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Age of Classes


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So I was just fudging around the forums and found a few things discussing the age of the BH and it got me wondering, does anyone know what the ages of each class are? I've heard a few things here and there, but have never found anything that states what how old everyone is
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I got the impression that the inquisitor is very young. Of all the romance options with confirmed ages im pretty sure ashara is the youngest, and I hear him get called "young sith" more than other characters of mine. i wouldn't be surprised if he was only 21 or 22, especially since a slave in its prim would be somewhere 20-30.


the agent seemed to be a little older, and the warrior and bounty hunter seemed the oldest of the imperials.


I've only done a smuggler repside but he calls corso riggs "kid". this could just be a reference to his inexperience but i think the smug has a few years on him.

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So I was just fudging around the forums and found a few things discussing the age of the BH and it got me wondering, does anyone know what the ages of each class are? I've heard a few things here and there, but have never found anything that states what how old everyone is


Their age is whatever you want it to be. ;)


I do remember Hall Hood, lead writer for the Jedi Knight and Smuggler stories, saying that the Knight was supposed to have somewhere between 18-20 years old, upon arriving to Tython.


Regardless, as mentioned already, it's pretty much your choice to make.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Their age is whatever you want it to be. ;)


I do remember Hall Hood, lead writer for the Jedi Knight and Smuggler stories, saying that the Knight was supposed to have somewhere between 18-20 years old, upon arriving to Tython.


Regardless, as mentioned already, it's pretty much your choice to make.


I was afraid someone would say that. I don't like the idea of me choosing the age. IMO there needs to be some set canon to the characters personally. I'm not one of those people who go around saying "MY character was this or that so its true!" and all that weirdness. oh well....

Edited by OrinVlado
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You pretty much gotta figure it out for yourself, and since looks are customizable and voices CAN be deceptive age indicators, yeah it's up to you.


Shockingly, my bodytype 3 male BH is actually in his early twenties. Then again, his voice might be messed up because the guy is prone to face tanking blasters, explosions, fire, toxic gasses, lightsabers, and a lot more. (Powertech AC)


Meanwhile, my agent began his story in his early 30's. But then again, I seldom consider the actual voice (or at least accent) canon for him since I always imagined him as a Space!Australian (He's also a sniper, can you guess who he's based on?)

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You pretty much gotta figure it out for yourself, and since looks are customizable and voices CAN be deceptive age indicators, yeah it's up to you.


Shockingly, my bodytype 3 male BH is actually in his early twenties. Then again, his voice might be messed up because the guy is prone to face tanking blasters, explosions, fire, toxic gasses, lightsabers, and a lot more. (Powertech AC)


Meanwhile, my agent began his story in his early 30's. But then again, I seldom consider the actual voice (or at least accent) canon for him since I always imagined him as a Space!Australian (He's also a sniper, can you guess who he's based on?)


Quigly down under?

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I was afraid someone would say that. I don't like the idea of me choosing the age. IMO there needs to be some set canon to the characters personally. I'm not one of those people who go around saying "MY character was this or that so its true!" and all that weirdness. oh well....


Not sure why. :confused:


You're supposed to choose their gender, their look, their body type, their personality, their own journey... And you have an issue with choosing their age? Seriously?

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Not sure why. :confused:


You're supposed to choose their gender, their look, their body type, their personality, their own journey... And you have an issue with choosing their age? Seriously?


I agree with being able to choose a big portion of what the character is like, but imo there needs to be some set things about the character. Otherwise the games whole story is just willy nilly and there's no fact to it. Like with KoToR, you can choose what Revan looks like, gender, actions, etc. but in the end, Revan is a male who's certain actions (whether u did them in game or not) are canon. Make sense? I'm a little unsure on how to explain it

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I agree with being able to choose a big portion of what the character is like, but imo there needs to be some set things about the character. Otherwise the games whole story is just willy nilly and there's no fact to it. Like with KoToR, you can choose what Revan looks like, gender, actions, etc. but in the end, Revan is a male who's certain actions (whether u did them in game or not) are canon. Make sense? I'm a little unsure on how to explain it


You do realize that several years went by before they made male Revan canonical, right? And they only did so out of editorial necessity, for any other material that covered that particular period, whether it was an Atlas of sorts or a novel.


In KoTOR: TSL, Revan could be male or female, LS or DS.


It was your choice. Same as here.

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You do realize that several years went by before they made male Revan canonical, right? And they only did so out of editorial necessity, for any other material that covered that particular period, whether it was an Atlas of sorts or a novel.


In KoTOR: TSL, Revan could be male or female, LS or DS.


It was your choice. Same as here.


I didn't know that, but still you get my point. I would like to know at some point what is canon and what isn't in this game. Then again disney screwed the canon up so i doubt i'll get to see it

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I didn't know that, but still you get my point. I would like to know at some point what is canon and what isn't in this game. Then again disney screwed the canon up so i doubt i'll get to see it


Canon is whatever you want it to be. ;)


Just assume they're into their early adulthood, around 18+ years old or so and go from there for example.

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You do realize that several years went by before they made male Revan canonical, right? And they only did so out of editorial necessity, for any other material that covered that particular period, whether it was an Atlas of sorts or a novel.


In KoTOR: TSL, Revan could be male or female, LS or DS.


It was your choice. Same as here.

I enjoyed how this lead to the writers/editors of the KotOR comic series having to hide "the Revanchist's" face and avoid using any gender pronouns when talking about "Malak's master".


I imagine when the decision was finally made to establish a canon gender and appearance for Revan, the people at Dark Horse had some choice words about not having that info to work with during their run.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Like with KoToR, you can choose what Revan looks like, gender, actions, etc. but in the end, Revan is a male who's certain actions (whether u did them in game or not) are canon. Make sense? I'm a little unsure on how to explain it


And that is exactly why I never played KOTOR1 again, and I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Rewhine with a passion. The beauty of BioWARE's CRPGs from Baldur's Gate onward is that the protagonist was yours to create and Bio threw but a dusting of background around it to keep the story going.


Bio ruined its own game by obsessing over canonizing Revan and destroying everything. In both KOTOR1 and KOTOR2, my Revan was a female. And both games allowed it. Then Bio had to go and push stupid, flip flopping Revan down everyone's throat. Hell bells, why not make him a male on the Imp side, and a female on the Republic, seeing we are trying to create a being that was changing the allegiances depending on the wind direction? Blah, Rewhine. TMy best moment on Dromund Kaas is selling out the Revanite idiots. What they did with poor Exile is even worse, just disgusting. Throw your second protagonist under the first protagonist's heavy boots and grind her into dust. Nightmare. What, Bio couldn't handle that KOTOR2 was stronger than KOTOR1, because Obsidian finally managed to tell the same story they always tell well?


Bah. You wanna play a defined protagonist? There is a plethora of adventure games that give you your blessed male PC of a definitive age, race and gender. Being able to customize and invent your own PC and bring her or his story to life is what makes Bio games the only ones I played.


Try to enjoy the freedom you are given, for gods see, it's seldom enough in the gaming industry you are given this choice, so revel in it!


And SWTOR is incredible, because you get to chose which story is the MAIN one for you, and which are supporting - or you can develop them in parallel! You have limitless number of protagonists! A 15 yo bounty hunter is in no way less valid than a 55 year old one. It doesn't have to be a young kid out to discover the world. Neither it has to be a matron-mother. Heck, if you are playing a Chiss, you can have a protagonist aged 11, and you are fine with the lore.


Bio gave you a free hand to co-create - go for it! Do not try to fit on the chains that were broken! The truth is - ther eis no canon, and I would beg that there will never be a 'canon protagonist' for SWTOR. Because Rewhine is enough! Well, there was Abdel too, but luckily, Bio gave up on that travsty fast.

Edited by DomiSotto
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He's very male in SWTOR, they even took his mask off, unlike KOTOR2. And they keep inserting him into the story, instead of just leaving him behind. It's been 300 years! One would think jumping the gap like this we would be free of having to deal with Rewhine, but, unfortunately, there is more to come. Wish they would have never done that horrible novel. :( Edited by DomiSotto
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And that is exactly why I never played KOTOR1 again, and I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Rewhine with a passion. The beauty of BioWARE's CRPGs from Baldur's Gate onward is that the protagonist was yours to create and Bio threw but a dusting of background around it to keep the story going.


Bio ruined its own game by obsessing over canonizing Revan and destroying everything. In both KOTOR1 and KOTOR2, my Revan was a female. And both games allowed it. Then Bio had to go and push stupid, flip flopping Revan down everyone's throat. Hell bells, why not make him a male on the Imp side, and a female on the Republic, seeing we are trying to create a being that was changing the allegiances depending on the wind direction? Blah, Rewhine. TMy best moment on Dromund Kaas is selling out the Revanite idiots. What they did with poor Exile is even worse, just disgusting. Throw your second protagonist under the first protagonist's heavy boots and grind her into dust. Nightmare. What, Bio couldn't handle that KOTOR2 was stronger than KOTOR1, because Obsidian finally managed to tell the same story they always tell well?


Bah. You wanna play a defined protagonist? There is a plethora of adventure games that give you your blessed male PC of a definitive age, race and gender. Being able to customize and invent your own PC and bring her or his story to life is what makes Bio games the only ones I played.


Try to enjoy the freedom you are given, for gods see, it's seldom enough in the gaming industry you are given this choice, so revel in it!


And SWTOR is incredible, because you get to chose which story is the MAIN one for you, and which are supporting - or you can develop them in parallel! You have limitless number of protagonists! A 15 yo bounty hunter is in no way less valid than a 55 year old one. It doesn't have to be a young kid out to discover the world. Neither it has to be a matron-mother. Heck, if you are playing a Chiss, you can have a protagonist aged 11, and you are fine with the lore.


Bio gave you a free hand to co-create - go for it! Do not try to fit on the chains that were broken! The truth is - ther eis no canon, and I would beg that there will never be a 'canon protagonist' for SWTOR. Because Rewhine is enough! Well, there was Abdel too, but luckily, Bio gave up on that travsty fast.


wow...this is what i was saying earlier that drives me crazy. Yes i love the ability to make my own character, but i think there should be somewhat of a set canon. Like say "the knight grew up on such and such planet in *insert date here* and traveled to the temple on tython at age *insert here*. Just something simple like that. Saying there is no canon is like saying there isn't "truth", it's what u want it to be, which is stupid as all get out. Fact is, Revan is a dude, not a lady, tough luck. The character is too good not to be expanded like he was. He wasn't destroyed because turns out he wasn't what u played him as, he was made better. And to completely ignore what canon is just because u ain't happy....is stupid

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He's very male in SWTOR, they even took his mask off, unlike KOTOR2. And they keep inserting him into the story, instead of just leaving him behind. It's been 300 years! One would think jumping the gap like this we would be free of having to deal with Rewhine, but, unfortunately, there is more to come. Wish they would have never done that horrible novel. :(


You miss the point.


It wasn't Bioware's decision to set in stone the decision to have Revan as a male character. You do realize they do NOT control the Star Wars brand, right?

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Since you can make them look anything between 15 and 50 years old I think it's aknoledged choice to not set any ages to characters so each player can play what they want.

Based on stories I would say all are between 18 and 30 thou. I like to think all of my toons are 18

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Darth, I am aware that Bio doesn't control the IP. I am actually pretty happy that they started to work towards their own IPs. Jade Empire was wonderful, Dragon Age looks great as well, and I am pretty sure so is ME, which I haven't tried. One day, fingers crossed, they may move to Renaissance from the Middle Ages. :) I am not sure what went behind the scenes, I just don't know if they were made to bring Revan in into the SWTOR verse, or they did it by choice. If it was some sort of compromise or reuse of the bits and pieces they had from the tanked KOTOR3. At any rate, I try to avoid Rewhine.


I have a vague memory that Bio creative team actually stated something to the extent that theory Revan will always be a female. But... I don't want Revan to be a female. I want Revan to be what the player maketh him or her. Just the way it was when I played KOTOR back in 2004 or whenever.


So, back to the OP's problems: I think what Adaliaya said is a great illustration of the core values of a Bio game. In SWTOR the Legacy (where the chars can be a parent and a child), the species unlocks, the looks, a multitude of class stories - everything - in this game supports the player's ability to create something unique. So, SWOTOR is spiritually a typical Bio's game. Thankfully. See, my characters are all over the place:


Knight: a young and reclusive Human maid of 21, her abilities always outpacing her age, and she really has no time for nonsense like birthdays

Consular: a wise Zabrack lady of 29, an Ageless Goddess to a T

Smuggler: a far too immature Twilek gal of 34; and a hard-bitten Twilek man of 40-perfect something

Trooper: a 19 yo Mirialian widow with more baggage than normal for her age; and a 32 yo psychopathic soldier of fortune (Miri)

Warrior: a 22 yo young and restless twilek who never intended to leave the boyhood behind; and a stone-heart PB Sith female dispensing cruelty for the most of her 35 years

Inquisitor: a 16 yo ball of hatred, hating with all the passion only an abused twilek teenage girl can muster; and an unknown age Rattataki slave, judging by his teeth about 28, heck, he hears voices, and you want him to worry about how old he is? Or how long he's got left?

Imperial Agent: a real boring and disgusting Chiss of 12 or so. Whatever's lore appropriate.

Bounty Hunter: a 46 yo aristocratic Cathar widow on the run (she can easily pull 39 when the lamps have pink shades over them); and a 29 yo bear of a Human man


BUT! Seeing it is a great Bio game, none of Adaliaya's characters somehow is more right than mine. And, when I play the game and run across her character - or any other character of the same class, they do not look or feel the same. YAY! Because the beauty of BioWare's games is that co-creation process, an interface between Bio and the player (and in case of a MMO - all players), and how we all together can bring the story to life for protagonists dear to our hearts, not dictated by someone else. That is very unique, and very few games allow for it.


Again, you call it stupid, but.... What games by Bio/Obsidian did you play in the past if any at all? Did you replay as a radically different protagnist a few times? Maybe because you do not have the gaming history with Bio, you feel uncomfortable with it? If so, you probably would greatly benefit from cracking open the old classic games and trying to let go off the canon dependency, and a preconcieved notion there is One True Way to play a game. In a Bio's game, there is no One True Way. If you do not want to play older games to get used to it, well, try to create a good backstory for any of your characters, even if you have to do it retroactively - it is an enjoyable pursuit (and don't worry if you end up with a Mary Sue, we all start there), and once you have it in hand, the game will become that much more personal and livable, I promise you. It might be weird or scary at first, but it is fascinating to use your imagination :)


Alternatively, I think there are ways to glean the most likely combinations for each class. Some are easier than the others, like a PB Male Sith for a Warrior in his early-mid twenties is rather obvious. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy my merchant priencling of a Twi'lek off Balmorra as a Sith Warrior :) There are threads where people discuss which species, gender, AC and age are the best for each class.I read them, and while I may not feel the individual choices, I always love seeing what other people come up with. Sometimes it's extremely original and actually make a lot of sense. Sometimes... not so much, but it's their character and I have mine to do with as I am pleased.

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See its much simpler than that, its that you're an rper and im not (never will be) so no matter what, the characters that you play in this game will be yours and yours only regardless of canon just because of the view you have on it. And yes i played KoToR 2 as a dude named Ralek, got to the last planet and didn't like how the abilities were ( i was getting stuck at certain enemies). soo i then did a little research on The Exile, found out she was a female...and so then decided to re-run as a female and then the game crashed so i didn't get to finish. Buuut regardless of that, i do enjoy re-running stuff and getting a different perspective. And that goes back to what i said early about having a simple yet concrete canon to a character. I'm just gonna accept that since nobody really knows, that most of the characters playable in game are between 18-30. (any older would start to get a little weird story wise with companions)
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