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So Ranked Gear?


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Yeah so, I'm a PVE'r and I would like to get into PVP. I have a few pieces of Obroan gear. But if I want to do ranked what kind of gear do I need? Do I need to like farm Brutilizer or can I just go in with Obroan gear fully augmented?
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Yeah so, I'm a PVE'r and I would like to get into PVP. I have a few pieces of Obroan gear. But if I want to do ranked what kind of gear do I need? Do I need to like farm Brutilizer or can I just go in with Obroan gear fully augmented?


If you min/max your Obroan gear and pick up the Brutalizer Relics you'll be good to go for starting ranked.

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Ranked gear really isn't a big deal if you ask me. It's like +4 stats for each piece, so that's barely a total of around +54 total of each stat between obroan and brut. that's like one and a half extra augments, really, and an augment iirc only gives you like 10 bonus damage or so, maybe a bit more. So really, ranked gear isn't going to make or break you. My sin is my main and, even though she's been in minmax'd obroan since the second day of brut gear coming out, she's not got a single piece of ranked gear, and I do just fine. It's just too much of a grind for ranked gear for the tiny stat gain to be worth it, at least in my opinion.


Short version: Minmax and augment your obroan, you're good for ranked

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Yeah so, I'm a PVE'r and I would like to get into PVP. I have a few pieces of Obroan gear. But if I want to do ranked what kind of gear do I need? Do I need to like farm Brutilizer or can I just go in with Obroan gear fully augmented?


Rule no.1 of pvping , never admit you are a PvEr.


Use 162 gear with your obroan.

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Yeah so, I'm a PVE'r and I would like to get into PVP. I have a few pieces of Obroan gear. But if I want to do ranked what kind of gear do I need? Do I need to like farm Brutilizer or can I just go in with Obroan gear fully augmented?


Don't do ranked if you don't have the skill... Skill is more important than gear in ranked... You should not be going into ranked unless you have honed your skills in regs... Even better if you start PVPing well before 55


In most cases 162 gear will be better than Oberon... Bolster will give you 1900-1932 if you min/max your 162 gear properly... Use the bolster terminal on the fleet ops ship bridge to test this


If I was you I wouldn't use the Oberon gear in pvp... Except when I start lvl 55... I would get the relics... I would then just buy Oberon and wait till I have the comms to swap for Brutalizer... If you don't have enough comms to do this straight away... Just get 2 pieces of Oberon to get you 2 piece bonus..


Because I pvp from lvl 10... I always have enough comms converted to ranked and full reg comms to buy a full set of Brutalizer at the start of lvl 55... You can do this by buying and selling the pvp weapons back to the vendor before the timer runs out... usually I have 10-13 by the time I reach 55


Just remember ranked is only Arena and only for the most skilled... Gear isn't as important as skill... Although it helps when skill is the same...



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