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Can the Tatooine stronghold directory be moved?


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Currently, the placement of the stronghold directory on Tatooine makes is impossible for the curious passerby to visit any stronghold on that planet. Since it is located inside the starport, it is in a no travel zone. We might get more random visitors if this wasn't the case.


This is not a problem on any of the other planets to my knowledge.


Thank you for any consideration to this minor issue.

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Or maybe remove the no-travel zones altogether.

I hate that I have to run all the way out of the starports just to quick travel to wherever I'm going.

This is especially bad on Coruscant because your hangar is like 12 miles from the front door.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes move it. Because it is so hard to turn and walk 5 ft to get out of the no travel zone. ITS RIGHT BY THE DOOR!
When u move those 5 ft and walk outta door, you're out of range the terminal's range so you can't click travel to any of the houses anymore. Do you understand? No one who passes by and wants to check some houses can actually do it like they can on Nar Shaddaa, Coruscant or Dromund
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Yes move it. Because it is so hard to turn and walk 5 ft to get out of the no travel zone. ITS RIGHT BY THE DOOR!
That isn't the point. The point is that it's confusing, as the directory is meant to allow you to travel to strongholds. Many players thus think there is a bug or their purchase didn't work, etc..


That said, I do agree to what one of the posters said. Bioware should remove no travel zones altogether. They just don't make sense to have any in this point in the game and is only annoying.

Edited by Glzmo
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