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Conversation bug - Heist of the Millennium (Smuggler)


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There is a conversation bug me and my friend came across in the Smuggler Story's Chapter 2 finale mission [Heist of the Millenium].


This bug happens when you speak to Senator Dodonna in the Secret Republic Shuttle Pad on Nar Shaddaa after defending the senator from a beast attack. The conversation starts, "So, Captain, are you the bad luck that keeps getting me attacked, or the lucky charm who keeps rescuing me?"

This bug occurs when Akavi Spaar is your summoned companion.



During the conversation, Dodonna will flirt with you, and Akavi Spaar will protest in response. Dodonna says, "You need to get your pets leashed, love. This one looks like she bites."

If you then pick the response 1. [Flirt] Forget her. - you'll say, "She's got no claim on me." But then, the camera will switch to a bugged out exterior shot and you will hear Risha's voice (instead of Akavi's) saying, "Fine! Just don't expect to find me waiting when you're done."

It's as if a response from Akavi was not correctly implemented, and Risha's response plays in error, and the camera bugs out because Risha is not summoned.


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