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Companions Naked in Shared Class Cut Scenes


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I've been playing through the class quests in a group of two. Been encountering a few odd bugs while grouped. Here's one...


Sometimes, when in observer mode watching my group mate's class cut scenes, his companions will appear naked to me. And vice versa when he see my class cut scenes.


Sometimes it seems like this is random, but I think I've narrowed it down a bit.

It seems to happen without fail whenever the cut scene involves a companion that he does not currently have summoned.

For example, the Agent's finale included the whole array of Agent companions, and all were naked except Dr. Lokin, who he had summoned. The Trooper Chapter 2 finale (taking down the Gauntlet) - all my companions appeared naked to him except Tanno Vik - who I had summoned for combat.

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