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Harbinger Solo Ranked Dead?


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Well, I totally know if your an imp you may want to ignore this for a while. Anyways, if you are a pub toon who wants to que ranked with east coast prime times, come to pot5. Why? Because pubs dominate this server's ranked population. Mostly cause they are not enough pubs, so when those few of us who do que, we get together and we kick ***. So for those pubs looking for solo ques, I can tell you there are always other pubs looking to que. We don't care if its pub v pub. in fact, the more pubs of all skill levels the better. If your best times to play correlate with east coast, then look no further than PoT5:)
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is it me or are there no pops anymore? solow mentioned theres lots of people in queue just no one is getting any pops last few days. wonder if it bugged out somehow


Idk, I didn't queue any on this weekend but I had no luck at all on Monday/Tuesday. We at least managed to get some Group Ranked going on Monday.

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well, if you are queueing for anything other than dps, that's probably the issue. most of harbingers ranked pops are dps pops.

This makes me think that we have some conflicting goals.

1) Better matchmaking (avoiding e.g. tank+heal+dps*2 vs dps*4)

2) Shorter queue times (just make a match with whatever is in queue, don't care about matchups)


So theoretically, if you queue as a tank or healer, maybe your queue time will be longer (opposite from PVE group finder)? If there are stacks of dps, there will be tons of dps*4 vs dps*4 and the one tank might be waiting for another to queue.


I could see this happening.

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