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I've got several brut. toons (almost all min/max) I would like to transfer here. I could tank on my VG, if needed, but most of my toons are deeps.


Just wondering, how is the balance here? I have toons for both factions (would like to bring 2 of each).


Oh, and which pub and imp side pvp guilds are the most dominant?


Also, I've got just shy of 600mil in credits, and I'm a giver, so if I do send toons here and anyone needs augments, or even just some credits for leveling, don't hesitate to ask. If I don't get to keep my names upon transfer, I'll be sure to post the new ones for people who need some free financial help.

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I've got several brut. toons (almost all min/max) I would like to transfer here. I could tank on my VG, if needed, but most of my toons are deeps.


Just wondering, how is the balance here? I have toons for both factions (would like to bring 2 of each).


Oh, and which pub and imp side pvp guilds are the most dominant?


Also, I've got just shy of 600mil in credits, and I'm a giver, so if I do send toons here and anyone needs augments, or even just some credits for leveling, don't hesitate to ask. If I don't get to keep my names upon transfer, I'll be sure to post the new ones for people who need some free financial help.


<stim Addicts> would def welcome you pubside if nobody has yet to take you up on this. We are a 95% PvP guild with ocassional ops runs that nobody is forced to do. We have many high quality players in the guild and some newer ones recently recruited that are earnestly invested in PvP for endgame content. We are very chill and lax. No freakin resume to fill out, etc. I can promise you 8-16 players online nightly, PvPing. Good peeps fun to roll with. Look us up in /who most of us have invite privileges.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Observations from the field are that stim Addicts on Pub side and LD-fifty on the Imperial side are pretty dominant. Many pugs' results will be whichever side has the most members from one or the other guild. Between the two, I think LD-fifty has stronger personnel while sA's coordination seems a bit better.


As to balance, it's hard to say. Sometimes either one side or the other will monopolize victories for an hour or two, but I'd say the factional balance is good (about even).

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  • 4 weeks later...
Observations from the field are that stim Addicts on Pub side and LD-fifty on the Imperial side are pretty dominant. Many pugs' results will be whichever side has the most members from one or the other guild. Between the two, I think LD-fifty has stronger personnel while sA's coordination seems a bit better.


As to balance, it's hard to say. Sometimes either one side or the other will monopolize victories for an hour or two, but I'd say the factional balance is good (about even).



LD 50 is technically a Pub guild.

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Pub side I recommend checking out res nova, knights of havoc, and working as intended. I do not know your talent level or experience, but you can find a guild that will suite you pub side pvp with any talent level. The field is pretty even now I feel like pubs have been winning way more lately because postmortem left the server for the imps. Therefore, if you are a pub player then this is a great server for you. -Primos
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Pub side I recommend checking out res nova, knights of havoc, and working as intended. I do not know your talent level or experience, but you can find a guild that will suite you pub side pvp with any talent level. The field is pretty even now I feel like pubs have been winning way more lately because postmortem left the server for the imps. Therefore, if you are a pub player then this is a great server for you. -Primos


What time do you que on pubside?

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