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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What so RP people actually do?


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The Progenitor, as it happens.


It's kinda funny tho.

People shouldn't expect to just join the server and have all that happen.


I've been playing on the Progenitor since launch, but I don't RP (I just prefer the RP servers over the PvE servers) and thus I've not seen a single thing of what you described.

Because if you want to experience that stuff, you'll have to go looking for it.

It's not just "wild RP'ing on the streets every day" so to speak :)


So if someone wants to experience that kind of RP, they should look for a heavy RP guild.


But I do suggest playing on RP servers if you want a community that cares about eachother (mostly, there's a-holes on all servers)

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The best with being on an rp server is that you get 1 more way to play the game. I played and raaided pretty har in wow for like 7-8 years, but there were always something missing. Once you have done it all, you are down to doing dailies and ****. In a guild like this you have an option.


But ye, I get what the guy were talking about that death=death. Like 20 years ago when i grow up we played some p&p, and there it was like that.


@progenitor I have seen some rp while leveling, and are in a heavy rp guild, but most rp atm is in the stronghold. Only been here a week tho or so, so can't say its always like that.


Its something extra, and as an old hardcore pve player, it would be fun to actually be IC for FPs and ops. Would be intresting to try.

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Now I kind of want to RP my class story with someone else of the same class. This would be especially fun for agents.


"Wait a minute, you're Cipher-9? But they told me I was Cipher-9!"


"There's something else going on here. Something sinister. And we're going to get to the bottom of it. Together!"


"Yes, but for now I suggest we play along. We don't want them to know we're on to them. Not until we know enough to stop them."



Or, you and your friend(s) could make 2 (or more) identical toons of the same class, and have them meet up on the home world and try to solve the mystery of why they all look exactly alike. (Clones? Quintuplets separated at birth? Parallel universes brought together?) Heck, they wouldn't even have to be the same class, if you didn't want to share the class stories. And the best part: the ERP practically writes itself! :rolleyes: ("How do we know we're identical in every way?" "Only one way to find out!" <cue bow-chicka-wow-wow music>)

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That's your own personal opinion.

Not quite. Fan fiction is writing stories. RP is playing the role of your character. When you write a fan fic, others read it (maybe) and then tell you what they thought (maybe). RP is give and take back and forth interaction between players in the roles of their characters. Fan fic is telling others what happened, RP is doing what it happening now. Which is why it's always amusing to see "RPers" doing the "RP" in past tense. Or when they broadcast their character's thoughts, feelings or emotions. If I am RPing with someone, there is no way my character would know how their character feels about something unless their character tells my character. "/e sits down wearily, gazing at the dancer appreciatively, her hair rings reminding him of the way Tressia wore hers" is not RP, yet I see examples similar to that (but nowhere nearly as well written) all the time. But hey, if that's how they have fun, doesn't affect me in the game. Here on the forums, though, it's fair game for discussion.

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I have no clue what you guys do , doesnt really help that my server is against RP even though I am sure bioware loves you guys since you guys spend a **** ton of money buying cartel packs for decorations , armors , etc .

Yeah, you definitely don't know what RP people do if you think buying a bunch of decorations and armors is a big deal for them, lol. RP'ers would probably trade the entire CM system for chat bubbles and the ability to interactively sit in all chairs in the game.

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