It could be worse, bw could be making another game...ohoh.......more of the same


They have delayed the reveal of the expansion, not the expansion itself. Until stated otherwise it is scheduled to be released before year's end.

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why are people bothering with an argument like this? its seems idiotic to speculate why they delayed the details on the new expansion, and it also seems pointless to measure each others virtual ***** on these forums by getting into a pissing contest with one another just play the game and gear ya chars to prepare for the new content and if ya cant gear ya chars anymore because ya are at max attainable gear for pve try pvp out if ya dont do any pvp on those chars and if youve only played one factions storys through to the end try the other factions theres plenty to do in game.. you can also work on your completion lvls for planets to get all the achievements and if ya can manage that ya really have bragging rights in this game... i guess my point is this... STOP ARGUING OVER POINTLESS STUFF! that is all take it or leave it i dont care... (it just sucks the fun out of a game when people are like this in them usually i try to avoid people like that.) and if ya are wondering why i bothered to respond to this thread its because it litterally pissed me off and i needed to vent (pun intended)
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why are people bothering with an argument like this? its seems idiotic to speculate why they delayed the details on the new expansion, and it also seems pointless to measure each others virtual ***** on these forums by getting into a pissing contest with one another just play the game and gear ya chars to prepare for the new content and if ya cant gear ya chars anymore because ya are at max attainable gear for pve try pvp out if ya dont do any pvp on those chars and if youve only played one factions storys through to the end try the other factions theres plenty to do in game.. you can also work on your completion lvls for planets to get all the achievements and if ya can manage that ya really have bragging rights in this game... i guess my point is this... STOP ARGUING OVER POINTLESS STUFF! that is all take it or leave it i dont care... (it just sucks the fun out of a game when people are like this in them usually i try to avoid people like that.) and if ya are wondering why i bothered to respond to this thread its because it litterally pissed me off and i needed to vent (pun intended)


This one right here wants to be your friend. Give it a call.

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Just got done reading through all the posts. I did not expect this topic to recieve many replies.


To answer a few questions. People had to why i started the topic.


Mostly I just thought it was a significant milestone in the game. End game content being kept for such an extensive time has many implications, some negative if all you consider is the addtions to the raiding enviroment. I just never thought I had gone almost a year of no new content.


Am I bored of those two raids? yes, very much so.


Do I think bioware did nothing in 2014. No, they did plenty.


They invested a lot more time into expanding various elements in the game. most notably PvP, and in game housing.


Do I want them to release new content? Yes...who wouldnt.


Do I expect before 3.0? No, but I am sure I am not the only one who thinks a year is a little long to wait for additional content for raiding.


If you really want to take something away from this, its that this game is not being devloped for hard core players who run through content. Hell most casuals have probably been in DF DP in hardmode atleast once. Should you unsub becuase of it? I wouldnt just yet. I dont think the devs are going to go through another year like last, and they will probably focus more on content. This last year saw a lot of mini expansions, with arenas, GSF, and GSH.

Edited by Haystak
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