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New 3.0 Talent Ideas for Mando/Mercs


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With 3.0 expansion coming up, we most likely will get a new ability/talents to go with the supposed level cap bump.

As such, i have been brainstorming talents for the mercenary/commando skill trees. So post your ideas here, and if they are good maybe, JUST maybe, BW may consider them. But mostly just post em for fun. :D


Assault Specialist/Pyrotech:


"Plasma infused Cells/Thermal Synergy"

Each time your "Incendiary Round/Incendiary Missile's" fire dot does damage you have a 100% chance to Generate 2 cells/Vent 2 heat. This effect can only occur at 65% Cells or lower/35% heat or higher.

Requires Plasma Cell/Combustible Gas cylinder"



Activating "Concussion Charge/Jet Boost" now creates a high-pressured dampening Field around you, reducing all damage taken by 10%. Lasts 15 seconds.




Thermite Rounds/Thermite Warheads

Plasma Grenade/Fusion Missile" has a 100% to reduce the cell/heat cost of your next 2 Explosive Rounds/Missile Blasts by 20 cells/heat. In addition Explosive round/Missile blast will leave a volatile powder on the target which stacks up to 2 times and lasts 15 seconds. At 2 stacks, you next Grav Round/ Tracer Missile will reduce the targets armor by an additional 80% for 8 seconds. These effects cannot occur more than once every 25 seconds.


Remember these are just ideas I came up with. Post your ideas :p

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Oh, me-me-me, I wanna play, too!


(I'm sure some of these will be seen as quite OP, but...yeah :))




Supercharged Launcher(/Cryogenic-Cooled Barrels):


Under the effect of Barrage(/Curtain of Fire), Critical ticks of Unload(/Full Auto) build stacks of Supercharged Launcher(/Cryo-Cooled Barrels). At 4 stacks, the cooldown of Heatseeker Missiles(/Demolition Round) is re-set, and your next Heatseeker Missile(/DemoRound) is an automatic critical hit. This effect can only occur for ticks of Unload(/Full Auto) when that ability is buffed by Barrage(/Curtain of Fire), lasts 15 seconds, and cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.


(Alternative: No auto-crit, but heat/ammo-free HSM/DemoRound.)


Bodyguard/Combat Medic:


Reactive Ventilation:


Critical ticks of Rapid Shots(/Hammer Shots)'s healing effect vent 2 heat(/refund 2 energy cells). Requires Combat Support Cylinder(/Cell).


For the Republic/Final Stand:

Under Supercharged Gas(/Cells), Emergency Scan(Bacta Infusion) as well as Kolto Shell(/Trauma Probe)'s reactive-heal are automatic critical heals --this effect can only occur if the Mercenary(/Commando) is under 40% Health. Requires Supercharged Gas(/Cells).




Activating Chaff Flare(/Diversion) stealths the user for 4 seconds, re-setting threat to all enemies within 30m of the user. Performing any actions other than movement will end the effect prematurely. Requires Combat Support Cylinder(/Cell).


PyroTech/Assault Specialist:


Uncontrolled Blaze:


Critical ticks from all the Mercenary's(/Commando's) fire-effects build charges of Uncontrolled Blaze, which makes your next Missile Blast(/Explosive Round) heat(/energy cell)-free. Stacks up to 3 times. (There should almost certainly be a rate-limit to this, but I'm not sure what it should be, TBQH.)


Blast Trauma:


Thermal Detonator(/Assault Plastique)'s explosion reduces the target's movement speed by 60%, and the burn-effect reduces the target's healing received by 20%. These effects last the duration of TD/AP's burn-effect, and cannot be resisted or cleansed/purged.

Edited by midianlord
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Oh, me-me-me, I wanna play, too!


(I'm sure some of these will be seen as quite OP, but...yeah :))




Supercharged Launcher(/Cryogenic-Cooled Barrels):


Under the effect of Barrage(/Curtain of Fire), Critical ticks of Unload(/Full Auto) build stacks of Supercharged Launcher(/Cryo-Cooled Barrels). At 4 stacks, the cooldown of Heatseeker Missiles(/Demolition Round) is re-set, and your next Heatseeker Missile(/DemoRound) is an automatic critical hit. This effect can only occur for ticks of Unload(/Full Auto) when that ability is buffed by Barrage(/Curtain of Fire), lasts 15 seconds, and cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.


(Alternative: No auto-crit, but heat/ammo-free HSM/DemoRound.)


Bodyguard/Combat Medic:


Reactive Ventilation:


Critical ticks of Rapid Shots(/Hammer Shots)'s healing effect vent 2 heat(/refund 2 energy cells). Requires Combat Support Cylinder(/Cell).


For the Republic/Final Stand:

Under Supercharged Gas(/Cells), Emergency Scan(Bacta Infusion) as well as Kolto Shell(/Trauma Probe)'s reactive-heal are automatic critical heals --this effect can only occur if the Mercenary(/Commando) is under 40% Health. Requires Supercharged Gas(/Cells).




Activating Chaff Flare(/Diversion) stealths the user for 4 seconds, re-setting threat to all enemies within 30m of the user. Performing any actions other than movement will end the effect prematurely. Requires Combat Support Cylinder(/Cell).


PyroTech/Assault Specialist:


Uncontrolled Blaze:


Critical ticks from all the Mercenary's(/Commando's) fire-effects build charges of Uncontrolled Blaze, which makes your next Missile Blast(/Explosive Round) heat(/energy cell)-free. Stacks up to 3 times. (There should almost certainly be a rate-limit to this, but I'm not sure what it should be, TBQH.)


Blast Trauma:


Thermal Detonator(/Assault Plastique)'s explosion reduces the target's movement speed by 60%, and the burn-effect reduces the target's healing received by 20%. These effects last the duration of TD/AP's burn-effect, and cannot be resisted or cleansed/purged.


got some nice ideas there, I need to think of some bodyguard talents :cool:

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Jet launch(merc) grapple pull(mando) the ability to push or jet to a friendly target. (Would go well with jet boost and helping healers also wouldn't be a bad escape that we need)


Passive ability: power guard: cool down of energy shield by 30s-1m (which we really need or) +5-10% DR


Charging <something>: increases surge or AP by 5-10%


Jet flying/gunship assist: the ability to flyig the air or as a mando a ship drops a wire and he holds onto it. Player leaves combat for 10s breaks all snares/stuns/roots player is able to move at -10% movement speed and can not be targeted however player can still be seen.


Bodyguard talent: when use vent heat a cloud of kolta is released for 10-15m healing ally players also breaks target for 3s


Idk these are some that I have thought up as. Not too OP maybe the surge one but always room for improvement I guess these just came off the top of my head.

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HyperCharged Cells/HyperCharged Gas


While under the effects of Supercharged Cells/Supercharged Gas the critical chance and all healing done is increased by 3%. In addition while also under the effects of Supercharged Cells/Supercharged Gas, Full Auto/Unload can heal a friendly target for the same amount of damage it would normally do.




New Ability:


Assist drone


Cells/Heat 25


Cooldown 1m 30 sec


Summons a small drone to assist you in combat. The drone will have 25% of your maximum Heath and will only receive 25% of any healing done to it. Only 1 drone can be deployed at a time and this ability will only go on cooldown when the drone is destroyed.

The drones behavior and abilities depend on you currently selected Cell/Gas Cylinder:


Combat Support Cell/Combat Support Cylinder: The drone will emit a healing beam to you currently selected ally, healing it for 100% of you bonus tech healing every 1.5 seconds and will build 1 charge of combat support cell/gas.

Armor-Piercing Cell/High Velocity Gas Cylinder: The drone will fire a Railgun at your currently selected target every 1.5 seconds for kinetic damage equal to 110% of your bonus tech damage. If the target is affected by you Gravity Vortex/Heat signature, the damage is increased by 10%.

Plasma Cell/Combustible Gas Cylinder: The drone will fire a shot at your currently selected target every 3 seconds, igniting the target for elemental damage equal to 200% of your bonus tech damage over 6 seconds.

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HyperCharged Cells/HyperCharged Gas


While under the effects of Supercharged Cells/Supercharged Gas the critical chance and all healing done is increased by 3%. In addition while also under the effects of Supercharged Cells/Supercharged Gas, Full Auto/Unload can heal a friendly target for the same amount of damage it would normally do.




New Ability:


Assist drone


Cells/Heat 25


Cooldown 1m 30 sec


Summons a small drone to assist you in combat. The drone will have 25% of your maximum Heath and will only receive 25% of any healing done to it. Only 1 drone can be deployed at a time and this ability will only go on cooldown when the drone is destroyed.

The drones behavior and abilities depend on you currently selected Cell/Gas Cylinder:


Combat Support Cell/Combat Support Cylinder: The drone will emit a healing beam to you currently selected ally, healing it for 100% of you bonus tech healing every 1.5 seconds and will build 1 charge of combat support cell/gas.

Armor-Piercing Cell/High Velocity Gas Cylinder: The drone will fire a Railgun at your currently selected target every 1.5 seconds for kinetic damage equal to 110% of your bonus tech damage. If the target is affected by you Gravity Vortex/Heat signature, the damage is increased by 10%.

Plasma Cell/Combustible Gas Cylinder: The drone will fire a shot at your currently selected target every 3 seconds, igniting the target for elemental damage equal to 200% of your bonus tech damage over 6 seconds.


Awe man thats a cool one (the drone)

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2 new talents, not sure which skill tree they should go on, probably Gunnery/Arsenal tree


Targeting Optics

Increases the maximum range of Hamer Shot/Rapid Shots, Charged Bolts/Power Shot, Grav Round/Tracer missile and Full Auto/Unload by 5 meters.


Accelerated Impact/Jet Gauntlets (Replaces Concussive Force/Afterburners)

Allows Stockstrike/Rocket Punch to be used from up to 30 meters away by activating the "Commando's concealed-propulsion skates/ Mercenary's Jet Pack" and charging into the opponent. In addition Stockstrike/Rocket punch knocks the target 4 meters away and roots them in place for 4 seconds. Direct damage after 2 seconds ends the effect.

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HyperCharged Cells/HyperCharged Gas


While under the effects of Supercharged Cells/Supercharged Gas the critical chance and all healing done is increased by 3%. In addition while also under the effects of Supercharged Cells/Supercharged Gas, Full Auto/Unload can heal a friendly target for the same amount of damage it would normally do.




New Ability:


Assist drone


Cells/Heat 25


Cooldown 1m 30 sec


Summons a small drone to assist you in combat. The drone will have 25% of your maximum Heath and will only receive 25% of any healing done to it. Only 1 drone can be deployed at a time and this ability will only go on cooldown when the drone is destroyed.

The drones behavior and abilities depend on you currently selected Cell/Gas Cylinder:


Combat Support Cell/Combat Support Cylinder: The drone will emit a healing beam to you currently selected ally, healing it for 100% of you bonus tech healing every 1.5 seconds and will build 1 charge of combat support cell/gas.

Armor-Piercing Cell/High Velocity Gas Cylinder: The drone will fire a Railgun at your currently selected target every 1.5 seconds for kinetic damage equal to 110% of your bonus tech damage. If the target is affected by you Gravity Vortex/Heat signature, the damage is increased by 10%.

Plasma Cell/Combustible Gas Cylinder: The drone will fire a shot at your currently selected target every 3 seconds, igniting the target for elemental damage equal to 200% of your bonus tech damage over 6 seconds.


This. I like this. Or something remotely similar would also be awesome. Maybe have a caveat in it that it can only be targeted (as hostile) by enemy players? It's definitely a good way to keep damage up, but I think that each spec could have utility uses for it, not just damaging.


Maybe CSC increases the target's healing received + a 4m radius around them?

And for APC/HGC have something like increasing the party's/op's alacrity by 10-20%? (although this would be bad for assault VG's and other assault mando's) - perhaps Accuracy (10%) and AP (up to 50% max)

For PC/CGC have it increase Crit and Surge chance (not rating) of entire party/op by 10-20%


Or better another idea would be to have it just be universal, but while active it applies half effects of Reactive Shield, Adrenaline Rush, and Hold the Line to the whole party/op. Or something like that, of course on a 20s time limit, and likely with a 2m or higher cooldown, plus additional effects in each tree.

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1. How about giving merc's the Kolto Overload damage reduction talent like PT's get.

2. Give Cure a top talent boost that makes it a purge, removing all negative effects from the target

3. Make emergency scan a base skill that all mercs get.

4. I would love to see a talent that makes HO root anyone who successfully lands a melee attack on you.

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1: Make Jetcharge baseline for all powertechs/Vanguards


2: Make chaff flare have the innate pyro Degauss ability for all specs as baseline


3: Give all Mercs/Mandos A jetpack escape that has a secondary effect based on your current cell.


4: Innate merc/commando ability ~ If interrupted, shorten GCD by 50% and make your next casted ability with 20% extra casting speed. This to combat mercs/mandos overly large weakness to chain interupts to completely shut them down.


5: Remove 35% heal limit on kolto overload. Make it a 3 sec overcharge heal that has its entire healing capacity used in those 3 seconds.


6: Consider having a counter on each cylinder for a overcharge effect. Arsenal could have extra crit/alacrity for a short time, pyro could get extra strong dots etc. Bodyguard has been mentioned before by other players.

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1: Make Jetcharge baseline for all powertechs/Vanguards


2: Make chaff flare have the innate pyro Degauss ability for all specs as baseline


3: Give all Mercs/Mandos A jetpack escape that has a secondary effect based on your current cell.


4: Innate merc/commando ability ~ If interrupted, shorten GCD by 50% and make your next casted ability with 20% extra casting speed. This to combat mercs/mandos overly large weakness to chain interupts to completely shut them down.


5: Remove 35% heal limit on kolto overload. Make it a 3 sec overcharge heal that has its entire healing capacity used in those 3 seconds.


6: Consider having a counter on each cylinder for a overcharge effect. Arsenal could have extra crit/alacrity for a short time, pyro could get extra strong dots etc. Bodyguard has been mentioned before by other players.


1. make concusion missile baseline insta cast, lower range to 10 m if it would be to op.


2. lower the range while in pyro cell to like dunno maybe 20 m, but allow mercs to use power shot while moving.


3. give pyro merc that 30% more dmg fo dots pt has.


4. rework the arsenal rotation making it less TM dependant.


5. Jetpack escape.


6. rework useless Jet rebounder, 30% more dmg on a ability, that hits for 600-700 dmg? lol pure garbage, lowering cd is not very good either.


7. make decoy stronger right now its good only for 1v1


and we are good

Edited by szczypaczek
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Another one for our selfless friends who never fail to bring the Green Pews-of-Love:


Learned Doctor's Kill-Shot/Ruthless Triage:


Completing an Unload(/Full Auto) under the effects of Supercharged Gas(/Cells) makes your next PowerShot(/Charged Bolts) activate instantly, de-couples the activation from the Global Cool-down, grants it [XX]% increased Ranged Accuracy, and causes it to deal [YY]% more damage.


This effect lasts the remaining duration of Supercharged gas(/Cells), requires the full channel of an Unload(/Full Auto), and requires Supercharged Gas(/Cells).


This effect has no explicit rate-limit, but cannot occur more than twice per use of Supercharged Gas(/Cells).




Oh and while I got you EA/Bio, could you please get a sound-editor to re-tool the sound effect of P-Shot/Charged Bolt to something suitably powerful and menacing? That weak little "bloo-OOOT!" just makes me go "meh" :/

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Battle-Hardened Med Tech:


Taking damage under Supercharged Gas/Cells reduces the casting-time of your next Rapid Scan/Medical Probe by 0.10 seconds per hit, stacking to a maximum of [XX] times, and reduces the active cooldown of Emergency Scan/Bacta Infusion by 0.25 seconds per hit, stacking to a maximum of [XX-(subscript)-2] times. This effect lasts 10 seconds, and has an internal cooldown of [YY] seconds. Requires Supercharged Gas/Cells.


Target Spotter:


Kolto Residue makes affected enemies vulnerable to RailShots.




I seem to be coming up with a lot of effects --some of which are, without a doubt, hilariously O/P-- that go with Super-G/-C, and I really only dabble with Merc-heals...I wonder if that's telling of...well, something (yes, I know I'm not even close to "leet" as a healer, lols)?


But as well, I've always always thought that Super-gas/-cells needed an iconic, unique, full-of-"oomph" ability that really set it, and Merc/Mando healers in general, apart and/or above. (An animation that embodies the Merc's absolutely marvellous style and élan should go without saying, naturally.)

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I think that the Supercharge system that Healers have, should be turned into a Mercinary universal thing and they get at level 10 a Supercharge Cells ability,


CGC: When under the effects of Supercharge Cells, all Ranged damage will have a 50% Increased chance to proc CGC, all abilities will deal 3% more damage, and DoT effects will have 10% more critical chance, and Thermal Detonator will cost No Heat.


APC: When under the effects of Supercharge Cells, Alacrity will be increased by 5%, all damage by 3%, HSM will have a 10% higher chance to crit, and Tracer Missile will cost No Heat.


CSC: No Changes needed.


This would probably need some tweaking, but could work well!

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So many of these suggestions are OP as **** haha [...]


No, most of them aren't.


(And to the poster above who suggested range-nerfs to ConcMissile and other abilities: No. Just, no.)


These, though. These are OP as ****:


The Altruist's Surge:


Under Supercharged Gas/Cells, Healing-Scan/Advanced medical Probe can be cast whilst moving, and lands an automatic critical heal.


Under Supercharged Gas/Cells, Unload/Full-Auto can be channelled along a telegraphed line whilst moving, and up to four allies in the telegraph are healed for the same amount of health as the abilitiy damages enemies for. (Guess you can tell I play SpellSlingers in Wildstar, hmmm?)


Under Supercharged Gas/Cells, a completed channel of Unload causes your next Rapid Scan/Medical Probe to activate instantly and land an automatic critical heal.


Yeah...Hey, we're supposed to be single-priority-target nuke healers, so let's make it FREAKING NUKE-healer :)

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That drone one looked really cool, I would love to have that one. Here are some of my ideas (I just use names for what a mercenary would use as I have one):


Concussive Rocket: knocks a single foe back 10 meters and knocks them down for 2 seconds.


Disintegration: Fires an immensely hot beam at the target, reducing armor of target by 100% for 4 seconds and dealing a low amount of damage.


Infrared Vision: Allows you to see any stealthed opponents within 30 meters for 3 seconds.


Jetpack Escape: Throws you backwards by 15 meters and roots your foe for 2 seconds. Must be within 4 meters of target to use.


Nowhere to Run: (channeled 4 seconds, range 30 meters) Roots foe for 2 seconds, and when finished channeling delivers a very high powered shot to attempt to take down the target. Target must be below 30% health to use.


Cluster Missiles: (Activation time 2 seconds) Shoots a missile into the air that rains micro-missiles onto the targeted area, dealing a moderate amount of damage and slowing movement by 50%. Lasts 5 seconds (not channeled)


Electromagnetic Bomb: Shoots an EMP bomb into the targeted area dealing minor elemental damage and disables use of all electronic weapons (guns, lightsabers) for 3 seconds and ionizes the weapons for 10 seconds. Ionized weapons shock the user whenever they use an ionized weapon for a minor amount of elemental damage and decrease damage dealt by the weapon by 5%.


License to Kill: Increases all damage dealt after defeating an opponent by 10% for 5 seconds. (passive ability)

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BH in general:

-Remove move speed from HO



-Give back move speed to HO



-New proper movement ability



- A reactive rather than passive heat management talent, something like: Rapid Shots under the effect of SCG vent X heat



-7.5 sec ICD for Barrage



-remove alacrity from the tree (or make it affect ICDs)

-Give us Automated defenses instead of Jet Rebounder

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BH in general:

-Remove move speed from HO

WTH?!? Why?!?


-Give back move speed to HO

See Above


-New proper movement ability

All we need is a 30m Hard CC, Electro Dart worked fine for that, make the class unique by it being the only class to have a 30m range Hard CC.


- A reactive rather than passive heat management talent, something like: Rapid Shots under the effect of SCG vent X heat

Just make Rapid Shots in general vent 1 heat for all Bounty Hunters, Heat issues, gone.



-7.5 sec ICD for Barrage

Why not just remove the ICD? It worked for Cauterize/Rupture, it can work here.


-remove alacrity from the tree (or make it affect ICDs)


-Give us Automated defenses instead of Jet Rebounder

I'm a bit on the fence on this one... Jet Rebounder could be useful, if it had increased range on Jet Boost and increased Knockback Range, and healed only you for 5% HP. that would make it useful.


As for my ideas.


General Merc Skill Changes:


-Remove Healing Scan, and Rapid Scan.




Rail Shot, Power Shot, and Unload now heal friendly targets for their damage values + Bonus Healing

Reduce CD on Rail Shot to current Healing Scan CD.

Rail Shot now has a Cast Time in Combat Support Cylinder

Rail Shot now = Healing Scan

Power Shot now = Rapid Scan

Unload is a new Channeled Heal for Bodyguard.









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BH in general:

-Remove move speed from HO

WTH?!? Why?!?


-Give back move speed to HO

See Above


-New proper movement ability

All we need is a 30m Hard CC, Electro Dart worked fine for that, make the class unique by it being the only class to have a 30m range Hard CC.


- A reactive rather than passive heat management talent, something like: Rapid Shots under the effect of SCG vent X heat

Just make Rapid Shots in general vent 1 heat for all Bounty Hunters, Heat issues, gone.



-7.5 sec ICD for Barrage

Why not just remove the ICD? It worked for Cauterize/Rupture, it can work here.


-remove alacrity from the tree (or make it affect ICDs)


-Give us Automated defenses instead of Jet Rebounder

I'm a bit on the fence on this one... Jet Rebounder could be useful, if it had increased range on Jet Boost and increased Knockback Range, and healed only you for 5% HP. that would make it useful.

-Remove speed from HO so we can get an actual useful disengage. The 2 together would be too much.

-Engineering has a 35m hardstun

-I dont want passive heat management because that's not what Merc healing is about. Tough resource management is past of Merc healing since the ominous big nerf back in 1.2(?)

-Rapture is a dot that SHOULD not be clipped for optimal DPS, with Barrage on the other hand rotation would look like this: TM->UL rise and repeat.

As for my ideas.


General Merc Skill Changes:


-Remove Healing Scan, and Rapid Scan.




Rail Shot, Power Shot, and Unload now heal friendly targets for their damage values + Bonus Healing

Reduce CD on Rail Shot to current Healing Scan CD.

Rail Shot now has a Cast Time in Combat Support Cylinder

Rail Shot now = Healing Scan

Power Shot now = Rapid Scan

Unload is a new Channeled Heal for Bodyguard.









Pls don't. This would ruin Merc heal off-dps and Merc dps off-heal, and there is no upside for it.

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