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New 3.0 Talent Ideas for Mando/Mercs


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Ever do Nightmare Bestia? Nightmare dread council?


The healers are off-dpsing because they dont need to heal because the damage going out isn't that bad. We've solo healed HM Bestia before, and if it weren't for the 3 monsters at the start we'd solo-heal NiM Bestia too. To be fair though, we've only downed NiM Bestia twice, but both times the healers were DPSing quite a bit for the final burn (Bestia + 1 monster), and it was still a few seconds into the enrage when she died.


This is with all 4 DPS doing >3k dps too (me on 3.6k :D)


EDIT - Lol the entire previous page didn't show up till I posted this. Oh well, at least everyone else has proven healers need to DPS even with the best DPS in the world (dont look at me)


Lol i did 360k damage on Bestia nim last night. That was with forgetting to learn my level 55 talents as well lol. I didnt learn them until we got to council and someone accidently hit their hut statue lol.


Edit: I hope theres a utility to reduce the cd of vent heat instead of it being restricted to the pyro spec.

Edited by Rambeezy
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lol :D


Compare it with heatseekers, and it is very lackluster. An improvement to it would not be to much. Even a cd lowering skill in Arsenal for it. You wait with a fullstacked Tracer Lock far to long.

Edited by Petvin
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Compare it with heatseekers, and it is very lackluster. An improvement to it would not be to much. Even a cd lowering skill in Arsenal for it. You wait with a fullstacked Tracer Lock far to long.


Rail Shot for Arsenal is fine. It's supposed to be lackluster compared to your 45 point talent ability.

Edited by fujeo-finell
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Compare it with heatseekers, and it is very lackluster.


With that logic Chain Lightning sucks because Thundering Blast is better, Immolate sucks because Flamethrower is better, Backstab sucks because Laceration is better, Impale sucks because Ravage is better...You get the idea.


Rail Shot is good.

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I eat my Words, Heatseekers should be stronger not a question about it. But would not a 12 sec cooldown for Railshot be nice? And fit better with Tracer Lock?


Anyway i look forward to see the new abilities we get and what exactly blazing shot will do

Edited by Petvin
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Well, apparently we have leaked content now.


*Edited Out because Bioware is jerkz and doesnt allow people to see content from the future plz allow*


Edit 2: Well, i feel stupid for editing this now...


Eric literally just said on snaves stream the other day that they dont go out of their way to stop data mined information. I wouldn't really worry about it.


Continue to discuss and feel free to re-post that link...

Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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INB4 Ban


But seriously, discussing datamined content on the official website is against the ToS, and will get you a ban. Thanks for the link to the document though, I was looking for that.


This post is a warning to ya, in case you want to stay.

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do you ever stop with the ******** about the animation? The change is done just get over


I know, right? I mean, enough already, for Dog's sake...


The old animation is ****.


No, all but literally: It looks like the guy is having a particularly effortful crap. (I guess those street hot-dog vendor stands on Kaas City must have got shut down for health-code violations at some point, hence the change :))


The changed animation gives the Merc the cooly restrained-but-still-obvious élan that is only one of the reasons I adore Mercs so.

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The Only One We need is


Jet Escape/Grappling Gun

Mercenary overcharges his jetpack and blast away 23m. Any hostile within 6m gets blinded by the blast making them 30% slower.


Commando throws a smoke bomb at his feet and grapples 23m away. Any hostile within 6m of smoke lose visibility making them 30% slower



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1) KEEP Kolto Bomb as a baseline talent. This is a nice little bit of utility to give to a class that really doesn't have much. If not, move it to the utilities, do not make it a healing spec only thing.


2) Make Advanced Medical Probe instant for the DPS specs. It's pretty much needed for survivability in PVP. I know there's the proc-able thing in Gunnery but, no.


3) BRING BACK the Stockstrike knockback. The root is inferior in every possible way. The KB gave us SOME melee formidability especially on maps with cliffs.


4) Why is our Cryo STILL at 10m? You never explained why ours dropped to 10m and the gunslinger stun was both AoE and 30/35m.


5) Interrupt Immunity with HtL. Should have always been there. Do NOT tie it to the long *** CD of Reactive Shield. Literally every other casting class has a way to talent into a much much shorter CD on interrupt immunity.


6) I really like the drone idea someone else mentioned. Maybe it needs to be toned down a little, but it makes sense for the class, especially the way calling the healing probes was highlighted as early as


7) Escape - HtL is not an effective escape. Maybe something where we have to target the ground with a reticle and then click out to sayy 20m or so. LIke setting a mortar volley. This would make it more cumbersome than what other classes have while also giving it the unique ability to be 'aimed'.


8) A Quality of Life thing - It'd be nice if the animation for Trauma Probe which shows up on LOW graphics woudl show up on higher settings as well.

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1) KEEP Kolto Bomb as a baseline talent. This is a nice little bit of utility to give to a class that really doesn't have much. If not, move it to the utilities, do not make it a healing spec only thing.


I would like it, but considering Merc are the only healing AC with an AoE heal outside of its healing tree.. I can see the inbalance.. And pulling it from baseline to the tree will also allow them to buff it sensibly.


2) Make Advanced Medical Probe instant for the DPS specs. It's pretty much needed for survivability in PVP. I know there's the proc-able thing in Gunnery but, no.


We gain Emergency Scan (instant with a cost) and Kolto Shots (Rapid Shots in CSC) to make up for Rapid Scan and Kolto Missile lost. Absolutely worth it IMO.


3) BRING BACK the Stockstrike knockback. The root is inferior in every possible way. The KB gave us SOME melee formidability especially on maps with cliffs.


Except that a root isn't affected by resolve ;)


4) Why is our Cryo STILL at 10m? You never explained why ours dropped to 10m and the gunslinger stun was both AoE and 30/35m.


Flashbang is a mezz... Damage breaks it. Cryo is a hard stun. You can DPS down your target without breaking it. Sniper's hard stun is Debilitate which is a 4m ability... A comparable ability to Flashbang would be Concussion Missile under Power Surge.


5) Interrupt Immunity with HtL. Should have always been there. Do NOT tie it to the long *** CD of Reactive Shield. Literally every other casting class has a way to talent into a much much shorter CD on interrupt immunity.


Stop whining about interrupts. In 3.0 interrupts will have a 12 sec CD for melee and a 24 sec CD for ranged.


7) Escape - HtL is not an effective escape. Maybe something where we have to target the ground with a reticle and then click out to sayy 20m or so. LIke setting a mortar volley. This would make it more cumbersome than what other classes have while also giving it the unique ability to be 'aimed'.


For Arsenal, between slow, root moving while channeling your 70% slow, you can kite rather well. Sorc doesn't have an Oh **** escape. Only Sniper have one (I'm talking about the ranged classes). Sorc Oh **** buttons stun them and keep them well in the middle of the melee. Merc needs an Oh **** button, in the form of an escape or a powerful DCD.


8) A Quality of Life thing - It'd be nice if the animation for Trauma Probe which shows up on LOW graphics woudl show up on higher settings as well.


Yes... So stupid higher graphic hide the animation.

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