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Final boss in HM Czerka FP

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First of all, if the mDPS can't follow the boss being kited without missing a step in their DPS rotation, they are garbage. They should be asking you to kite just so they can practice DPSing on the move, because otherwise they will be garbage forever. Show them a video of NiM Brontes final phase (hell, even SM requires DPSing on the move), and tell them to shut up and learn to play.


Second, you should be able to get back into tanking range of the boss after he does his AoE without him moving, but it doesn't really matter one way or the other for the reasons above. On top of that, he will knock you back periodically, which you can't control, and will pretty much always result in him moving to you right afterward, so either way the boss is going to be moving. So again, don't worry about it.


Third, the DPS should be moving out away from the boss at the exact same time you are anyway, so him being kited literally affects nothing. Either way they need to close the gap after avoiding the AoE. And while yes, any decently geared player can face-tank the AoE damage without caring, it will always be a DPS loss to do so, because the amount of time you spend being incapacitated after the AoE is more than the amount of time it takes to run away and then close the gap again.


So in conclusion, you can pretty much apply the golden rule of FP interaction to this situation, just like pretty much any other. If someone on the team is telling you how to do your job when you aren't causing wipes or wasting time, they should shut up.

Edited by Kryand
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First of all, if the mDPS can't follow the boss being kited without missing a step in their DPS rotation, they are garbage. They should be asking you to kite just so they can practice DPSing on the move, because otherwise they will be garbage forever. Show them a video of NiM Brontes final phase (hell, even SM requires DPSing on the move), and tell them to shut up and learn to play.


Second, you should be able to get back into tanking range of the boss after he does his AoE without him moving, but it doesn't really matter one way or the other for the reasons above. On top of that, he will knock you back periodically, which you can't control, and will pretty much always result in him moving to you right afterward, so either way the boss is going to be moving. So again, don't worry about it.


Third, the DPS should be moving out away from the boss at the exact same time you are anyway, so him being kited literally affects nothing. Either way they need to close the gap after avoiding the AoE. And while yes, any decently geared player can face-tank the AoE damage without caring, it will always be a DPS loss to do so, because the amount of time you spend being incapacitated after the AoE is more than the amount of time it takes to run away and then close the gap again.


So in conclusion, you can pretty much apply the golden rule of FP interaction to this situation, just like pretty much any other. If someone on the team is telling you how to do your job when you aren't causing wipes or wasting time, they should shut up.


^^ I like this answer best :)

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