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For fellow Imperials...What is our future now?


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nice guess,would like if this would happen,but for sure i would chose the emperor,i already see my warrior eradicating all of the unloyal sith lords,damn,it would be bad ***.


Not to mention mind numberingly stupid considering that eldericth abominations end game. It's not evil to support him just suicidly dumb like coating yourself in cow blood and going for a swim with sharks when you can't swim and there's in detonated naval mines around you.

Edited by Jrr_hypernova
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But what happens to the sith?


Sith that don't convert to the Jedi are sent into exile, or they are defeated in an uprising. Its an interesting point, because the logo for the Republic before the Galactic Empire is very very similar to the Sith Empire logo. So the notion that the Sith Empire wins is a good one, but perhaps they win, and the more moderate persons in the Empire take over. Perhaps the Sith themselves are evetnually overthrown by their own people. And both factions just blend together as one creating a more moderate Republic albeit with a new logo.

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Ok -if- we are going by disney we have no idea.


Since by disney and the new continuity everything going on right now probably didn't happen. By movie cannon the republic started 1000 years ago. That means our current game republic doesn't exist.

Bla bla..


Now if we go by what is Bioware continuity and the extended universe, then this is what happens.


We fight on and off for the next 1000 years or so. (that time given could be much larger or smaller, but I am not going to go count years on wookiepedia right now.) At some point in there the fighting becomes so intense and drawn out that Jedi become Lords of planets as their protectorate, and the Sith reform under a "brotherhood" of equals with no actual emperor.

This brings us to Darth Bane and his decimation of the sith, and his rule of two. The result of which for the republic is a reformation taking away Jedi army's , titles and status making them at best "peaceful monks" because the Republic at large is terrified of anyone using the force. Thus they are setup in an advisory place, start collecting relics and taking force children early to train them to never fall to the dark side.


We know how -that- works out by what happens in the movies.

The symbols used for representing empire or republic change hands about as often as sith reappear. It is no different than pulling out an old flag that used to mean something and giving it a new life as your current ideal's symbol. We have ample demonstration of this in our real world.

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But what happens to the sith?


It could be that the Imperials, on taking Corusant, look upon the structure there and realise that while Jedi can be as powerful as Sith, they are not in control. Perhaps the lack of power in the Imperial class (Middle Classes, basically) causes the Imperial Army to mutiny and the Imperials to turn their back on the Sith to follow their pragmatic and honourably upbringing. Could result in something like the French Revolution. Hell, maybe it'll be Cipher Nine and/or the Bounty Hunter leading this uprising.


Hell, the Imperial Agent would make a very astute politician (playing a Light Side Sniper myself). There's also this theme of 'No more orders' in their backround, which shows a certain independence that can be seen in a leader. With all the backstabbing that occurs in Imperial Intelligence, I think he could make it far in the Republic Political world.


Also, there's the fact that there are quite a few people in the Republic during the prequels who speak with an Imperial (British) accent.

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Also, there's the fact that there are quite a few people in the Republic during the prequels who speak with an Imperial (British) accent.

Coruscanti accent, it is eventually known as which could mean that the Empire does take courcant at some point and after their defeated the old imperial accent sticks.




After the empire is done the civilians who surrender are allowed into republic space they settle on courcant perhaps eventually becoming popular members or something and the accent is adopted.

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Coruscanti accent, it is eventually known as which could mean that the Empire does take courcant at some point and after their defeated the old imperial accent sticks.




After the empire is done the civilians who surrender are allowed into republic space they settle on courcant perhaps eventually becoming popular members or something and the accent is adopted.


Wait, is it actually the native accent of Coruscant? That's awesome.

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