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Epic Match (share yours)


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Tonight, Lauri and I had an epic match against each other on Begeren. It was close the whole match and the lead changed back and forth toward the end. I was surprised to find out that I did not have the most kills or the most damage.


TDM mesas


I had a match like that two weeks ago (but not as close). I had 23 kills, an enemy had 24 kills, and I lost 44:50. To me that's what Star Wars is about... a personal fight between a Jedi and a Sith, against the backdrop of a larger battle...


Sep. 16 was an epic day for me, with 3 consecutive matches like this:

23 kills and lost 38:50

23 kills and won 39:38

22 kills and lost 37:40


Two more epic matches were in Domination.


Here was a 4 vs. 7 match. They had 48 kills to our 27 kills, but somehow we won!


Here was a rare win against some top players on the Shadowlands on April 29.

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I just had a really fun and surprising domination match that ended up 1000 - 896, but the way it got there was the epic bit. My side was down 896 to around 600 or so, then we managed to 3-cap the field for the whole rest of the comeback. They might have flipped a sat to neutral for a moment in there but never regained one. Overconfidence can kill! Don't lose focus when you have the lead.


- Despon

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Was just in a reasonably epic TDM. Lost by 1 kill. Tooth and nail battle all the way. A chap called Scrab got I think 21 kills on the enemy team, against at least decent players on ours. He got 3 deaths (2 of which were me, I think I might be in trouble when I re-q XD).


Anyway, a lot of fun.


You need to see the TDM when he literally got 35 kill (not including assists)

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