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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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No it really is end of story, this discussion has been talked to death already, there isn't going to be any new evidence that comes to light and suddenly creates a brand new debate.


There may not be new evidence, but your statement of "end of story" implies that it has been settled.


Clearly it has not.


This subject and discussion will no go away until something is done about it. Blaming the buyer is not the answer. Further threads such as this are proof of that.

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If you clicked BUY then you intended to buy it at the listed price not whatever price you intended to buy it at. That is how online transactions work.


The price is clearly listed. It's your fault for misreading it. You always have the ability to sort by lowest price first or lowest unit price first. All the tools are there for you to use. Its your fault for not making use of them.


When you clicked BUY it means you intended to buy the item but it does not mean you intended to buy it for more than you intended to buy it.


Yes we've established its the buyers fault for accidentally misreading the price.


Hope that clears things up for you.

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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There may not be new evidence, but your statement of "end of story" implies that it has been settled.


Clearly it has not.


This subject and discussion will no go away until something is done about it. Blaming the buyer is not the answer. Further threads such as this are proof of that.


Nothing is going to be done. There is nothing wrong happening. Sellers are allowed to sell crap for w/e price they want. Buyers have already have a tool to sort pricing to show the lowest price first.


You cannot be scammed unless you don't pay attention.


End of Story.

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When you clicked BUY it means you intended to buy the item but it does not mean you intended to buy it for more than you intended to buy it.



Do try that argument on ebay or similar online transaction websites, AFTER pressing buy and agree and see if it works eh? :rolleyes:

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While I've never done such a thing myself, as I rarely sell stuff on the GTN (I have better things to do with the time I have than play yet ANOTHER mini-game) I don't see the issue. It's hardly the fault of someone else if you can't read numbers, or can't be bothered to pay attention.


It is worth noting that your failure to see the issue doesn't mean there isn't one.


Let's take this to it's logical conclusion, shall we? What do you expect them to *do* about it, hmm?


Two things...


1. The GTN should default to sorting by lowest price first, always.


2. There should be a short cool down timer, maybe as short as 2 to 5 minutes, during which time you can cancel the purchase and it is auto reposted to the GTN, maybe with a 6% "fee" for the cancel service, to avoid abuse.

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Saying im mistaken will not make it so. They have all the information clearly displayed up front. There are no fine print weasel words or anything like that involved. 3 items for 999999 credits means exactly that. If you click buy on that you agreed to pay 999999 credits. Its not the sellers fault you read the unit price as 333.333 instead of 333,333


If you can't understand what part you're mistaken about, then you really are beyond my help.


It isn't rocket science you know...


Here is a hint... it has nothing to do with what your posted, nothing at all... it has to do with human behavior and what is considered right and wrong in civilized society.

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Do try that argument on ebay or similar online transaction websites, AFTER pressing buy and agree and see if it works eh? :rolleyes:


The point of the "GTN scam " is going straight over your head :rolleyes:


You buy something on ebay, you intended to buy that item, and you intend to buy it for a certain price. After buying it, you realise you paid more than you should have, you realise you mis-read the price. This means you did not intend to buy it for more than you intended to buy it.


Easy for you to understand?

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No, this is not against the rules. Seriously, how can people be this daft? If you are a victim of a scam, then it is your fault and you should honestly pay more attention to what is in front of you. Bioware are not obligated to hold everyone's hand when ever they make a mistake.


So you lost 3 MIL, big deal. Can make that up in a few days of dailies.

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Nothing is going to be done. There is nothing wrong happening. Sellers are allowed to sell crap for w/e price they want. Buyers have already have a tool to sort pricing to show the lowest price first.


You cannot be scammed unless you don't pay attention.


End of Story.


You're so sure of yourself, aren't you? Nothing will be done?


What happened to the live stream a few weeks ago when the 3.0 info was delayed?


Don't underestimate this one, as it hits more and more people, you might well find that happens again. The noise gets loud enough, things happen.

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Do try that argument on ebay or similar online transaction websites, AFTER pressing buy and agree and see if it works eh? :rolleyes:


You'll be shocked to find out that in some cases, that actually does work...


Keep in mind that all things being equal, if you paid via PayPal and the PayPal payment was made using a credit card, you have a decent chance of having it fixed there. Depends on the card company, American Express doesn't take much convincing, it moves down the ladder from there.

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You're so sure of yourself, aren't you? Nothing will be done?


What happened to the live stream a few weeks ago when the 3.0 info was delayed?


Don't underestimate this one, as it hits more and more people, you might well find that happens again. The noise gets loud enough, things happen.


The GTN has all the tools and information right there for Buyers to use to make a properly informed purchase.


Sellers are allowed to sell their items at w/e price they want.


There is no scam or wrong doing at all. Nothing will happen.

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The GTN has all the tools and information right there for Buyers to use to make a properly informed purchase.


Sellers are allowed to sell their items at w/e price they want.


There is no scam or wrong doing at all. Nothing will happen.


And that is the point you keep missing.


It doesn't matter if it is a scam or not. It doesn't matter if a rule was broken or not...


If enough people get taken by this... whatever it is... noise gets created... If enough noise gets made, then the powers that be will do "something" to make the noise go away...


Do you plan to come and post a defense of the scumbags that do this in the next thread about it as well? Because there will be one, and one after that, and one after that... until something IS done about it...

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And that is the point you keep missing.


It doesn't matter if it is a scam or not. It doesn't matter if a rule was broken or not...


If enough people get taken by this... whatever it is... noise gets created... If enough noise gets made, then the powers that be will do "something" to make the noise go away...


Do you plan to come and post a defense of the scumbags that do this in the next thread about it as well? Because there will be one, and one after that, and one after that... until something IS done about it...


It does matter, because if nothing in game is being exploited for not it's intended use, it's not broken, nor requires fixing.


As it stands there's nothing broken in game about the GTN that needs fixing and the point you need to realize, until there is, BW isn't going to bother. No large amount of noise is going to change that, Look at the 100 Mile long AC Change thread, not a single response...

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If you can't understand what part you're mistaken about, then you really are beyond my help.


It isn't rocket science you know...


Here is a hint... it has nothing to do with what your posted, nothing at all... it has to do with human behavior and what is considered right and wrong in civilized society.


This is a game not real life. And even if this was real life its still the buyers fault. The seller is taking advantage of the fact that there are careless people and that may be morally questionable but it is not wrong or illegal.


It does'nt change the fact that the buyer agreed to pay the listed price without reading what the listed price is, and s therefore obligated to pay the agreed price.


You have some mistaken notion that people are obligated to ensure that you always pay a price that YOU deek fair no matter what. Welcome to the real world. People are not obligated to prevent you from making mistakes that could benefit them to your disadvantage.

Edited by BaronV
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This is a game not real life. And even if this was real life its still the buyers fault. The seller is taking advantage of the fact that there are careless people and that may be morally questionable but it is not wrong or illegal.


It does'nt change the fact that the buyer agreed to pay the listed price without reading what the listed price is, and s therefore obligated to pay the agreed price.


"He hacked my account"


"well it's your fault for having a bad password! Dont blame me!"


"it's your fault you were wearing no clothes! you clearly asked for it!"

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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"He hacked my account"


"well it's your fault for having a bad password! Dont blame me!"


Your analogy is completely off base. One is an agreed transaction that the buyer is seeking to back track on based on the fact that he made a mistake.


The other is someone else maliciously and illegally accessing someone else's account without their permission.


Its my mistake that I didn't lock the door, but in all reality I should'nt have to. Just because i left my front door unlocked does not give you the right to barge in and steal stuff from my house.

Edited by BaronV
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I don't hate his suggestion, if I put you on ignore, I also don't see your auctions. Just like I won't be paired up with that person in a group finder setting either. Granted I'm pretty particular and haven't fallen for any GTN scams, there are multiple posts on this and it wouldn't be bad for SWTOR's health to put some training wheels on the thing so folks don't rage quit.
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It does matter, because if nothing in game is being exploited for not it's intended use, it's not broken, nor requires fixing.


As it stands there's nothing broken in game about the GTN that needs fixing and the point you need to realize, until there is, BW isn't going to bother. No large amount of noise is going to change that, Look at the 100 Mile long AC Change thread, not a single response...


You still don't get it, do you? Either that, or you're trolling...


It doesn't matter about any of that, that isn't how real life works, and behind all these toons in the game, are REAL LIFE PEOPLE. Or didn't you know that?


Real life people don't care for this crappy, scummy behavior, if enough of them get annoyed about it, they made noise. Right or wrong, enough noise gets attention.


That attention doesn't go away just because something is or is not "broken" in the game.

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"it's your fault you were wearing no clothes! you clearly asked for it!"


Also its completely inappropriate for you to equate victim blaming in rape/sexual harassment cases to calling out people who try to divest responsibility when they buy something on the GTN without reading the price properly.

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Also its completely inappropriate for you to equate victim blaming in rape/sexual harassment cases to calling out people who try to divest responsibility when they buy something on the GTN without reading the price properly.


What the hell? I wasn't talking about those things? I was talking about going to a party, having barely any clothes on and people writing and drawing silly pictures on you when you're asleep. It's your fault for not having clothes on


But anyway, this is exactly what you're doing...victim blaming.

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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You get robbed? It's YOUR fault you left your front door open. You should have been paying attention.


I didnt agree to let you in. So you had no right to come in to my property.


Its completely different from the topic at hand. The seller didnt grab the money or hold a gun to your head. You agreed to an exchange without fully understanding what you were agreeing to.

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