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MMORPGs and Personality Survey


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This survey you are about to complete is looking at massively multiplayer online role playing games and its relation to various personality traits. I’m looking for individuals who have played MMOs in their past, games like: World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny, EVE, and more! I appreciate anyone who finds the time to complete the survey, thanks again! The survey is long (10-20 minutes till completion) so if you don't want to take it due to the length I understand! However, I can only use responses that are 100% complete so if you only answer about half the questions I won't be able to utilize your survey, so if you can try to answer all the questions


Thanks again and I'll post on this thread once I have the results :)


Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/H58RTLL



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