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What armor most closely resembles Darth Bane's?


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Could you possibly link to an image of the armor you want to copy?

I am not totally sure which armor you are referring to.


In any case, one option for a classic black robe (I assume thats what OT is after due to eradicator etc suggestion) etc is Remulus Dreypa's cartel market armor. It has some shiny metal on it but still.


EDIT: On second thought, I suspect Malak's shadow chestguard (cartel market) would be pretty close.. It doesnt have a hood though.

Edited by Karkais
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Why would you dress as the guy who turned the with from the most feared force in the galaxy to a myth that amounted to maybe 20 years of victory after a few thousand of obscurity. The dude was a moron.

"The dude" created the only stable Sith Order I've ever seen. All the other ones are implausible jokes turning on each other while the Jedi laugh and fistbump another and pay up to who called it closest. The exception of this Sith Empire only get a pass because its leader is a literal Eldritch Abomination. Although by the time of the game he's AWOL so we're back to where we started.


"The dude" couldn't possibly predict that a later dude would play the galaxy like a fiddle yet be so clueless as to allow his apprentice to be turned by his son. You wanna talk moronic, put those two together: smart enough to predict when you sneeze, not smart enough to confirm Natalie Portman was dead or find and kill one Jedi in training before his daddy woke up.


Read the lore, man.

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"The dude" created the only stable Sith Order I've ever seen. All the other ones are implausible jokes turning on each other while the Jedi laugh and fistbump another and pay up to who called it closest. The exception of this Sith Empire only get a pass because its leader is a literal Eldritch Abomination. Although by the time of the game he's AWOL so we're back to where we started.


"The dude" couldn't possibly predict that a later dude would play the galaxy like a fiddle yet be so clueless as to allow his apprentice to be turned by his son. You wanna talk moronic, put those two together: smart enough to predict when you sneeze, not smart enough to confirm Natalie Portman was dead or find and kill one Jedi in training before his daddy woke up.


Read the lore, man.


"The dude" also created a rule that he himself did not intend to follow (and neither his apprentice did follow that rule). And the order he created remained stable only because it remained hidden, fading into myths. If the Jedi did not believe the Sith to be destroyed, they would hunt them down and it would be the end.


As far as Palpatine is concerned, he had no way to actually know if Natalie Portman is dead, because she was taken by Obi-Wan into hiding before he arrived on Mustafar, so he assumed she was killed.

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