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One time passwords...


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Maybe the wrong section, forgive me if it is.


But I am just curious what makes them send these? I ask because I did not request a one time password but got a message about it when I attempted to log in. When I went to my email I got a message saying "You have preformed actions requiring a one time password"


I did not request it...


The only thing I can think of is I had some network issues which required me to bypass my router and run directly from the modem... Could that be the cause? Because the only difference really would be the IP but I've had IP changes before and never caused me to have one of these.

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Maybe the wrong section, forgive me if it is.


But I am just curious what makes them send these? I ask because I did not request a one time password but got a message about it when I attempted to log in. When I went to my email I got a message saying "You have preformed actions requiring a one time password"


I did not request it...


The only thing I can think of is I had some network issues which required me to bypass my router and run directly from the modem... Could that be the cause? Because the only difference really would be the IP but I've had IP changes before and never caused me to have one of these.


The one time password is basically a layer of security for your account to prevent other people from accessing it. Bioware will send these to you when you're logging in, and you'll have to get it from your email to enter before you're able to access your account.


There is good news though! If you are tired of the OTPs then you can get a security key and hook it up to your account. You won't have to use the OTP ever again. There are physical and digital security keys. Physical ones are no longer made, but can still be bought from Ebay or Amazon. The digital version can be gotten for free from the iphone and Android app stores.

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They send them out whenever there's a change: IP change, deleted cookies in the browser, processor change, new operating system, etc. They also say it's "one time" but you're going to get them every single time until you revert back to whatever the "initial" setup that you originally had.
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Indeed there is great info there, but none of it answers this particular question.



That being said, I was having trouble with my modem (was going bad) and had gotten a new one, had the one time code come up one more time since then and then seemingly went away forever. My only concern was that it said I had requested it on one page, and then said I preformed actions that required it in the email, I was certain I didn't request it and curious as to what I did to require it, now I think I know thank you.

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Indeed there is great info there, but none of it answers this particular question.



That being said, I was having trouble with my modem (was going bad) and had gotten a new one, had the one time code come up one more time since then and then seemingly went away forever. My only concern was that it said I had requested it on one page, and then said I preformed actions that required it in the email, I was certain I didn't request it and curious as to what I did to require it, now I think I know thank you.


You didn't request it, but you did change a detail. Any time you change a detail, you will get one of these.


My advice is to get a security key attached to your account. You'll never have a OTP again. You can run them on IoS or Android, and there's even a version that runs on PC.

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