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Strongholds for Casual Players?


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I was very excited when I learned of the Strongholds expansion, but now that it is here, I find myself so disappointed that I'm considering canceling my subscription.


The problem is that the stronghold concept seems designed only for the wealthiest characters. I've spent every last credit, and all I have to show for it is a half-locked Tatooine stronghold with almost no furnishings. I simply don't have the time to spend grinding away at every set of dailies, or however else one is supposed to amass the tens of millions of credits one needs to set up a stronghold. Nor can I afford to spend huge amounts of real money buying furniture.


Am I missing something? Is there a way for a casual player to unlock and equip a stronghold? Or is it as grim as it seems?

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I have all of Coruscant unlocked and that one basically cost 1.4m but I am only at 50% at decorating it at the moment. I do also have Drumond Kaas and Nar Shadda but they are on my iist to do later. I still need to finish locking Drumond Kaas (I think I have the balcony left there) and Nar Shadda and that one will take me a bit to unlock the other rooms I need to unlock.


I am taking my time to decorate. I would consider myself a casual considering my schedule so I would say you can do it. I would suggest just take your time and do a little bit here and there and do the other things you like to do as well.

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The thing about being a casual player is that you can't expect to have everything right now.

People who have time to devote to something will almost always achieve the goal faster than someone who has limited time.


Strongholds have been out for less than a month and you're complaining that you can't unlock the most expensive one.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

You'll get the money for it eventually and it'll still be there when you do.


Besides, the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas strongholds were specifically priced to give players with lesser amounts of wealth access to them.

You can't expect to have champagne dreams on a beer budget.

Edited by Rankyn
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I had about three million the day before the strongholds came up. Two days later, I had thirty.


You got to read dulfy for conquests and see which materials would bring points and when prices would go up. You got to craft - 150 skill in crafting is enough to create synthetic prefabs and sell them, or just sell purple underworld mats.


That's enough to unlock Dromund Kaas/Coruscant without a garage and a balcony(you can save your cartel coins for the balcony), craft basic gtn/cargo decorations, sell the decorations you don't need, and slowly start crafting prefabs for selling. The decorations prices are dropping - soon enough you'll be afford those holographic trees and Oriconian stalks.

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The thing about being a casual player is that you can't expect to have everything right now.

People who have time to devote to something will almost always achieve the goal faster than someone who has limited time.


Strongholds have been out for less than a month and you're complaining that you can't unlock the most expensive one.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

You'll get the money for it eventually and it'll still be there when you do.


Besides, the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas strongholds were specifically priced to give players with lesser amounts of wealth access to them.

You can't expect to have champagne dreams on a beer budget.


Well, that's the thing. I don't have champagne dreams -- I have simple dreams of living in relative poverty on Tatooine. I would have been happy with a much smaller home on Tatooine. I just wanted a little monastic retreat for my Jedi Knight. But my only choice was a massive fortress. True, there are cheaper apartments on Coruscant, but what if your character isn't the sort to live in a luxury apartment at the heart of the capital city-world of the Republic? The Coruscant apartment and the free Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace just don't make any sense for my humble Jedi.


Also, my complaint isn't that I want everything RIGHT NOW and am unwilling to delay gratification. I looked over the prices of some things, and the amount of time I'd have to spent trying to get materials for others, and the fact that there's now a whole tier of crafting materials you have to buy with real money, and the number of useful housing items you can only buy with real money, and THAT is what's bothering me. It's not that I want to set up the entire stronghold this weekend and will ragequit if I can't, it's that I don't think I'll ever be able to unlock and furnish the place.


I can't even buy Republic banners because I don't do PvP. The Jedi Knight, hero of the Republic, who slew the Emperor and Darth Malgus* with only one companion to aid him is not allowed to buy Republic banners for his home. And I shouldn't be disappointed?




* Yes, I know, EVERYONE does that. But the game acts like each of us is the only one.

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"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single Jed in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a stronghold." (with apologies to Jane Austen). :D It is another truth universally acknowledged, that houses are Money Pits. :) And just as you didn't come out of the womb equipped for homeownership, neither will your toon.


Dunno about you, but each one of my toons unlocked at least 2 imp and pub banners, along with a bunch of basic decorations, not long after opening the initial email. Decoration drops happen on hard mode flashpoints, in planetary heroic areas, and for cartel certs or crafted prefabs with reputation vendors. Crafted prefabs are not hard to make (unless you vendored all your low-level crafting mats prior to the 2.9 drop, and then it's really a matter of returning to planets to scan or sending companions out on gathering quests). People are listing decorations from cartel packs and rep vendors on the GTN, too.


Like the above poster, I started out with about 3 mill before 2.9 dropped, and after, ended up with 30. Credits, that is. But, thanks to dailies and raiding for Conquest points to get personal rewards and help out my guild, I've built my fortunes back up again (and spent them again, because Stupid Sexy Balcony). Yes, my places are sparse, but that's nothing new--my first apartment was furnished with much less.


I don't think Strongholds were intended to be a "get everything the first week" kind of deal. Unlike real real estate, they aren't going anywhere, and if you can't afford one right now, it'll give you something to save up for. Why not put down your basic metal couches (aside--who ever thought a metal couch would be comfortable?) and plan out what you want to save for the next time your Jedi visits the in-game Ikea. Chill. The meatballs will still be there. ;)

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"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single Jed in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a stronghold." (with apologies to Jane Austen). :D It is another truth universally acknowledged, that houses are Money Pits. :)And just as you didn't come out of the womb equipped for homeownership, neither will your toon.




I'm seriously considering putting that in my forum signature, lmao. :p

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Well, that's the thing. I don't have champagne dreams -- I have simple dreams of living in relative poverty on Tatooine. I would have been happy with a much smaller home on Tatooine.


Unlock less rooms, viola! A smaller home on Tatooine.


I looked over the prices of some things, and the amount of time I'd have to spent trying to get materials for others, and the fact that there's now a whole tier of crafting materials you have to buy with real money, and the number of useful housing items you can only buy with real money, and THAT is what's bothering me.


There are no crafting materials that can only be bought with real money, and most decorations that come from the cartel market can be resold, thereby being purchasable on the GTN Prices are high on some things because they are new.


As for Republic Banners, you can try to buy them on the GTN. You also do the intro quest on all your alts which will give more banners.

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I looked over the prices of some things, and the amount of time I'd have to spent trying to get materials for others, and the fact that there's now a whole tier of crafting materials you have to buy with real money,


I am a Master Craftsman and have been crafting things for myself and my guild and I have not spent real money on any of the crafting materials, not even the dark projects. All the crafting can be done with mats and in game credits for the items you don't have.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Thanks, folks, I appreciate the good advice. The problem is, I've looked at the sources for acquiring any decorations other than the basic ones ("basic" in this vocabulary meaning "suitable for a rat-infested Nar Shaddaa lower-level flophouse"), and I don't see any way I can furnish my home in any reasonable length of time. So many good furnishings are permanently out of reach either because I don't do PvP, or I won't pay any more real money for Cartel coins. As for the rest, they're just too expensive.


I've worked at this game like a job for a few days, and I've unlocked the docking bay and one additional room. I can't furnish them, but they're unlocked. Looking into the materials costs in credits (since I can't afford to pay real money for materials), I think I could put a non-functioning replica of my starship in the docking bay for about two million credits. Fully furnishing the docking bay? I have no idea. Ten million? More?


Assuming I can find time to do the most profitable set of dailies Belsavis) every day, it would take me 113 days to make ten million credits. And that would, maybe, if I'm lucky, furnish one big room. Sure, I could make that ten million in one week, according to Dulfy -- if I could do every set of dailies every day, plus all the weeklies. I doubt I could manage that even working ten-hour days at SWTOR. With the time I can devote to it, I'm not even sure I could do one set of dailies actually daily.


So, realistically, I could have my home fully furnished in two to three years. And then I could spend another two to three years on my secondary character's Nar Shaddaa home, which would have been left ignored all that time.


That's a bit much. That's why I'm so disappointed. And that's why I'm canceling my subscription, at the least taking a break in the hopes that things will improve.


Thanks again for the advice, and I wish you all well in your strongholding. :)

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Thanks, folks, I appreciate the good advice. The problem is, I've looked at the sources for acquiring any decorations other than the basic ones ("basic" in this vocabulary meaning "suitable for a rat-infested Nar Shaddaa lower-level flophouse"), and I don't see any way I can furnish my home in any reasonable length of time. So many good furnishings are permanently out of reach either because I don't do PvP, or I won't pay any more real money for Cartel coins. As for the rest, they're just too expensive.


I've worked at this game like a job for a few days, and I've unlocked the docking bay and one additional room. I can't furnish them, but they're unlocked. Looking into the materials costs in credits (since I can't afford to pay real money for materials), I think I could put a non-functioning replica of my starship in the docking bay for about two million credits. Fully furnishing the docking bay? I have no idea. Ten million? More?


Assuming I can find time to do the most profitable set of dailies Belsavis) every day, it would take me 113 days to make ten million credits. And that would, maybe, if I'm lucky, furnish one big room. Sure, I could make that ten million in one week, according to Dulfy -- if I could do every set of dailies every day, plus all the weeklies. I doubt I could manage that even working ten-hour days at SWTOR. With the time I can devote to it, I'm not even sure I could do one set of dailies actually daily.


So, realistically, I could have my home fully furnished in two to three years. And then I could spend another two to three years on my secondary character's Nar Shaddaa home, which would have been left ignored all that time.


That's a bit much. That's why I'm so disappointed. And that's why I'm canceling my subscription, at the least taking a break in the hopes that things will improve.


Thanks again for the advice, and I wish you all well in your strongholding. :)


I have Corasaunt Decked out to the 9's and looking really good. I have Nar Shaddaa near complete and again looking awesome, I just need to run more dailies to open up my Balcony and the Amphitheater. I have Drummond Kass looking good and just need a few more "Sith ish" items to top off my main room. I am still in need of a few Centerpieces to make them look the way I want, but eventually I will earn the ones I am looking for and everything will be right as rain. I did spend $40 on cartel coins and about 4 million in credits to get to this point and will need to do a week or so worth of dailies to earn what I need to finish off DK and start working on Tatooine. I won't spend any more cartel coins on my strongholds, but I'm cool with playing the game content to earn the credits I need.


I understand where you are coming from, in the day and age we live in everyone wants the instant gratification of getting what they want RIGHT NOW and not having to wait till they earn the cool stuff. Folks just want it all handed to them on a silver platter. 38 years of life 20 years in the Army and 7 years working in the technology field have taught me that patience is a virtue. With devotion and hard work you will get what you have earned in time.

I think it shows that you have a high level of self awareness to realize that since you cannot get the instant gratification you desire from this game it is not for you. Good luck to you and your gaming future and I hope you find what you are looking for.

Edited by RiVaN_
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Tatooine is the largest and Most expensive Stronghold. Droumund Kaas and Coruscant are the cheapest, and Nar Shaddaa is in the middle.


So there are strongholds for rich and poor alike.

It's kinda ironic. From a lore standpoint as well as "luxury" it likely should be the other way around.
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Well, that's the thing. I don't have champagne dreams -- I have simple dreams of living in relative poverty on Tatooine. I would have been happy with a much smaller home on Tatooine. I just wanted a little monastic retreat for my Jedi Knight. But my only choice was a massive fortress. True, there are cheaper apartments on Coruscant, but what if your character isn't the sort to live in a luxury apartment at the heart of the capital city-world of the Republic? The Coruscant apartment and the free Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace just don't make any sense for my humble Jedi.


My husband has the exact same issue with his RP character. He scraped to buy the Tatooine home for his humble priest, but it's huge. My recommendation was that he turn it into a sanctuary for the needy, be it economically disadvantaged, the infirm, refugees, etc. He really liked that idea because he can still live his austere life while serving the people. This approach requires minimum buy in since it's based on low level decorations.


Regarding Republic memorabilia, try the GTN. It was probably expensive the first couple of weeks during the early access time of the subs, but a recent (i.e. just-now) check of the GTN showed flags and banners are running around 50K.


Also, check GTN for prefabs. They run about 30K to 80K on my server, from a synth MK-1 to universal MK-3. If you don't have time to craft, that's another way to go.


And sometimes it just helps to be creative. Pets make an interesting decoration, for example.


Regarding decor appropriate for a humble Jedi home, I have to admit that, imo, there is an imbalance in the available "evil" decorations compared to the available peaceful/"good" ones. That makes it tough on a Jedi's pocketbook. We had a short discussion about it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=763193.


Finally, I suspect the overall prices of decorations will come down as more are added and there is less demand for what is already out there. I look at it as the start of a marathon.

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