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Jedi Knight / Sith Warrior Force Sweep / Smash


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Force Sweep/Smash was changed into requiring to have a primary target to execute when Focus spec was OP in PvP. I propose to bind requiring a primary target to the stance so that only in Soresu form you dont need a primary target and require to have one in DPS stances. It is highly annoying when tanking and the mob you targeted wanders off. Since there are abilities which operate differently in different stances like Challenging Call being a taunt for the tank stance and aggro drop for DPS stances, I assume this should be possible.
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It shouldn't require a primary target for Shien form either. Give me back my stealth scan BioWare.


This is basically my issue with the change. I understand why they made the change, but it was a poor solution. It damages the ability to deal with stealth for the class most especially the Sents/Maras.


An alternative solution to 'smash monkey' needs to be considered and this requirement removed. I'd say, just make it a 'perk' for one of the common skills in the other speclines so that its not even tied to a stance. Make it high enough that 'hybrid smash monkey' isn't a viable spec and in this way players of the non-smash spec get a very valid/necessary tool returned to them.

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