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Ok Aces who do you Respect/Fear?


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Simple fun thread.


Well if you consider yourself an ace who do you respect, fear or call out before or during a match?


No rules on if you are an ace or not so no flaming of other posters and what not. Keep it light.


And no format to go by just your thoughts. ;)

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Fear? No one!

Respect and actually watch what I'm doing against them? Here:


Kessler, Urteon or Moganas


+Rosy, definitely the best Rep pilot, quite possibly the whole server as well

+Valhein and Ni'ss (or wherever the apostrophe goes :D), they are becoming a real annoyance (compliment).

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You guys are making me wanna roll a character on progenitor when do these people play usually?


Roll a Rep, they have far fewer aces as well as premades than we do. We (Imps) are mostly playing during the evenings GMT/CET. I can't really give a usual time of play for the Rep aces since I don't really see them too often except for Moganas who seems to play throughout the day GMT, but not much in the evenings.

Edited by Asbetos
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Haven't played enough on other servers to say except for Shadowlands.


I respect a bunch of people I regularly fly with. They like not be named in order to be anonymous but are kidding themselves if they think they're really anonymous, but whatever :) I fear no one.


I've been pretty impressed by some of the itinerant aces that have come by. Sammy and Drak and Desponn have all been impressive in their near stock ships.


Pub side Shadowlands, there are a few good pilots that don't fly with me regularly on impside. I'd say Triamterene in gunship and Ahsh in scout, Jakson in gunship when he stays the match :D come to mind first. I don't fear them at all, but I won't mess around when going after them, unless I'm trying to actively troll them :p.

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If I'm on the R.E. server, which I am more often than not since joining a guild, then I'd give my votes to Ghostwatch and Enistra as well. They don't instill me with an impending sense of doom but they do force me to think about my gameplay a lot though.


If I'm rolling Imp then there is just one player I honestly dread having to face off against. Heylan...

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Well what kind of OP would i be if I didn't have some of my own pilots to name.


I fly with all the Imp aces in my guild so all the respect to them. We also fly Pub side too so still the same hehe.


When flying solo que Imp side the Pub's I have to respect are No-Swap, Willie, Myx'on, and Debelicious.


When solo queuing pub side I really can't really think of anyone but I do know there are a lot who remember me! :D

Of course those I mentioned have alts on the Imp side so all respect to them as well. I'll post more when I can think of them. Don't mean to offend anyone. ;)

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I've only flown on my own home, The Ebon Hawk. I would consider many of my own guildies and fellow Imperials threats in wargames, but I'll stick to Republic pilots in this list :) Please don't take offense if you aren't on here. I am sure I am forgetting many. I try to do regular shout-outs to great pilots in the Ebon Hawk Space PvP shout-out thread.


Pilots who I consider serious threats, even if they are solo: Taisetsuna, Tolgid, Scrab, and Aimbot/Renegade-one.


Pilots who I consider threats if they are supported by at least half a decent team: Pylan, Sookat, Hanak, Kvikorma, Itkovian, Phil, Zakaros, and lots of others that I'm sure I'm forgetting.


There have been a lot of new names on both sides that have really performed well, too. I just don't have them burned into my brain yet.

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In the cozy little goldfish bowl of the Progenitor GSF scene, I'd say I respect/fear/hate (they're all the same thing): Gope, Silverhaze, Firedemon, Nymika, Miriya, Morthag, Lindemann, Coris. Basically anybody with a <Mandalorian Hunters> tag. :D There are lots of other good players, but those are the ones that if I make a single mistake against, they'll punish me hard for it.


I see just one of those names come up in a match, and my body-waste-output-orifice instantly clenches up, knowing that I'm going to have to spend the whole game basically tussling with them for dominance over each other's scrubs/pugs. :D


Unfortunately -- I rarely see just one of their names, but usually three or four or more of their names altogether. ;-) That's usually the point at which I have no choice but to quit solo'ing and scramble to put together a premade of my own. :p


It's a bit harder to say who I respect on the Rep side simply because Rep vs. Rep matches are so relatively rare, and fighting against somebody feels to me like the the best way to get the fullest measure of somebody's skills. For the simple virtue of them being my guildmates, I'd of course list names like Morrigan, Valhein, Junn, Dx'one'te, Saraani, Arriette and Eolair. Outside of that little circle of friendship, though: Rosy, Urteon, Moganas (though he's gotten a little rusty lately, too much Jedi meditation :p), Ilkurok, Bluron-pair, Fiona, and Ni'ss are all people I regard as well-established, reliable, or up-and-coming Republic "aces".


And dare I say it ... Kam'ma? :p Being hated has its psychological usefulness, and as I say, it's really just another form of respect IMO. I know that in my case, it's a matter of hate from a lot of players, as much as love or respect, and sometimes I perversely like to encourage that. After all, what's more satisfying than landing a tough kill on somebody you really, really, REALLY dislike? That feeling of "Boo-yah! Take that!" just adds to the thrill of PvP, and if hating me means people have more fun and satisfaction when they fight me and kill me, then I'm all in favour of it.


I guess that's what this thread comes down to: no matter why a name in GSF stands out in your mind, their presence in matches makes those games more interesting and compelling by embuing them with a real sense of rivalry and reputation being at stake. It just adds a whole new layer of fun on top of proceedings, and that's what I think is great about it.


So to all my Progenitor comrades, Imperial or Republic, whether you respect me or hate me, whether I love you or despise you: thank you for enriching my GSF with your presence and skills, you ARE what makes pew-pew on the server so much fun. <3

Edited by Urien
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When flying solo que Imp side the Pub's I have to respect are No-Swap, Willie, Myx'on, and Debelicious.


as I fly mostly pub side it's their evil alts that I see most often.

fear? no. though when I first started I found myself thinking 'damn, these guys again' more than once. now I see them and it's, 'nice, should be a good match' :)


pilots I would add... (apologies in advance, can't remember the exact spellings)... Cassandra, Alliemera, Magnatard (tho haven't seen him in a while), and yes, SithAce as well :p


there are many good pilots on harbinger and wish I could remember all their names, tho I've noticed a lot of new names and have no idea if these are just alts or new players.

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In the cozy little goldfish bowl of the Progenitor GSF scene, I'd say I respect/fear/hate (they're all the same thing): Gope, Silverhaze, Firedemon, Nymika, Miriya, Morthag, Lindemann, Coris. Basically anybody with a <Mandalorian Hunters> tag. :D There are lots of other good players, but those are the ones that if I make a single mistake against, they'll punish me hard for it.


I see just one of those names come up in a match, and my body-waste-output-orifice instantly clenches up, knowing that I'm going to have to spend the whole game basically tussling with them for dominance over each other's scrubs/pugs. :D


Unfortunately -- I rarely see just one of their names, but usually three or four or more of their names altogether. ;-) That's usually the point at which I have no choice but to quit solo'ing and scramble to put together a premade of my own. :p


It's a bit harder to say who I respect on the Rep side simply because Rep vs. Rep matches are so relatively rare, and fighting against somebody feels to me like the the best way to get the fullest measure of somebody's skills. For the simple virtue of them being my guildmates, I'd of course list names like Morrigan, Valhein, Junn, Dx'one'te, Saraani, Arriette and Eolair. Outside of that little circle of friendship, though: Rosy, Urteon, Moganas (though he's gotten a little rusty lately, too much Jedi meditation :p), Ilkurok, Bluron-pair, Fiona, and Ni'ss are all people I regard as well-established, reliable, or up-and-coming Republic "aces".


And dare I say it ... Kam'ma? :p Being hated has its psychological usefulness, and as I say, it's really just another form of respect IMO. I know that in my case, it's a matter of hate from a lot of players, as much as love or respect, and sometimes I perversely like to encourage that. After all, what's more satisfying than landing a tough kill on somebody you really, really, REALLY dislike? That feeling of "Boo-yah! Take that!" just adds to the thrill of PvP, and if hating me means people have more fun and satisfaction when they fight me and kill me, then I'm all in favour of it.


I guess that's what this thread comes down to: no matter why a name in GSF stands out in your mind, their presence in matches makes those games more interesting and compelling by embuing them with a real sense of rivalry and reputation being at stake. It just adds a whole new layer of fun on top of proceedings, and that's what I think is great about it.


So to all my Progenitor comrades, Imperial or Republic, whether you respect me or hate me, whether I love you or despise you: thank you for enriching my GSF with your presence and skills, you ARE what makes pew-pew on the server so much fun. <3


Well I am not guilded with Mandalorian Hunters so at times I roll alone, also the FEF squads are some really good pilots, hate facing those premades.



Also Rosy and Kamma. Damn good.


edit: and Morthag on Imp side.

Edited by jankiel
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On Jung'Ma. Player I actually fear are very few. Tsukuyomi/Inazuma. Aimbot. Alex. Rumina. When they bother to play on Jung'Ma.

On TEH. Add to those Nemarus, Shayd, Drako and his team.

On Jedi Covenant. No one.


lol, I still have - somehow - yet to run into you on JC. Which is odd given how frequently I fly.


But I should represent JC here, there are some quality pilots even if you fear "no one". I choose to interpret OP's question as "which pilots do you have watch/keep track of" because 'fear' is not something I associate with any pilot on any server I've played on.


I'd say some of the pilots I have to be aware of include: gesha & alts, keenz and alts, dellendrin, saevius, hebel...the list goes on, this is just off the top of my head. I'm not including pilots I respect who I tend to stay away from (and often vice versa) when on opposing teams, like marttell, k'orvith, graendahl...again, lots more here, just some quick thoughts.


re: TEH, certainly agreed on shayd/nemarus/drako, and I'd add yuuko-san.

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I am on Harbinger server and Darkxmaul is one best all round pilots(uses all type ships). Meshkin, Sithace and No-swap are very good scout pilots. Butane'blaster and Blast'tubes are very good gunship pilots. Cassandra, Moonlet , Cat'hy and Heather-lee are very good bomber pilots. I don't remember names of good strike pilots(sorry usually to busy avoiding the previous mention to notice). Sorry if I misspelled any your names!
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lol, I still have - somehow - yet to run into you on JC. Which is odd given how frequently I fly.


But I should represent JC here, there are some quality pilots even if you fear "no one". I choose to interpret OP's question as "which pilots do you have watch/keep track of" because 'fear' is not something I associate with any pilot on any server I've played on.


I'd say some of the pilots I have to be aware of include: gesha & alts, keenz and alts, dellendrin, saevius, hebel...the list goes on, this is just off the top of my head. I'm not including pilots I respect who I tend to stay away from (and often vice versa) when on opposing teams, like marttell, k'orvith, graendahl...again, lots more here, just some quick thoughts.


re: TEH, certainly agreed on shayd/nemarus/drako, and I'd add yuuko-san.


Yuuko-san IS Rumina.

And I left JC after my guild kicked me while my old Jung'Ma guild invited me ;)

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Yuuko-san IS Rumina.

And I left JC after my guild kicked me while my old Jung'Ma guild invited me ;)



I did not know that. Doesn't yuuko have another alt on TEH too? I just remember gawking at yuuko's numbers, never put together his alts' names...though there's definitely at least one more I've seen, not rumina, just blanking on it now.


And sorry to hear you're gone from JC. I guess we're like two ships, passing in the night. So to speak. I do have one rarely-used JM alt; maybe someday we'll run into one another.

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I did not know that. Doesn't yuuko have another alt on TEH too? I just remember gawking at yuuko's numbers, never put together his alts' names...though there's definitely at least one more I've seen, not rumina, just blanking on it now.


And sorry to hear you're gone from JC. I guess we're like two ships, passing in the night. So to speak. I do have one rarely-used JM alt; maybe someday we'll run into one another.


Rumina is his JM first toon I've heard of him ;)

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Roll a Rep, they have far fewer aces as well as premades than we do. We (Imps) are mostly playing during the evenings GMT/CET. I can't really give a usual time of play for the Rep aces since I don't really see them too often except for Moganas who seems to play throughout the day GMT, but not much in the evenings.


Dropped by progenitor tonight met Valhein and Kessler very cool guys, sadly I didn't account for time zone difference and ended up there at 2am server time with no q's popping. We managed to fly one game in about 40 mins. I'll try again tomorow earlier maybe I'll get to fly vs you in my stock starguard. :p

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On JC I'd say probably most of the pilots on the Ace list who are still flying are on my "respect list." That being said I'm not an Ace but I'd like to think I make the cut as one of the better players. (And I am slightly puzzled how this differs from the Ace's thread since I would expect there to be a great deal of overlap). Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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