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Possible CGI Trailer for 3.0?


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There are numerous reasons people could come up with as to why we won't be getting anymore CGI trailers from budgetary reasons to various marketing reasons, but I think it is possible we may get a new CGI trailer from Blur.


This is the first time in the game's life since launch that we have NPC characters that are actually important to a story. The prelaunch trailers focused on Malgus, Satele and Jace, but they were not main characters in the launch game excluding Malgus at the very end. Since then we have had no consistently prominent main NPC characters. These trailers would never showcase player characters since there is no set look like Shepard or Hawke. Right now thanks to the Forged Alliance story arc we have 4 main characters that have and will probably remain consistent.


Theron Shan

Lana Beniko




I could see all four being showcased in a big trailer leading to some cliffhanger ending where the game picks up from. I do believe now is a great time for a new Blur trailer simply because the game has the best reception it has had for years, we are entering another expansion that has a lot of hype, we have main NPC characters that could star in the trailer, Revan for gods sakes!!!! is back(probably one of the most famous EU Star Wars characters) and the game is about to celebrate it's third birthday!!!


What do you all think?

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It would be nice. I still get chills when I watch "Deceived", showcasing the sacking Courscant under Darth Malgus. I know all his lines by heart from that scene too.


Personally, I wouldn't expect a big CGI trailer they are quite expensive, but I would love to be wrong.

Edited by Nickious
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It would be nice. I still get chills when I watch "Deceived", showcasing the sacking Courscant under Darth Malgus. I know all his lines by heart from that scene too.


Personally, I wouldn't expect a big CGI trailer they are quite expensive, but I would love to be wrong.


Indeed. If we did get another CGI trailer/teaser, that would be pretty awesome. :p


To this day, I still enjoy watching the 3 CGI trailers every once in a while.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Indeed. If we did get another CGI trailer/teaser, that would be pretty awesome. :p


To this day, I still enjoy watching the 3 CGI trailers every once in a while.


I feel if BW wanted to go into the CGI Movie business they could have made a nice return had they expanded those to full movies or even just lengthened them and sold them as "shorts"

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I feel if BW wanted to go into the CGI Movie business they could have made a nice return had they expanded those to full movies or even just lengthened them and sold them as "shorts"


I may be mistaken, but I believe Bioware did not actually make the trailers, they hired Blur Studio to make it.

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It would be nice. I still get chills when I watch "Deceived", showcasing the sacking Courscant under Darth Malgus. I know all his lines by heart from that scene too.


Personally, I wouldn't expect a big CGI trailer they are quite expensive, but I would love to be wrong.


Hell yeah. I get goosebumps every time I watch the three original trailers. I wish there were more.


I'm not holding my breath waiting for the 3.0 trailer, but I'm definitely crossing my fingers.

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At $1mil/minute it would have to be an amazingly large expansion, as cool as a Deceived style trailer would be.


Exactly - why would you want EA/BW to spend that much money on something that has no bearing on the actual game?


Why not use it to hire more developers?

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There are numerous reasons people could come up with as to why we won't be getting anymore CGI trailers from budgetary reasons to various marketing reasons, but I think it is possible we may get a new CGI trailer from Blur.


This is the first time in the game's life since launch that we have NPC characters that are actually important to a story. The prelaunch trailers focused on Malgus, Satele and Jace, but they were not main characters in the launch game excluding Malgus at the very end. Since then we have had no consistently prominent main NPC characters. These trailers would never showcase player characters since there is no set look like Shepard or Hawke. Right now thanks to the Forged Alliance story arc we have 4 main characters that have and will probably remain consistent.


Theron Shan

Lana Beniko




I could see all four being showcased in a big trailer leading to some cliffhanger ending where the game picks up from. I do believe now is a great time for a new Blur trailer simply because the game has the best reception it has had for years, we are entering another expansion that has a lot of hype, we have main NPC characters that could star in the trailer, Revan for gods sakes!!!! is back(probably one of the most famous EU Star Wars characters) and the game is about to celebrate it's third birthday!!!


What do you all think?


It's not going to happen.


1) Blur was charging a million per minute of footage back when they did that first Deceived trailer. That was a few years ago and that trailer in particular was the thing that got everybody to learn the studio's name. Since then their million per minute fee has no doubt increased as they are more and more sought after combined with the fact that things of this nature only become more expensive to produce as time goes on.


2) There have been 4 pre-rendered trailers for TOR. The 3 that Blur did that everyone knows, but there was also the HK-51 trailer that was done in house at Bioware. They intentionally tried to make it look as good as Blur trailer. Anyways aside from the financial issue of another Blur trailer, what makes you think they'd get Blur to do another one when they (Bioware) did the last pre-rendered trailer themselves?


I would gather BW did the writing and story, the actual production is irrelevant IMO.


Not true on either account.


Blur's trailer's are generally of their own writting/scripting. Developers/Publishers don't tend to give them a ton of specific direction other than "we want to see these characters" and other minor things to that degree.


Blur's trailers are consistently good regardless of who they're making them. If they (Blur) didn't control as many aspects of their trailers as they do there's no way they would all be as good as they are. In other words if Bioware wrote all the TOR videos, if WB wrote the Arkham City and DCUO trailers, etc, there's no way they'd all share the same quality of storytelling that the Blur trailers have. It would be completely inconsistent across all their videos with too many different writers.


Also fun fact. The Jedi that Malgus kills in the Deceived trailer is one of Blur's action directors. It's that dude's face on that model is what I'm saying. A face that you saw whenever you loaded up the game pre 2.0 as that character was front and center on the load screen.

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At $1mil/minute it would have to be an amazingly large expansion, as cool as a Deceived style trailer would be.

Yeah, pretty much this.


Although I doubt we'll get another full CGI trailer, some other games have done really interesting work with heavily stylized trailers, such as WoW's "Better know a Warlord" series (alright, it's really called "

") or the Shurima videos League of Legends is putting out. I think it would be cool if BW put out something like those, a more stylized, and probably more cost-effective, trailer.
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Yeah, pretty much this.


Although I doubt we'll get another full CGI trailer, some other games have done really interesting work with heavily stylized trailers, such as WoW's "Better know a Warlord" series (alright, it's really called "

") or the Shurima videos League of Legends is putting out. I think it would be cool if BW put out something like those, a more stylized, and probably more cost-effective, trailer.


Yeah I think that's a better direction to be honest at this point, ie doing stuff with the in game engine or motion comics or whatever.


More than anything I would love to just see a recap video series of the events that played out with each of the classes, planets, etc. For example Video 1 = Prologue. A video detailing the events of the 8 classes and the 4 starting planets and both capital worlds. Video 2 = Chapter 1. Video 3 = Chapter 2, and so on. They would obviously need to be somewhat vague when speaking about the class characters to avoid specific choice stuff, and couldn't show them so that players could maintain their sense of identity. Basically something like those pre-launch Jedi Archive videos.

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