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Shout out to <Anima>


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Hey, glad we decided to start playing regularly on pub side. They needed us. Imps are not rolling through warzones getting free comms now! Way to go guys, and keep up the slaughter! Once we hit mids we will continue the rampage, and 55s too. Just wanted to say thanks for the fun times, and making pvp enjoyable on pub side on Ebon Hawk! See you in the war. ;)



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The "slaughter" lmao. You guys were running a healer/tank/2dps premade in lowbies a couple days ago and the only ones getting slaughtered were you. But I'm sure we'll see you in 55's, right? I mean you're just so good after all. :rolleyes:


I honestly can't recall any set premade that we ran, we just log in and play what we want. We don't need specific group classes to destroy imps, we do that with any group setup. As for us being good, I think we are decent players generally speaking. It doesn't require elite players to beat imps, it just takes a few people who play objectives and work as a team. That's what we do.


As for us seeing you at 55, sure, maybe we will. It's as big a deal as you make it. You sound angry and humiliated that we beat you in lowbies. Maybe you ought to practice and get better at your 55s so you do better in lowbies? I guess low level pvp is too simple for you. For you to really shine you have to be on higher level characters? :rolleyes:


Anyway, keep logging on your imps and give us competition. We enjoy that. imps have had free comms in the lower brackets of pvp for too long, and we have systematically changed the culture of pub pvp since coming to this side. Pubs actually win now.


-Van-supra <Anima>

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boasting about beating teams in lowbies?


Not even. At least the matches I've faced them were both losses for <Anima> and their perfect comp premade (against a team that was a pug afaik). It's sad really. And honestly, all I need to know about this guild is that they're "happy" to have <Catfish> people, a guild that constantly hits 55 only to turn tail, make new alts, and flee back to barely winning in low/midbies even with premades.

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If anyone's in the mood for some free wins in lowbies feel free. <Anima> (AKA pub <Catfish>) has been running lately. I doubt many know or remember them since they always turn tail and flee from 55's only to roll new alts to premade lowbie/midbie PvP again.


^ someone is angry they lost in lowbies.


As for ranked, etc. etc. Well, when we get to mids we will see how it goes. And, once we hit 55, then we will see how that goes.


It's just funny how angry people are, if anything you ought to be glad we bring some kind of competitiveness to pub side.

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^ someone is angry they lost in lowbies.


Y'know it's amusing that you keep saying that as, again, both matches that I myself have been in against you has been a win for me and a loss for you. But I'm sure that Anima is so very threatening and I'm sure we'll be seeing you in 55's.


That last part was sarcasm in case you aren't able to tell. Because seeing as how you yourself have admitted to having Catfish members in your guild, well, that in and of itself makes me highly skeptical that we'll ever see Anima in the 55's bracket. Or, if we do, it'll be for a single week before they get tired of having their asses handed to them before scurrying off back to low/midbies to desperately try to cling to their "skill" there.


Prove me wrong. I bet you can't, but time will tell.

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Oh, and in other news, little Tommy "Rifle Arm" Johnson won the blue ribbon in the softball throwing event at yesterday's school Olympics.


Not sure I care enough to comment on the rest of the thread, but this was awesome. Well played, sir. Well played indeed.

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Many people seem to have this notion that 55 ranked pvp indicates some master skill level requirement. It doesn't. In fact if you do mids, you will be fine at 55. I know I have a 55. Also I should mention, there are tons of 55s who do ranked, and they are not particularly good.


That being said... some people enjoy low lvl pvp. Some people enjoy mids.... some people only want to do ranked. So what? it's all pvp! We in <Anima> have people who do 55 pvp, lows mostly, mids, etc. It doesn't matter much to the guild we all like pvp and whatever the levels are it doesn't matter to us.


If you think 55 ranked is elite pvping at it's best in swtor, then that's fine. Continue on in your ranked 55 pvp queues I won't judge you. But, to sit and talk about any other form of pvp as if it's lesser and not as worthy is silly in my opinion.

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Many people seem to have this notion that 55 ranked pvp indicates some master skill level requirement. It doesn't. In fact if you do mids, you will be fine at 55. I know I have a 55. Also I should mention, there are tons of 55s who do ranked, and they are not particularly good.


That being said... some people enjoy low lvl pvp. Some people enjoy mids.... some people only want to do ranked. So what? it's all pvp! We in <Anima> have people who do 55 pvp, lows mostly, mids, etc. It doesn't matter much to the guild we all like pvp and whatever the levels are it doesn't matter to us.


If you think 55 ranked is elite pvping at it's best in swtor, then that's fine. Continue on in your ranked 55 pvp queues I won't judge you. But, to sit and talk about any other form of pvp as if it's lesser and not as worthy is silly in my opinion.


This is hilarious.

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This is hilarious.


don't be lazy, explain what is "hilarious". I think some of you forget it's a game, people log in for many different reasons and none are any more silly than another. If we log in, group with guildies who predominantly play lowbies, mids, or just 55s... what is the big deal? We have fun, that's what it is all about.

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don't be lazy, explain what is "hilarious". I think some of you forget it's a game, people log in for many different reasons and none are any more silly than another. If we log in, group with guildies who predominantly play lowbies, mids, or just 55s... what is the big deal? We have fun, that's what it is all about.


Ok. If you want to sit in midbies and farm, good for you.


If you want to come on here and talk big about all the people you're farming, and how you're going to wreck Imps at 55, don't cry when we say something back.

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This is precious. lol I love lowbie heroes, they're so adorable. Then they get to 55, they get farmed, they go back to lowbies, talk about how amazing they are, then go back to 55s after they regrow their shattered ego. Get farmed again, and then repeat the process or leave. lol Edited by Bastrus
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It's just funny how angry people are, if anything you ought to be glad we bring some kind of competitiveness to pub side.


Yes, farming level 14 keyboard turners and people who just figured out what an advanced class is with your premades is quite the accomplishment! I never knew that little league PVP was serious business until now!

Edited by Prisoner
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It is fun, winning in lowbies, and it will be fun winning in mids too against a team that has double the number of pvpers we have. That's why it is fun, we enjoy grouping together, and we enjoy dominating imps. Quite a change of culture seeing pubs actually winning some matches.


I look forward to seeing you guys raging in the warzones as usual, whether it's lowbies or not. Since lowbies is so easy, you pros should be beating <Anima> easily! That's not the case, and I doubt you will beat us in mids either.


When we get to 55, we will continue our path of being competitive. Hope you 55 lvl pros that are so elite really teach us how to truly pvp! I look forward to that. I need to learn more. See you in the warzones imps! just a word of advice, being bad losers is classless. Stop that.

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