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Lack of a Cinematic Trailer?


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When the first game came out, we had 3 wonderful trailers to build up the game. Since then, we've had digital expansion with in-game trailers used. Like some other MMO's(wont say the obvious one), I'd to see bioware make a nice cinematic trailer again. So much of the story has happened and changed since the beginning and it'd be nice to see it with a true trailer. (that CM money can fund the whole thing im sure lol):D
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You'd think it possible, but unless I am mistaken, Blur made those cinematics. And they are more expensive to produce than most Movie trailers.


So unless BW sits down on another fortune, Don't hold your breath.


But.....but.....my cartel coins must mean something :confused:

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If EA is ever going to invest that much money to fund a cinematic again I can only imagine that it will happen around the time when Ep 7 is released.


Fair enough guys. it seems that if the rumors are true about Disney investing into BW starting 2015 to promote star wars to all ages(for the movies) then maybe we will. if not then meh I wish they did, cinematic trailers for star wars would be great, they catch the eyes of many mmo players that may give swtor a chance, or give it a second look.

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If I'm not mistaken, those original cinematic trailers cost like a million dollars to animate per minute. Given how tight BW's budget seems to be at the moment (additional revenue made from in-game microtransactions notwithstanding), I think that much money would be better spent for the actual development of the game rather than just a piece of promotion material.
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If I'm not mistaken, those original cinematic trailers cost like a million dollars to animate per minute. Given how tight BW's budget seems to be at the moment (additional revenue made from in-game microtransactions notwithstanding), I think that much money would be better spent for the actual development of the game rather than just a piece of promotion material.


o wow thats a lot of cash flow, yeh i don't the ecnomics of that part of the industry( or much of anything else from costs of gaming lol) so knowing that then yeah it'll make more sense to invest instaffing to help put out a better product.

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Throwing more developers at a product doesn't make it better, in most cases.


Usually it takes a "new guy" one to two years to be more productive than he costs the other developers by asking stuff he must get to know. *shrugs*


So, unless they have a closed off segment that is really easy to get into with clearly defines interfaces and proper documentation "invest the money into the game" just doesn't work the way amazon hires storage people. :o


Cinematics COULD be totally disjunct from the rest of the product. So if there are excess marketing funds and ambition: that might be a cool way to 'improve' and get some "oooohs and aaaaahs".

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