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AOE Force Choke - possible new talent in 3.0?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Everyone is taking this way too seriously.


Force Stasis/Force Choke now deals its damage to an additional 4 enemies around the initial target. If the target is strong, standard or weak, it is also stunned for the duration.

The AoE stun wouldn't apply to player targets.

Edited by Marb
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Tank juggs already have TWO hardstuns and an AoE mezz. Now you're asking to make and AoE hardstun part of their arsenal? You're out of your mind.


The stun effect from MFC is not supposed to work in PVP. It would only inflict damage. For PVE it's needed for the threat control.


If you don't want to see Threatening Scream and MFC used one after another, then it's easy to solve that problem by simply adding "Shares a cooldown with Threatening Scream."



For PVP - depending on circumstances it's either TS for stun OR MFC for additional damage


Than what's the point?

It's the same point that was the reason for the skill changes in 3.0. For instance, Mercenary's Arsenal get Blazing Bolts that doesn't differ much from Unload in the sense of mechanic. It's just for flavor and diversity of the class.

Edited by PavSalco
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