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Nautolans Need To Be A Playable Specie


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Cmon we all love nautolans... theres no way they cant make Nautolans playable. clipping wouldnt really be a problem... They already have robes and stuff for the Nautolans that are in the game. The first big boss you fight as a Jedi knight is a nautolan with jedi robes.


They could limit the Headgear to be hidden on the Nautolan, and it wouldnt really bother people Id assume being how they get to play as a Nautolan and would understand their heads arent really built for head gear. Comes with being a Nautolan..


cmon all you nautolan fans, post here how much you want a nautolan, maybe we will get one!!!.


Kit-fisto was one of the best jedi that ever lived. Only defeated in combat by Emperor Palpatine himself.



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I agree Nautolan are pretty cool and look great. I would love to play as one. However, I think we all know that new playable race are pretty unlikely at this point.

If people showed enough that they will pay for Cathar, we will get Togruta and/or Voss at some point I imagine (we have a romanceable Torgruta companion, just like we did for Cathar, and Voss are just bald humans with funny colored skin and eyes, so not much different from Chiss). Nautolans are too "alien looking," so they'll never happen, IMO.

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They made the Twi'lek playable though? They are alien looking, and they already have the models, since the AI walk around with the look.


I'm sad that they don't have more than the Cathar Species. I mean, so many people are playing as cathar, I see em everywhere. They didn't really give us a popular species, not too many people are gonna want to play as a freakin kitty.


Nautolans, so far from everyone ive asked, have been the most popular "I want to play as" specie.



Edited by APPRENTICExxx
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Twi'leks and Togrutans have human faces. Nautolans do not. I don't care if they add Nautolans or not, I am simply pretty sure they never will.


Cathar don't have human faces. Look at the noses and shape of the faces.


And the no-iris eyes are already in player character Chiss.


Only hard part would be the head-tails. But we have NPCs already. Maybe to replace the hair option, we could have jewelry like with Rattataki and Twi'lek headbands.

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Cathar don't have human faces. Look at the noses and shape of the faces.

Player Cathar have human faces. Plus Cathar were deemed human enough to romance, as are Togruta and Voss

in the Agent storyline on Voss, for females, at any rate

There is no precedent for "romancing" a Nautolan that I am aware of.

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In the end of Jedi Knight's story, IIRC, there is a Nautolam Jedi romancing a non-Nautolan Jedi. You can also flirt with a Nautolan engineer on Ord Mantel (again, if memory serves). Voss is also flirtable for a female Smuggler on Voss (eww). And between Nautolan and Voss, I would vote a Nautolan (or another lekku-bearing race) any day. Because when you play a Twil'ek female you don't have a matching male with lekku. :)


I would love to play a Nautolan, but I see facial models and clipping issues as being basically a 'no-go' at this point in development. Really, I would just be happy with a Nautolan customization for Guss, as it would be simply much fun. Obviously, a new romanceable male Force using companion would be even better, but that goes to the same 'will never happen' pile o wishful thinking. :(

Edited by DomiSotto
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