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Looking for group SUCKS!


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One gripe I have about this game is the inability to make groups- there is virtually no one in empire fleet station so its nigh on impossible to find groups- been try for a lvl 25 flashpoint which there should be enough ppl around- but they all on the planets and when your in fleet- you have no way of asking the ppl on the planet to join


There needs to be a better system in place- I cant believe you overlooked this. The stupid lfg tool in social tab is a bloody joke! no one uses it or even knows its there!


Right now I feel like I am playing a heavily instanced and expensive single player game- what's to keep me here come the end of the free month? more single player content?


I think not


Please fix the lfg tool or give us a tool to join a lfg channel or something that's universal.


Perhaps like a lfg holo terminal in each planet space port- where people can go to it- click on it and select a instance lfg channel to join or a universal one


that way it wont spam everyone and only the people who click on it to join their instances lfg channel will see this chat.


Please look into it- thanks

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I don't get why there isn't a LFG chat or no LFG tool like what WoW has which should be something so obvious to have.


What's worse though is there's a 25 quest limit which means if I cannot find a group for heroic content I have to delete the quest. Why have a limit so low?

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I don't get why there isn't a LFG chat or no LFG tool like what WoW has which should be something so obvious to have.


What's worse though is there's a 25 quest limit which means if I cannot find a group for heroic content I have to delete the quest. Why have a limit so low?


exactly- I tried Rift when it was released with no lfg tool- they eventually caved in around the 3rd big patch and gave into everyone and put in a cross realm lfg tool- at first it was server only lfg where you could join and automatically placed into a grp once they found the right classes.


I cannot believe Bioware/ea didn't put such a system in place- why on earth not- every other mmo has it? -well almost every one of them.

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One gripe I have about this game is the inability to make groups- there is virtually no one in empire fleet station so its nigh on impossible to find groups- been try for a lvl 25 flashpoint which there should be enough ppl around- but they all on the planets and when your in fleet- you have no way of asking the ppl on the planet to join



Why not use /who to search people around your level to see if anyone wants to group (this works even if they are on another planet :)

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I can say "lfg cademimu" on the fleet and get a party in seconds. idk what's wrong but my server must be broken.


I find it funny how the most common responce to this is "well -I- do things fine, so there is no problem"


Okay, does that mean just because you're not sick that the flu doesn't exist?


My server has a MASSIVE lack of tanks, to the point finding even one for any flashpoint takes HOURS, and sometimes even then we -still- don't find one. We can't force players to roll tanks, but we can make finding a tank easier.

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I can say "lfg cademimu" on the fleet and get a party in seconds. idk what's wrong but my server must be broken.


This. I play as a healer so maybe it's easier for me to find a group but still, the flashpoint terminals are pretty crowded.


I think that people are simply spoiled from WoW. In swtor you have to communicate in order to find a group. I do personally think that we lack tools to find groups but I'd much rather have it this way than what we had in WoW, because WoW killed its community with constant simplifications of the game.

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Why not use /who to search people around your level to see if anyone wants to group (this works even if they are on another planet :)


Because that's more complex than pressing a button and therefore impossible to most people it seems. (And yes I'm being condescending, but I also have had 0 problems finding a group just did Taral V last night and i'm on the higher end of the level curve on my server.)

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I can say "lfg cademimu" on the fleet and get a party in seconds. idk what's wrong but my server must be broken.


wish it was the same on my server , i picked RP server figure more mature players , one draw back i see is the also tend to stick together , making PUG's very hard to get.

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It's MMO you are supposed to make friends and or be social not treat people as disposable relationships as you use them to get gear. You might actually meet someone cool.



I can be as offensive towards people who I found on general chat as I can be against someone who I found in a group tool if they deserve it. It also goes the other way, this is hardly reasoning of the tool its about how people treat other people. The difrence is that when you force someone to wait for a long period of time the expectations of that person increase exponentially and frustration as well. This results in these people becoming FAR more etchy and snapping at slightest thing.


If you want to see this in action, go have a lunch with someone and wait in line for 45 minute get an avarage meal. Then go have a lunch on another day and have that lunch served to you immidietly. Its going to feel better since you didn't wait for 45 minutes for it.

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wish it was the same on my server , i picked RP server figure more mature players , one draw back i see is the also tend to stick together , making PUG's very hard to get.


I'm republic side Ebon Hawk -- if that happens to be your faction/server send a tell for a group. Some of it is tight knit but there are tons of unguildeds on the server at the moment and now is the time to make those connections/friendships that will get you into the good raids at 50. How else is everyone going to know how good you are at the game?

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Please learn to relax. Then don't need a tool as of yet. the game just launched for sith sake.


One of the reasons your having a hard time is im sure a lot of people like myself are rolling different toons. These remain low lvl as were deciding what to stick with (just my guess).


Another reason could be server hopping with the queues. Some are playing solo. some might not have time for flashpoints as then can take awhile with text.


You'll have to give the game some time to balance out.

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wish it was the same on my server , i picked RP server figure more mature players , one draw back i see is the also tend to stick together , making PUG's very hard to get.

Mines not even an RP server, just no one really does flashpoints on it. I can easily get another DPS, even healers are just fine. Its mostly tanks that are impossible on my server.


Just because YOU don't have the problem, doesn't mean the problem isn't there. Stop being so self serving. If its a problem that plagues even ONE server it should be fixed.

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I don't get why there isn't a LFG chat or no LFG tool like what WoW has which should be something so obvious to have.


What's worse though is there's a 25 quest limit which means if I cannot find a group for heroic content I have to delete the quest. Why have a limit so low?


You realize that a group finder tool was not introduced in WoW untill well after its release...like end of the 2nd expansion pack... this is a new idea and one a lot of people feel strongly destroyed wow's community and interaction with world.


Yes a LFG chat channel that is open to entire galaxy is a good idea, so you can ask and be seen by anyone on any planet.


DO NOT give us an auto group finder tool like WoW, its bad, and don't demand new things be put in this game that took 5+ years for blizzard to implement and claim it's a neccesity.

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There is a thread about this in the Flashpoint section.


Dungeon Finder System Eventually


eventually is to late- ppl these days have short memory spans - this game will be forgotten about after the first free month if Bioware doesn't pull its finger out their rear and get these things that SHOULD of been in the game already -$300 million on what? they must of skimmed the money on houses and fast cars and flash life- as this game sur eas heck doesn't show $300 millions worth!

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The OP Makes a VERY Valid point.


Flashpoints and Flashpoint QUESTS should be MORE Accessible and should be given ON THE PLANETS.


I have made my own group for Every single Flashpoint in this game so far. Do you know what the most common response I get when I send /tells to people searching for people to join us?


"uhh, whats that?"


People don't even know these flashpoints EXIST because they are leveling on their planets (as they should be) and NOTHING on the planet other than some obscure "launch pad" tells them that where is something else they could be doing.


Flashpoint quests should be added to the planets that they coincide with! Then make it easier to get to the Fleet (Add more Quick Travels).


Took 3 days of searching for multiple hours to find a group for Maelstrom - mainly because people didn't even know it existed...Sad part is Maelstrom is one of the best instances I have ever seen and any KOTOR fan REALLY needs to do that instance....best Lore in the game so far!

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The OP Makes a VERY Valid point.


Flashpoints and Flashpoint QUESTS should be MORE Accessible and should be given ON THE PLANETS.


I have made my own group for Every single Flashpoint in this game so far. Do you know what the most common response I get when I send /tells to people searching for people to join us?


"uhh, whats that?"


People don't even know these flashpoints EXIST because they are leveling on their planets (as they should be) and NOTHING on the planet other than some obscure "launch pad" tells them that where is something else they could be doing.


Flashpoint quests should be added to the planets that they coincide with! Then make it easier to get to the Fleet (Add more Quick Travels).



This is an extremely good point, and partly implemented becouse I have seen multiple "Flashpoint launch location" or something similiar to that. I quess it was too complicated to make two seperate portals to the same instance or something egually silly as that.


For most people the only way to 'truly' learn your class is by instancing and the current system is making sure that level 50 character will have as much knowledge of their class as cheerleaders about the indepth rules of DnD version of star wars.

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The OP Makes a VERY Valid point.


Flashpoints and Flashpoint QUESTS should be MORE Accessible and should be given ON THE PLANETS.


I have made my own group for Every single Flashpoint in this game so far. Do you know what the most common response I get when I send /tells to people searching for people to join us?


"uhh, whats that?"


People don't even know these flashpoints EXIST because they are leveling on their planets (as they should be) and NOTHING on the planet other than some obscure "launch pad" tells them that where is something else they could be doing.


Flashpoint quests should be added to the planets that they coincide with! Then make it easier to get to the Fleet (Add more Quick Travels).


Took 3 days of searching for multiple hours to find a group for Maelstrom - mainly because people didn't even know it existed...Sad part is Maelstrom is one of the best instances I have ever seen and any KOTOR fan REALLY needs to do that instance....best Lore in the game so far!


wish there where more ppl like you- this is the very reason.

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Reading more and more posts every day about how bad it is to find a group- EA/Bioware any info on when or if you looking into fixing this.


This is a game breaker for me and will be the very reason i do not subscribe and leave this game at the end of the month.


Please tell me your doing something about bringing the MMO back to this rpg?

heck pvpers get a queue they can jump in- why not flashpoints?


Give us some info please- every single mmo I have played in the past- when the devs ignore the customers- its to the detriment of their game- the proof is in the pudding- look at tabula rasa-age of conan - rift - star trek online-aion - the list goes on in recent years- only one to come away from this all is WoW- so as much as ppl moan about wow- they must be doing something right to retain such a large playerbase even now so long after its been out!


Learn before you make the same mistake as those other games!

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