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What PvP Gear set for carnage marauders?


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Hey guys, I just hit 55 as a marauder and I'm not sure what set I should be getting from the PvP vendor. The challenger set seems to have more power and weapon master seems to have less crit. i've heard you basically want to choose the pieces that give the most power in each slot, but then I also see a lot of marauders having a lot of crit so I'm really not sure which I should be getting.
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Basically, mix and match the pieces from challenger and weaponmaster to ones with power and surge. You don't need to go with one set, (you dont have to buy all challenge or all weaponmaster you can mix/match) as long as it has the correct set bonus you are good to go.


If you wanna run the other specs from time to time it doesnt do any harm to run 1-2 pieces with accuracy. Avoid alacrity completely.


You don't really want alot of crit as a marauder but running 150-200 crit rating doesn't do much harm although i always go full power 0 crit rating for carnage and run around 150 for anni to tip the rng in my favour a small bit for dem annihilate crits but rng stat is rng stat xD so it doesn't make much difference can be lucky or unlucky either way. If you do decide you want a small amount of crit, augment str over power to get the most out of it.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Hey guys, I just hit 55 as a marauder and I'm not sure what set I should be getting from the PvP vendor. The challenger set seems to have more power and weapon master seems to have less crit. i've heard you basically want to choose the pieces that give the most power in each slot, but then I also see a lot of marauders having a lot of crit so I'm really not sure which I should be getting.


Honestly it depends on what spec you are playing and if you are playing PvE or PvP.

I don't know anything about PvE but i imagine its not that different from PvP as a marauder.


The general good idea is stacking as much power and surge you can, with maybe 1-2 acc mod/enh.I play Carnage and i've played Rage and power is the way to go here. Currently i've got 2 acc and rest power and surge.

Some people mean you should get some crit for annihilation/watchman. I can't really say anything about that because i don't play the spec, however i tried anni with full power set and with a little crit and honestly couldn't tell much difference (maybe not enough crit, who knows)


As long as you get the set bonus from the pvp vendor (UR reduced CD and the 10% dmg increase after leap) which sits on the armorings you are set. Just mix around mods and enh wherever it is needed. Don't forget to augment your gear though, this is the biggest upgrade you can do in pvp. Get Adv 28 Overkill augments, if you can't afford them, then buy blue augs, they are cheap and give a lot of improvement.

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Both sets share the same gear bonus so you can mix them.


Weapon master is basically the crit set and challenger is the power set, though both sets the majority of the gear is poorly optimized so you'll be replacing most all of the mods/enhancements anyways. Either way, grab the pieces that have power on them. Crit for the most part is pretty useless. If want one or two crit enhancements to keep you at 20% crit thats fine, but overall none of the specs really benefit from it. Power just scales much higher and there is no diminishing returns to power.

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