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Why is sub 55 PVP so much more fun then 55 PVP?


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Sup everyone so i'm kind of confused. When I came back to this game and started leveling my Merc from 50 to 55 I did nothing but WZs to level up. It was fun and a decent way to get some xp AND credits at the same while saving up all my comms. Now that i'm 55 and close to fully geared i'm finding it harder and harder to que for WZs now. It seems like it just isnt fun as sub 55 PVP was. Anyone else feel this way?
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Why is sub 55 PVP so much more fun then 55 PVP?

because it's easier and you (impersonal) feel you're better than you really are because despite the bolster effect, you're still playing against players with drastic differences in ability unlocks. and players are new to their toons. and there are more new players (who aren't so good). it's the same reason rated queues are empty. people like to win a lot and don't like to lose a lot. all the other stuff is just excuses. really. they are. in fact, stuff like hb is worse at lower levels when nobody has the capability to carry or leap or rescue, the ball rarely makes it past the first fire plate.


TL; DR: it's easier.

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Depends on what you find more fun... lowbies are easier because there is less competition, so that may make it more fun. Personally, I kinda hate it, it's frustrating watching so many people not know what to do, so I hurry to hit 55 as the PvP in 55s is of higher quality.
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because it's easier and you (impersonal) feel you're better than you really are because despite the bolster effect, you're still playing against players with drastic differences in ability unlocks. and players are new to their toons. and there are more new players (who aren't so good). it's the same reason rated queues are empty. people like to win a lot and don't like to lose a lot. all the other stuff is just excuses. really. they are. in fact, stuff like hb is worse at lower levels when nobody has the capability to carry or leap or rescue, the ball rarely makes it past the first fire plate.


TL; DR: it's easier.


really, quoted for truth.

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Sup everyone so i'm kind of confused. When I came back to this game and started leveling my Merc from 50 to 55 I did nothing but WZs to level up. It was fun and a decent way to get some xp AND credits at the same while saving up all my comms. Now that i'm 55 and close to fully geared i'm finding it harder and harder to que for WZs now. It seems like it just isnt fun as sub 55 PVP was. Anyone else feel this way?

Quite simply people are really bad in lowbie pvp. You were probably putting up great numbers in lowbie pvp but the moment you hit 55 those numbers probably halved or more. People know how to pvp in 55 bracket so they will shut down that person free casting, cc, root, pushback, interrupt etc. My suggestion for you is to queue up with 3 other really good players. Preferable be 1 tank, 1 heal and 2 dps and hope you get matched against people only queuing for conquest points.

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