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Suggestion for decorations.


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A suggestion that I was thinking about would be to have personal band members.

Maybe three of four under the personal catagoey that have have instruments that look like they are playing.

Would look rather nice in a stronghold if it had a bar or cantina setting.

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+1 to this!!!!!


Armor or weapons from a defeated enemy or nemesis. Void wolf etc. . .


We have trophies from FP's, how about a beast hunting expedition. This could allow stuffed animals like a giant wompa in the corner, or even stuffed heads hanging on the walls.


How about models like the ship from Mandlorian raiders, etc. for completing the FP on either HM or nightmare.


I don't mind the cartel market for some things, but I agree that decorating my stronghold should tie in more with what I have achieved for decorations. Give me some nice items that tie directly into my story.


How about some art work depicting planets we have completely discovered and or completed. Artwork depicting scenes from things we have done.


Many of us pay a subscription each month so forcing us to continually dump more money into things is ungrateful and greedy. Make the f2p people pay out once it is all open to them (and we all know that it will be), just don't allow them access to many of the decoration rewards given out to sub accounts. This gives an incentive for them to sub as well.


right now my strongholds are simply a collection of stuff I either made or spent money on, there is very little accomplishment in any of it. I want to show off my accomplishments, not just the fact that I can afford nice stuff.

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I agree with needing more options for pictures and such for the walls, though this has just launched and I can imagine they have a ton of ideas for things. I love being able to decorate all three of my places as well as the guild stronghold, but the walls do seem rather bare in some rooms.


One area that I loved when adventuring through was the large estate in the Sith storyline on Makeb. (Forgot the scientist's name already that owned it) Statues are available, but some of the other items like rugs, the display case with corner sconces in the Hook's upper floor were really nice.


Having stuffed animals or heads available would also be cool. Mounted on a pedestal in the corner or something.


Unique trophies or monuments have been amazing for certain areas. Perhaps a stone panel carved in some of the Rakata symbology from Voss or Belsavis prisons would be another option for the stairway walls.


Tables with an array of food trays on them.


Paintings of various scenes from all the planets or even some not yet introduced into the game: Corellian beaches at sunrise or sunset, mountain scenes from Alderaan, rocky canyons of Tatooine, ice sculptures from Ilum, even one of the galaxy would be nice.


Corner tables for the bedroom with a chronometer and lamp on it.


Large chronometer for the wall.


Fountain with statues in the center, one pouring the water out of a vase.


Maybe decorative tile sections instead of a rug to cover certain areas.


Possibilities are endless.... :D

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Well, a lot of times we get medals and awards for completing regular missions (like the Corellian Bloodstripes and such), how about making those awards available as decorations?


Also, it would be great to be able to buy empty frames, which you can use to put your screenshots in and put them up on the walls :) I mean, a lot of us have that holorecorder or whatnot item (from Digital Deluxe), would be cool to use it on different planets and put your best shots up in your strongholds!

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I still want a note pad, as a wall decoration. Essentially a place where I can type out -

Which toon has which crafting skill

Which comps need max affection

crafting priorites

short/long term goals.


Heck, RP'ers can use it for treasure hunts etc

Guild stronghold can have bulletin boards


Not sure how it would look visually, just click on it to bring up what is saved. Key holders can amend stuff that is written on it

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I noticed more paintings in the Czerka flashpoint that were really nice. The estate in the Imperial storyline on Makeb had some gorgeous decoration items in it. Rugs, statues and other items that were really nice.


Conputers on the wall in Tattoine - Imperial side - when talking to Darth Silthar in his office.

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